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         Kim Dae Jung:     more books (100)
  1. Democratization and Regional Cooperation in Asia by Kim Dae-Jung Foundation, 1996
  2. A New Beginning: A Collection Of Essays by Kim Dae Jung, 1996-01-26
  3. Korea and Asia: A collection of essays, speeches, and discussions by Dae Jung Kim, 1994
  4. Building Peace and Democracy Philosophy by Kim Dae Jung, 1987-01-01
  5. Prison Writings by Kim Dae Jung, 1987-01-01
  6. The Korean Problem: Nuclear Crisis, Democracy and Reunification, A Collection of Essays, Speeches and Discussions by Kim Dae-jung, 1994
  9. Building peace & democracy: Kim Dae Jung philosophy & dialogues by Dae Jung Kim, 1987
  10. Kim Dae-Jung by Pyong-guk Kim, 1992
  11. Yoksa wa hamkke sidae wa hamkke: Kim Tae-jung chasojon (Korean Edition) by Dae Jung Kim, 1999
  12. Sarang hanun kajok ege: Kim Tae-jung okchung sosin moum (Korean Edition) by Dae Jung Kim, 1992
  13. Segye ui chidoja Kim Tae-jung =: Kim Dae-Jung (Korean Edition) by Norm Goldstein, 2000
  14. The Korean Peninsula: Is Kim Dae-jung's pursuit of a Korean Confederation realistic? (UPI working papers)

Translate this page derechos humanos como con la paz. kim dae-jung, nobel de Paz 2000. Reuters.EFE-AFP, Oslo y Seúl. Entre 150 aspirantes, el presidente
CANALES Actualidad Arte Buena vida Cine Chistes Compras Concursos Crucigramas Deportes DJ 24 Horas Juegos Modelos MTV Recetas Restaurantes Sitios de rumba Salud Tarot Teens Telenovelas Terra mundo [EXCLUSIVOS] El Tiempo Semana El Colombiano Enter Motor Soho SERVICIOS [LACIUDAD.COM] Cali Asp Buscador Chat Clasificados Consulta Legal Correo web El clima Foros Palm Tarjetas Timoteo BUSCAR sitios Colombia, Inicio Terra Aviso legal y privacidad

Inicio Nobel

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Ganadores 2002


Alternativo Ganadores 2001 Temporada Nobel Ganadores 2000 La ceremonia Física Literatura Medicina ... Química Disidente, presidente y Nobel El premio Nobel de la paz otorgado al presidente de Corea del Sur, Kim Dae-Jung, le otorga reconocimiento a una vida comprometida tanto con los derechos humanos como con la paz. Kim Dae-Jung, Nobel de Paz 2000. Reuters Llamado a menudo el "Mandela de Asia", Kim había sido propuesto hace 14 años como candidato al premio Nobel de la Paz, por una carrera política dedicada a la construcción de la democracia, en un país gobernado por dictaduras militares hasta finales de la década de los noventa.

62. Kim Dae-Jung's Engagement Policy And The South-South Conflict In
kim daejung was rewarded for his efforts with a nobel Peace Prize. Given this,kim deserves to relax. However, there's little reason for him to do so.

63. Nobel Winner Warns Of Anger Caused By Gap Between World's Rich And Poor
nobel laureates kim daejung, left, and Joseph Rotblat, right, at theHolmenkollen Park Hotel, in Oslo, Norway Thursday Dec. 6, 2001.
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Published on Thursday, December 6, 2001 by the Associated Press Nobel Winner Warns of Anger Caused by Gap Between World's Rich and Poor by Matti Huuhtanen Kim said the divide between the rich and poor is widening. "We have witnessed anger caused by the gap between rich and poor in a worldwide digital divide of the information era," he said at the three-day symposium that was to include the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu and Lech Walesa.
Nobel laureates Kim Dae-jung, left, and Joseph Rotblat, right, at the Holmenkollen Park Hotel, in Oslo, Norway Thursday Dec. 6, 2001. Kim Dae-jung and Roblat will be participating in Nobel Peace Prize Centennial Symposium Dec. 6 - 8. The 2001 Nobel Peace Prize awarding ceremony to United Nations and Kofi Annan will take place in Oslo Town Hall on Dec. 10. (AP Photo/Heiko Junge/SCANPIX)
The 2001 Nobel Peace prize, worth $940,000, will be presented Monday to the United Nations and its Secretary-General Kofi Annan. Kim won the prize for his reconciliation efforts on the Korean peninsula, which has been divided since 1945. "Peace on the Korean peninsula is not only the wish of the 70 million people there, it is the wish of the world," Kim said.

