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61. Poland - Famous Poles - ATPC nobel LAUREATES Yosef Shmuel AGON (18881970) 1966 Literature (2). Roald HOFFMAN(1937 - ) 1981 Chemistry (2). klaus von klitzing (1943 -) 1985 Physics (2). http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~atpc/heritage/history/famous.html | |
62. Nobel Prizes In Physics [UWA Physics] The following is a complete listing of nobel Prize awards in Physics Z Simon van derMeer Stochastic cooling for colliders 1985 klaus von klitzing Discovery of http://www.physics.uwa.edu.au/Misc/nobel.html | |
63. Efeito Hall Quântico Translate this page Em 1980 o físico alemão klaus von klitzing descobriu em uma chamada de efeitoHall quântico inteiro, von klitzing recebeu o prêmio nobel em 1985. http://www.if.ufrj.br/teaching/hall/hall.html | |
64. Metanews: The Fractional Quantum Reportorial Effect In a 1980 refinement, German physicist klaus von klitzing found that smoothly increasingthe strength of the field klitzing won the 1985 nobel in Physics http://www.columbia.edu/cu/21stC/issue-3.4/hart.html | |
65. Premio Nobel De Fiziko - Vikipedio Fiziko Premio nobel de Fiziko Premio nobel. La Premio nobel de Fiziko estasdisdonata ekde 1901. Tiuj personoj gajnis gin 1985 klaus von klitzing. http://eo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premio_Nobel_de_Fiziko | |
66. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Sciences - Physics - Physicists - Phy 21. klitzing, klaus von 1985 nobel Prize http//www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1985/von klitzing became a nobel physics laureate for his discovery of the http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=331341 |
67. History Five years later, in 1985, klaus von klitzing was awarded nobel Prize in Physicsfor the discovery of quantum Hall effect. This was not the end of the story. http://www.pha.jhu.edu/~qiuym/qhe/node1.html | |
68. The Nobel Prize In Physics 1998 The three researchers are being awarded the nobel Prize for discovering that In 1980the German physicist klaus von klitzing discovered in a similar experiment http://www1.physik.tu-muenchen.de/~gammel/matpack/html/Chronics/nobel98-physics. | |
69. Nobel For Physics: All Laureates Ruska, Gerd Binnig, Heinrich Rohrer 1985 klaus von klitzing 1984 Carlo Thomson 1905Philipp Eduard Anton von Lenard 1904 The nobel Prize A History of Genius http://www.popular-science.net/nobel/phy-list.html | |
70. Untitled nobel.se webpage with info about each. Alferov, Zhores Chu, Steven Esaki, Leo Fischer,Ernst Giaever, Ivar Huber, Robert Josephson, Brian von klitzing, klaus http://www.phys.vt.edu/~ucn/Lindau2001/laureate.html | |
71. Campus-germany.de - Estudiar En Wurzburgo: Un Premio Nobel Sin Título De Bachil Translate this page No solamente Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen obtuvo el premio nobel, también sus de la sucesiónde premios Nóbeles que alcanza con klaus von klitzing hasta nuestros http://www.campusgermany.de/spanish/ | |
72. The Scientist - Small Particles, Big Role In Nobel Prize For Physics A century later, German physicist klaus von klitzing of the Max klitzing's discovery,dubbed the integer quantum Hall effect earned him the 1985 nobel Prize for http://www.the-scientist.com/yr1998/nov/russo_p5_981123.html | |
73. Institute Of Physics - Media Relations Professor klaus von klitzing, of the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Researchin Stuttgart, was awarded the 1985 nobel Prize for physics for the discovery http://physics.iop.org/IOP/Press/PR7902.html | |
74. Brockhaus - Nobelpreis Translate this page klaus von klitzing am Stutt-garter Max-Planck-Institut wusste, dass seine Entdeckungdes Quanten-Hall-Effekts in der Fachwelt als Meilenstein in der Geschichte http://www.brockhaus.de/presse/nobel/physik.html | |
75. ¿À´ÃÀÇ ´º½º In 1980, the German physicist klaus von klitzing pushed the Hall effect further,discovering a quantum Hall effect in a gas von klitzing won a nobel Prize in http://bric.postech.ac.kr/science/97now/98_10now/981013b.html | |
76. Nobel Physics Prize nobel Peace Prize for Physics. The Prize for Physics is the remaining ofthe original Prizes dating from 1901. 1985, klaus von klitzing, Germany. http://www.geocities.com/Axiom43/nobelphysics.html | |
77. GetFound Search Results klitzing, klaus von 1985 nobel Prize von klitzing became a nobelphysics laureate for his discovery of the quantized Hall effect. http://casinoblackjackroulette.us/chnl0.asp?keywords=Icq Banners |
78. Campus-germany.de - Studying In Würzburg Nobel Prize Without A From Xrays to klitzing The university also became Fischer and Eduard Buchner pickedup nobel Prizes. the coveted prize, is the physicist klaus von Klitzig New http://www.campus-germany.de/english/ |
79. Nobel Prize Translate this page nobel Prize. Rund hundert Jahre später wiederholte 1980 der deutsche PhysikerKlaus von klitzing dieses Experiment und studierte dabei mit sehr präzisen http://large.stanford.edu/rbl/nobel/news/welt.htm | |
80. Klaus Von Klizting Language English. klaus von klitzing 1943. klaus von klitzing was born in 1943in Sroda near Poznan, Poland. He finished Artland-Gymnasium in Quakenbruck. http://indykfi.atomki.hu/indyKFI/MT/klitzing.htm | |
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