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21. [10-20-00] Kim Dae Who? Nobel Winner Is A Legend At Home Over the past week, since South Korean president kim dae jung was awarded the NobelPeace Prize, I asked friends and strangers alike one question Do you know http://www.pacificnews.org/jinn/stories/6.21/001020-kim.html | |
22. Muzi.com | News : Kim, Dae-jung 200012-10. South Korean President Wins Peace Prize South Korea 2000-10-15.China's Zhu praises kim dae-jung after nobel prize China 2000-10-13. http://dailynews.muzi.com/ps/english/28018.shtml | |
23. Korea / Kim Dae Jung The nobel Committee says it honored kim daejung for his efforts in bringing democracyto South Korea - a country that suffered for decades under military http://www.fas.org/news/skorea/2000/skorea-001106.htm | |
24. Kim Dae Jung / North Korea South Korea under the leadership of nobel Laureate and President kim daejunghas been widely credited with warming Cold War relations by trying to engage http://www.fas.org/news/dprk/2001/dprk-010117.htm | |
25. Nobel Peace Prize? Who Gives Damn? I thought nobel Prize is an honorable prize. But, no one in Korea think itis honorable any more seeing that man like kim dae jung can win it. http://www.almaz.com/nobel/wwwboard/messages/432.html | |
26. Welcome To All India Online goes to kim daejung, the President of South Korea, for his heartfelt concernsfor human rights and the rule of democracy, which earned him the nobel Peace http://www.aiol.com/crownkick/archives/oct-18-00.html | |
27. BBC News | ASIA-PACIFIC | Kim Dae-jung: Korean Peacemaker links South Korean Government Office of the South Korean President Korean InformationService President kim daejung, Winner of the nobel Peace Prize The BBC http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/asia-pacific/newsid_970000/970536.stm | |
28. BBC News | ASIA-PACIFIC | S Korean Leader Wins Peace Prize President kim daejung. nobel Committee Chairman Gunnar Berge paid tribute toMr kim's sunshine policy to improve relations between the two countries http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/asia-pacific/newsid_970000/970236.stm | |
29. Presidente Sul-coreano Recebe O Nobel Da Paz | BBC Brasil Translate this page Segundo o presidente do Comitê do Prêmio nobel, Gunnar Berge, kim dae-jung mostroucoragem em tomar a iniciativa de acabar com 50 anos de hostilidade entre a http://www.bbc.co.uk/portuguese/noticias/001210_korea.shtml | |
30. Le Courrier DE LA Coree !!!-Politique Translate this page L. e Comité norvégien nobel a décidé d¡¯attribuer cette année le Prixnobel de la paix à kim dae-jung pour sa vie consacrée à la lutte pour la http://courrier.koreaherald.co.kr/SITE/data/html_dir/2000/12/21/200012210006.asp | |
31. Le Courrier DE LA Coree !!!-Politique Translate this page PRIX nobel Le courage de kim dae-jung loué G. eir Lundestad, l'hommequi dirige le processus de sélection des lauréats du prix http://courrier.koreaherald.co.kr/SITE/data/html_dir/2000/12/05/200012050006.asp | |
32. La Repubblica/cultura_scienze: A Kim Dae-Jung Il Nobel Per La Pace Translate this page Il prestigioso riconoscimento assegnato al presidente sud-coreano A kim dae-Jungil nobel per la pace, OSLO - Lo chiamano il Mandela dell'Asia. http://www.repubblica.it/online/cultura_scienze/nobel2000/pace/pace.html | |
33. CNN.com - Kim Dae-jung Dedicated To Reconciliation - June 14, When South Korean President kim daejung was presented with the nobel Peace Prizein Oslo, Norway, in December 2000, he pledged to dedicate the rest of his http://asia.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/east/06/12/bio.kim.daejung/ |
34. ±è´ëÁß ´ëÅë·É ³ëº§ÆòÈ»ó ¼ö»ó The Norwegian nobel Committee has decided to award the nobel Peace Prize for 2000to kim dae jung for his work for democracy and human rights in South Korea http://www.koreascope.org/english/sub/novel/main2.htm |
35. ±è´ëÁß ´ëÅë·É ³ëº§ÆòÈ»ó ¼ö»ó Significance of President kim daejung¡¯s Winning of nobel PeacePrize, President kim dae-jung was designated as the laureate of http://www.koreascope.org/english/sub/novel/main1.htm |
36. Telegraph | News | Links With North Praised As Kim Wins Peace Prize THE nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to President kim daejung of South Koreain recognition of the former dissident's high-stakes sunshine policy of http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2000/10/14/wnob14.xml |
37. TIME.com: Top Stories -- Kim Dae Jung: The Halo Slips to kim dae jung visited him at the presidential Blue House. It should have beena festive occasion. The South Korean President had just won the nobel Peace http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1101010917-174196,00.html | |
38. CNNItalia.it - Nobel A Kim Dae Jung, Il Mandela Asiatico - 13 Ottobre 2000 Translate this page nobel a kim dae jung, il Mandela asiatico. 13 ottobre 2000 Articolomesso in Rete alle 1152 ora italiana (0952 GMT). kim dae jung, http://www.cnnitalia.it/2000/MONDO/asiaoceania/10/13/nobel/ | |
39. KoreaTimes : [Liberal Times] Celebrating Kim Dae-jung In Norway Many foreigners also admire kim daejung for his glorious lifelong record as a freedomfighter and human rights activist. This year's nobel Peace Prize is a http://www.hankooki.com/kt_op/200011/t20001114174039481136.htm | |
40. Foundation Congratulates President Kim Dae-jung For Nobel Peace Prize Foundation congratulates President kim daejung for nobel Peace Prize. In the person of kim dae-jung an Asian Statesman will receive http://www.fnfkorea.org/fnst_eng/mokpo/nobel1.html | |
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