64. Nobel-prisen
Fredsprisen 2000. kim daejung Les hele saken. Sør pris. 12.10.01 1122 Les hele saken . nobel-prisen. Historien bak Les hele saken.
Sist oppdatert:




«Krig er alltid et onde»
– Krig er noen ganger et nødvendig onde. Men det forblir et onde, understreket ekspresident Jimmy Carter da han tirsdag ettermiddag tok imot Nobels fredspris.
Les hele saken
Nobelkomiteens begrunnelse Den Norske Nobelkomite har bestemt at Nobels fredspris for 2002 skal tildeles Jimmy Carter for hans iherdige innsats gjennom flere tiår for fredelig løsning av internasjonale konflikter, for demokrati og menneskerettigheter og for økonomisk og sosial utvikling. Les hele saken Nobel-linker Profil: Kim Dae-Jung Nobels fredspris Tidligere fredsprisvinnere Fakta om fredsprisen ... Det norske Nobelinstituttet Fredsprisen 2000 Kim Dae-Jung Sør-Koreas president fikk prisen for arbeidet med å stabilisere forholdet til Nord-Korea. Les hele saken Fredsprisen 2001 Derfor fikk FN og Annan prisen Her kan du lese pressemeldingen som Den Norske Nobelkomité sendte ut etter at det ble offentliggjort at FN og Kofi Annan får årets pris. Les hele saken Nobel-prisen Historien bak Alfred Nobel døde i 1896, men etterlot seg et testamente som har satt sitt preg på hele det tjuende århundre.

65. Nyheter - Utenriks - Kim Dae Jung Kom Til Kaldt Gardermoen
SørKoreas president kim dae jung ble mottatt med blomster av nobel-komitéensformann Gunnar Berge da han landet på Gardermoen fredag ettermiddag.


nyheter utenriks
Oppdatert 08.12.00 kl. 15:58
annonse Kim Dae Jung kom til kaldt Gardermoen
Til Norge.

Aftenposten Interaktiv Solskinnspolitikk BAKGRUNN
  • Jan Petersen: - Verdig prisvinner
  • Stoltenberg: - En verdig prisvinner
  • Bondevik: - Velfortjent pris til Kim Dae Jung
  • Kosmo: - Har kjempet hele livet ...
  • Den kalde krigens siste skanse LINKER
  • Fredsprisen til Kim Dae-jung - Nobelkomiteens begrunnelse i sin helhet
  • Fredsprisen 2000
  • Nobel e-museum - Nobelstiftelsens internasjonale hjemmesider NEWS IN ENGLISH
  • South Korean president to visit Norway
  • Nobel Peace Prize coverage BAKGRUNN
  • Leger uten grenser (Medicins sans Frontieres)
  • John Hume og David Trimble (Nord-Irland)
  • Den internasjonale kampanjen mot landminer og Jody Williams
  • Joseph Rotblat og Pugwash-bevegelsen ...
  • FNs fredsbevarende styrker Utgiver: Aftenposten A/S, Oslo, Norge. Telefon +47 22 86 30 00. var w0=0; document.write('');
  • 66. Socialist Affairs | Kim Dae-jung: Compartiendo La Globalización
    Translate this page El Presidente de Corea kim dae-jung, ganador del Premio nobel de Paz en elaño 2000, entrelaza los derechos humanos a los derechos económicos.
    El Presidente de Corea Kim Dae-jung Hubo un período, durante la década de 1970, en que ganó popularidad la idea de que la democracia de tipo occidental no echaría raíces en Asia, pero yo rechacé categóricamente esta teoría, que estaba basada supuestamente en las diferencias culturales entre Oriente y Occidente. Es posible encontrar cualquier cantidad de tradiciones democráticas milenarias, en el Confucianismo, el Budismo y las religiones autóctonas de Corea. Ellas incluyen "los seres humanos son como el cielo", "Sirve a las personas como servirías al cielo", o "todo en la tierra tiene el espíritu de Buda dentro de sí". Debemos deshacernos de este crimen contra la humanidad y la paz mundial. Todas las naciones del mundo deben unirse y encontrar medidas que pongan fin de una vez por todas al terrorismo.
    Socialist Affairs . Derechos reservados.
    Socialist Affairs o de la Internacional Socialista.

    67. Socialist Affairs | Kim Dae-jung: Partager La Mondialisation
    Translate this page Pour kim dae-jung, président de la Corée et lauréat du prix nobel en 2000,les droits de la personne et les droits économiques vont de pair.
    Partager la mondialisation Pour Kim Dae-jung
    Socialist Affairs
    Royaume-Uni - 12 livres sterling
    Autres pays - 15 livres sterling
    Retour au haut de la page Nouvelles de l'IS en direct Socialist Affairs en ligne ... Campagnes Internationale Socialiste, Maritime House, Old Town, Clapham, Londres, SW4 0JW, Royaume-Uni

    68. - POPOLI - Articolo 2000 12 13-
    Translate this page Il presidente sudcoreano, kim dae jung, il nobel per la Pace (consegnato il10 dicembre) se l'è guadagnato soprattutto nelle carceri del suo Paese.
    torna al sommario Dicembre 2000 - Rubriche
    Primopiano Kim Dae Jung Il presidente sudcoreano, Kim Dae Jung, il Nobel per la Pace (consegnato il 10 dicembre) se l'è guadagnato soprattutto nelle carceri del suo Paese. Dei suoi 75 anni, ne ha trascorsi sei in cella, e almeno altri 10 agli arresti domiciliari o in esilio. Prima di accedere alla massima carica dello Stato sudcoreano, Kim era già un uomo-simbolo, che soltanto la dittatura militare e le manovre dei servizi segreti erano riuscite a tenere lontano dalla guida del suo popolo.
    Il commento del cardinale Stephen Kim, ex arcivescovo di Seoul e figura carismatica della Chiesa coreana è stato spontaneo: "Il Premio Nobel per la Pace a Kim Dae Jung è un grande onore per lui, ma lo è anche per tutto il nostro popolo". Come le Olimpiadi del 1988 avevano mostrato al mondo le capacità tecniche e il benessere raggiunti dalla piccola Corea del sud, il Nobel a Kim Dae Jung, rende giustizia a un piccolo Paese finora salito alla ribalta soltanto per la logica della contrapposizione ideologica e strategica. Ed è curioso che proprio lui, non giovane, per anni quasi segregato dalla società, si sia fatto paladino di una "democrazia elettronica", basata sull'uso intensivo di internet come strumento di partecipazione popolare alla vita pubblica.
    Nato nel 1924 su una piccola isola meridionale e portati a termine gli studi nella città portuale di Mokpo, il futuro presidente si distinse presto come attivista sindacale nei cantieri navali della città. Un'ovvia premessa alla carriera politica. Ci vollero però ben cinque tornate elettorali perché Kim Dae Jung riuscisse finalmente ad arrivare in Parlamento. E non avrebbe potuto scegliere un momento meno opportuno. Poche settimane dopo, infatti, nel maggio 1961 il generale Park Chung Hee prendeva il potere con un colpo di stato militare. Per nulla intimorito, nel decennio successivo il combattivo Kim divenne una spina nel fianco del regime, crescendo in autorevolezza e popolarità, al punto che le elezioni del 1971 lo portarono, col 46% delle preferenze, a sfiorare la vittoria contro Park. Alcuni giorni dopo, un pesantissimo camion investiva deliberatamente la sua auto, uccidendo due ignari passeggeri, ma lasciandolo incolume.

    69. KoreaTimes : [Today's Editorial] Kim DJ's Peace Formula
    students from the students' association, kim said, upon hearing the nobel Peace Prizenews, ``It is total nonsense kim daejung received the nobel Peace Prize.
    document.write(ad_script); document.write(""); document.write(""); document.write(""); document.write(""); document.write(""); document.write(""); Discussions Reader's Voice Internet Ad Info Home Delivery ... About the KT
    Overseas - LA - Canada Archives Home Delivery [Today's Editorial] Kim DJ's Peace Formula
    Fresh from the honor of being the first Korean ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize for his contribution to easing the Cold War-era tension on the divided Korean Peninsula, President Kim Dae-jung Tuesday came up with his own peace formula for this part of the globe. Kim's basic idea features a process of South and North Korea taking the initiative to reach an agreement on a peace system in the framework of the four-party talks, thus putting an end to the Cold War on the peninsula with the United States and China guaranteeing the accord for a permanent peace settlement. Kim, who opened the era of reconciliation between the two halves of the peninsula which had been technically at war for the past half century by flying to Pyongyang for the historic summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-il in June, is expected to translate into action this formula in stages on the basis of the ``Seoul Declaration of Peace on the Korean Peninsula'' to be adopted at the end of the ASEM summit. The declaration, as President Kim asserted, will testify to the ASEM's full support for Seoul's ``Sunshine Policy'' of reconciliation and cooperation toward Pyongyang and peace on the peninsula.

    70. Kim Dae Jung Letter
    July 21, 1999 His Excellency kim dae jung President of Sincerely, Torsten Wiesel,MD, FRS Chair, Committee on Human Rights 1981 nobel laureate in Physiology or

    71. Korea Og Kim Dae Jung
    nobel Prize Winner Buoyed By His Faith (15. oktober 2000) 200010-13 1613 TyskspråklignyhetstekstFriedensnobelpreis an Südkoreas Präsidenten kim dae jung
    Korea og Kim Dae Jung
    Syd-Koreas president, Thomas More Kim Dae Jung, ble den 13. oktober 2000 kåret til vinner av Nobels Fredspris . President Kim Dae Jung er praktiserende katolikk, og hans anstrengelser for nasjonal forsoning både innen Syd-Korea og mellom de koreanske stater har også en kirkelig kontekst. På disse sidene bringer vi bakgrunnsstoff og nyheter om Kim Dae Jung og om og fra den katolske kirke i Korea. Les også vår artikkel om Korea-martyrene , som også gir en beskrivelse av kristendommens første tider i Korea.
    Nobelforedragene 2000
    Politiet stormer kirke i Sør-Korea (26. februar 2001)
    North Korea asks for "mad cows" to feed starving millions (14. februar 2001)
    Church's Human Rights Message Rejects Cloning, Death Penalty, Abortion (8. desember 2000)
    Document - Korean Church Seeks Reconciliation And Reform (5. desember 2000)
    North Korean Catholic Leader Visits Seoul, Fails To Meet Church Heads (5. desember 2000)
    Church Repents Past Wrongs And Hopes For New Advent (4. desember 2000)
    Caritas gets North Korean thanks for aid (3. desember 2000)

    72. Korea: Korean Nobel Prize Winner Buoyed By His Faith
    Thomas Han Hong Soon, professor of political economy at Hankuk University in Seoul,is proud of kim daejung's nobel Award, «as a Korean and as a Catholic
    Korean Nobel Prize Winner Buoyed By His Faith
    President Kim Dae-jung, a Catholic, Has Reached Out to the North
    ROME, OCT. 15, 2000 ( South Korea's Nobel Peace Prize-winner is a devout Catholic whose faith has motivated his overtures of reconciliation to North Korea, according to one observer. South Korean President Kim Dae-jung on Friday joined the select circle of Peace Prize winners, who include Mother Teresa of Calcutta.According to the Norwegian Nobel Committee, the award to the first Catholic Korean president in history is merited because of «his work for democracy and human rights in South Korea and in East Asia in general, and for peace and reconciliation with North Korea in particular.» Dae-jung, 75, has been president since February 1998, and since then, «has contributed to consolidate a democratic government and promote reconciliation with South Korea,» the Nobel Committee said. «Through his 'sunshine policy,' Kim Dae-jung has attempted to overcome more than 50 years of war and hostility between North and South Korea,» the chairman of the five-member Norwegian Nobel Committee, Gunnar Berge, said. «There may now be hope that the Cold War will also come to an end in Korea.» Last June, the South Korean's «sunshine policy» shone in all its splendor when he began the rapprochement with his Communist brother, Kim Chong-il, by taking part in a historical summit in Pyongyang, with the North's leader.

    73. Inter-Korean Ties 'stalemate' Kim Dae-Jung - December 07, 2001
    to get back on track, South Korean President kim daejung said here both sidescontinue to work on reconciliation, kim told fellow nobel Peace Prize

    74. Nobel Prize For Two Kims?
    We know very well that after becoming President, kim daejung has had two great wishesor dreams One of The second wish is being awarded the nobel Peace Price

    75. Kim Dae Jung,
    kim dae jung,. president of South Korea, met with the North's president, kimJong Il, in Pyongyang in June. kim won the nobel Peace Prize in Oct.

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    Newsletter You've got info! Help Site Map Visit related sites from: Family Education Network Biography Noteworthy People 2000 People in the News Kim Dae Jung, president of South Korea, met with the North's president, Kim Jong Il, in Pyongyang in June. The summit marked the first meeting of the countries' leaders. The officials signed a hopeful, yet vague, agreement that outlined plans for unification and peace, reunions of separated families, open communication between the leaders, and a reciprocal visit to South Korea by Kim Jong Il. Kim won the Nobel Peace Prize in Oct. Joseph Kibwetere, 2000 People in the News Phil Knight

    76. Anwar Ibrahim : Nobel Peace Prize Nominee 2002
    Kyi yang sudah lebih satu dekad dalam tahanan serta kim daejung dan Yasser memberisokongan moral dan dorongan kepada Anwar calon Anugerah nobel pertama dari
    Mandarin ANWAR IBRAHIM
    Nobel Peace Prize Nominee 2002
    Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai Anugerah Keamanan Nobel, sila lawat:

    For further information on the Nobel Peace Prize, please visit the above website Berilah sokongan, cetak poster kempen "Nobel untuk Anwar"
    warna / colour

    hitam putih / bw

    Give your support, print the "Anwar for Nobel" campaign poster ANWAR IBRAHIM Calon Anugerah Keamanan Nobel 2002 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee 2002 Setiap tahun, Institut Nobel di Norway menerima pencalonan untuk Anugerah Kedamaian Nobel. Pada tahun ini, rakyat Malaysia menerima berita bahawa pejuang Reformasi Anwar Ibrahim merupakan salah seorang calon untuk anugerah tersebut. Tentunya pencalonan ini menimbulkan rasa bangga di kalangan rakyat Malaysia. Pencalonan untuk anugerah ini merupakan satu penghormatan yang besar. Penerima anugerah pula bukanlah calang-calang orang. Mereka termasuk pejuang anti aparteid dan bekas Presiden Afrika Selatan Nelson Mandela, Presiden Palestin Yasser Arafat, Presiden Korea Selatan Kim Dae-jung, pejuang hak-hak asasi manusia Martin Luther King, setiausaha agung Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu Kofi Annan dan pemimpin perjuangan rakyat Burma Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.

    77. Cisco Nobel Programs
    The program delves into the history and traditions and the life and work of SouthKorean president and 2000 nobel Peace Laureate, kim dae jung. BBC HARD TALK.

    Nobel Prize Series


    Nobel Laureates

    Online PSAs
    Series Archive

    In 2000 Cisco supported the production and global distribution of broadcast television programs and a series of 12 "Nobel Moments" public service announcements (PSAs) as part of the Nobel Prize Series. For more than 20 years, the Nobel Prize Series has honored the achievements of Nobel Laureates with a variety of documentaries, specials and other programs that offer the world a glimpse into the lives and careers of some of the remarkable men and women who have earned the Nobel Prize.
    I N T E R N E T P A N E L 2000 Panel recorded at the Norwegian Nobel Institute in Oslo
    K E I T H F O X Panel participant, Keith Fox from Cisco
    This live panel was produced at the Norwegian Nobel Institute in Oslo, Norway, on December 11, 2000. It was taped and edited for international broadcast on BBC World. The program explored the relationships between peace, conflict, and poverty as well as how the Internet can provide opportunities for change as we look ahead to the next century.
    NOBEL INTERNATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS A W A R D P R E S E N T A T I O N 1997 Nobel Prize ceremony in Stockholm, Sweden

    78. Rights Groups Pressure Kim After Peace Prize (AFP)
    Oct 15 (AFP) International labour and rights groups on Sunday seized upon PresidentKim dae-jung's nobel Peace Prize and Seoul's hosting of an Asia-Europe
    World Tibet Network News
    Monday, October 16, 2000
    6. Rights groups pressure Kim after peace prize (AFP)
    SEOUL, Oct 15 (AFP) - International labour and rights groups on Sunday seized
    upon President Kim Dae-Jung's Nobel Peace Prize and Seoul's hosting of an
    Asia-Europe summit this week to demand greater attention to rights.
    Labour unions accused the South Korean government of failing to honour
    commitments on labour rights and of attacking workers' groups. Amnesty
    International and Human Rights Watch also expressed concern about government
    action in stopping visits by the Dalai Lama and Chinese dissident Wang Dan.
    Strong criticism came from international union leaders at a weekend seminar in
    Seoul that launched a series of events organised by non-governmental
    organisations ahead of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) summit on Friday and
    Saturday. South Korean police have launched stringent security measures around the conference hall to be used by 25 heads of state and government to prevent protests.

    79. 107 Korean Unionists In Prison Since May Day
    Alert September 19, 1998 107 Trade Unionists Imprisoned, 125 Wanted For ArrestBy The Korean Government Led By President kim dae jung, A nobel Peace Prize
    Date Prev Date Next Thread Prev Thread Next ... Thread Index
    107 Korean Unionists In Prison Since May Day ) - Arm The Spirit is an autonomist/anti-imperialist information collective based in Toronto, Canada. Our focus includes a wide variety of material, including political prisoners, national liberation struggles, armed communist resistance, anti-fascism, the fight against patriarchy, and more. We regularly publish our writings, research, and translation materials on our listserv called ATS-L. For more information, contact: Arm The Spirit P.O. Box 6326, Stn. A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1P7 Canada E-mail: WWW: ATS-L Archives:

    80. Gi¶i Nobel N¨m 2000
    Shirakawa ®­îc trao nobel ho¸ häc; nhµ v¨n Cao Hµnh KiÖn ®o¹t gi¶i nobelv¨n ch­¬ng vµ Tæng thèng Hµn Quèc kim dae jung giµnh nobel Hoµ B
    gi¶i nobel n¨m 2000 N ¨m 2000 ViÖn khoa häc Hoµng gia Thôy §iÓn vµ ViÖn Nobel Na Uy tËp trung trao gi¶i Nobel cho nh÷ng nghiªn cøu cã tÝnh øng dông cao, tõ vËt lý, ho¸ häc, y häc cho ®Õn kinh tÕ. Cã ba ng­êi ch©u ®­îc trao gi¶i Nobel: Hideki Shirakawa ®­îc trao Nobel ho¸ häc; nhµ v¨n Cao Hµnh KiÖn ®o¹t gi¶i Nobel v¨n ch­¬ng vµ Tæng thèng Hµn Quèc Kim Dae Jung giµnh Nobel Hoµ B×nh. Nobel VËt lý : Víi nh÷ng ®ãng gãp thiÕt thùc cho c«ng nghÖ th«ng tin vµ kü thuËt viÔn th«ng, Zhors L.Alferov vµ Herbert Kroemer ®­îc trao Nobel vËt lý. Nöa gi¸ trÞ cßn l¹i cña gi¶i nµy thuéc vÒ Jack S. Kilby cho ph¸t minh vi m¹ch. C«ng tr×nh nghiªn cøu cña nhµ khoa häc trªn cã gi¸ trÞ rÊt lín cho sù ph¸t triÓn cña c«ng nghÖ th«ng tin hiÖn ®¹i. Kroemer vµ Alferov lµ nh÷ng ng­êi ®øng ®Çu mÆt trËn nghiªn cøu chÊt b¸n dÉn øng dông trong ®iÖn tho¹i di ®éng, thiÕt bÞ liªn kÕt vÖ tinh, gãp phÇn h×nh thµnh diode laser (®iÒu khiÓn dßng ch¶y th«ng tin trªn Internet vµ cßn ®­îc øng dông trong m¸y h¸t ®Üa. G.MacDiarmid sinh n¨m 1927 t¹i New Zealand, lÊy b»ng tiÕn sÜ t¹i §¹i häc Wisconsin n¨m 1955. ¤ng lµ t¸c gi¶- ®ång t¸c gi¶ cña kho¶ng 600 bµi viÕt nghiªn cøu vµ 20 b¶n quyÒn, hiÖn gi¶ng d¹y t¹i §¹i häc Pennsylvania. Hideki Shirakawa sinh n¨m 1936, lÊy b»ng tiÕn sÜ t¹i ViÖn kü thuËt Tokyo n¨m 1966, hiÖn d¹y t¹i §¹i häc Tsukuba. Nobel y - Sinh häc : Arvid Carlsson thuéc khoa d­îc §¹i häc Gothenburg (Thôy §iÓn) ®­îc trao Nobel víi kh¸m ph¸ r»ng dopamine lµ chÊt dÉn truyÒn trong n·o vµ r»ng chÊt nµy ®ãng vai trß quan träng lín cho kh¶ n¨ng kiÓm so¸t cö ®éng. Nghiªn cøu cña Carlsson dÉn ®Õn viÖc nh×n nhËn r»ng bÖnh Pakinson lµ do thiÕu dopamine ë vµi phÇn trong n·o. Tõ kh¸m ph¸ then chèt trªn, Carlsson thùc hiÖn nhiÒu b­íc ph¸t triÓn sau ®ã vÒ c¬ chÕ cña dopamine vµ gióp t×m ra lo¹i thuèc trÞ bÖnh t©m thÇn ph©n liÖt. Paul Greengard thuéc Phßng thÝ nghiÖm khoa häc ph©n tö- tÕ bµo cña §¹i häc Rockefeller (New York, Mü) ®­îc trao gi¶i nhê kh¸m ph¸ vÒ c¬ chÕ ho¹t ®éng cña dopamine vµ mét sè chÊt dÉn truyÒn kh¸c ph¶n øng nh­ thÕ nµo trong n·o bé. ChÊt dÉn truyÒn tho¹t ®Çu ph¶n øng víi mét ®iÓm nhËy c¶m n»m trªn bÒ mÆt tÕ bµo, khiÕn n¶y sinh lo¹t ph¶n øng g©y ¶nh h­ëng lªn mét sè

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