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         Kilby Jack S:     more detail
  1. The U.S. Patents of Harold S. Black, Jack S. Kilby and Robert N. Noyce by David Kraeuter, 2007-01-01
  2. The U.S. patents of Harold S. Black, Jack S. Kilby, and Robert N. Noyce (Pittsburgh Antique Radio Society monograph) by David W Kraeuter, 1999
  3. UNDERSTANDING DIGITAL ELECTRONICS ...Brings you basic understanding of the subject--written in everyday language. by GENE McWHORTER, 1984
  4. Jack St. Clair Kilby: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  5. Calculators: A Pocket-Sized Revolution: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, 2001
  6. The Development of Integrated Circuits Makes Possible the Microelectronics Revolution: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Giselle Weiss, 2001
  7. The Chip: How Two Americans Invented the Microchip and Launched a Revolution by T.R. Reid, 2007-12-18

41. AFOSR Nobel Winners
Air Force Office of Scientific Research nobel Prize Winners Sponsoredby AFOSR. 2000, 1984. jack S. kilby Texas Instruments. Physics.

Text Version of Site
Nobel Prize Winners Sponsored
Name and Institution Scientific Discipline and
"Award Citation Excerpt" Year Prize Awarded Year AFOSR Support
Began Supported by AFOSR Before They Won the Prize Polykarp Kusch
Columbia University,
New York, NY Physics "precision determination of the magnetic moment of the electron" Willis Eugene Lamb Stanford University,
Stanford, CA Physics "discoveries concerning the fine structure of the hydrogen spectrum" John Bardeen University of Illinois,
Urbana, IL Physics "researches on semiconductors and their discovery of the transistor effect" Willard F. Libby University of California,
Los Angeles, CA Chemistry "method to use carbon-14 for age determination in archaeology, geology, geophysics, and other branches of science" Robert Hofstadter Stanford University,
Stanford, CA Physics "pioneering studies of electron scattering in atomic nuclei and for his thereby achieved discoveries concerning the structure of the nucleons" Eugene Paul Wigner Princeton University

42. Nobel E-Museum
Wieman. 2000 Zhores I. Alferov, Herbert Kroemer, jack S. kilby. 1999 Wüthrich.2001 - William S. Knowles, Ryoji Noyori, K. Barry Sharpless.

43. Noyce And Kilby
for Miniaturized Electronic Circuits, were issued to jack S. kilby and 2000, TheRoyal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded jack kilby the nobel Prize in

A Tale of Two Brains
by James Redin "Jack Kilby's work spawned the microelectronics revolution that has changed forever the way we live, work, and communicate."
George H. Heilmeier, Bell Communications Research.

They were born four years apart in two distant places, and yet they were destined to start a technological revolution that changed the world. Without knowing each other, through two independent paths, both invented, almost at the same time, the Integrated Circuit (IC). Jack St Clair Kilby was born November 8, 1923 in Jefferson City, Missouri. In 1947 he received a BS degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois, and later, in 1950, a MSc from the University of Wisconsin. Robert Norton Noyce was born December 12, 1927 in Burlington, Iowa. He graduated from Grinnell College in 1949 and received his PhD in Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1953. Between 1947 and 1958, Jack Kilby worked at the Centralab Division of Globe Union Inc. in Milwaukee. His main responsibility were the design of ceramic-base silk screen circuit boards. Then, in 1958, he joined Texas Instruments in Dallas. Between 1953 and 1956, Robert Noyce worked as research engineer for Philco Corporation. Then, in 1956 he joined William B. Shockley, at the Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory in Mountain View, California. In 1957, with other friends, he founded Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation.

44. Prémios Nobel
Translate this page . Prémios nobel de Física. 2000 - Zhores I. ALFEROV ( russo ), Herbert KROEMER (americano ) e jack S. kilby ( americano ) Metade do prémio foi atribuída
Prémios Nobel de Física 2002 - Masatoshi Koshiba (japonês), Raymond Davis Jr., (norte-americano) e Riccardo Giacconi (norte-americano), foram galardoados, respectivamente, pelas suas contribuições pioneiras para a astrofísica, em particular na detecção de neutrinos (os dois primeiros) e pela descoberta das fontes cósmicas de raios X (o terceiro). Os seus trabalhos alteraram a simples forma de ver as estrelas, as galáxias e o Sol, que não têm sempre o mesmo aspecto, não são estáticos, mas envolvem processos de altas energias que emitem partículas que atravessam a Terra. 2001 - Eric CORNELL ( americano ), Carl WIEMAN ( americano ) e Wolfgang KETTERLE ( alemão ) Trabalhando em laboratórios separados, o trio criou um método de "ultra-resfriamento de átomos", usando temperaturas que são "milhões de vezes mais baixas do que as encontradas no espaço interstelar". A corrente de átomos altamente direccionável pode ser utilizada para fazer chips atómicos e estes novos produtos podem servir de base para uma nova geração da computação. 2000 - Zhores I. ALFEROV ( russo ), Herbert KROEMER ( americano ) e Jack S. KILBY ( americano )

45. Nobel Laureates Aided Information Age
the discoveries that ushered in this hitech era, the Royal Swedish Academy ofSciences awarded the 2000 nobel Prize in Physics to jack S. kilby of Texas
Number 204
December 2000
New Applications for Lasers Revolutionizing Light: LEDs, ELDs, and OLEDs ...
Symposium Announcements
Bylined articles in OE Reports reflect the author's opinion; inclusion in this publication does not necessarily constitute endorsement by the editors or by SPIE.
Nobel Laureates aided Information Age
Zhores Alferov
Jack S. Kilby
Herbert Kroemer
Hideki Shirakawa
Alan Heeger
Alan MacDiarmid The invention of the transistor, integrated circuit, and semiconductor heterostructures spawned a technological revolution that has culminated in the Information Age. Without these technologies, computers and the Internet wouldn't exist. Recognizing the discoveries that ushered in this hi-tech era, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the 2000 Nobel Prize in Physics to Jack S. Kilby of Texas Instruments for the invention of the integrated circuit; and Zhores I. Alferov (see SPIE Member Zhores Alferov awarded Nobel Prize, SPIE Scene ), director of the A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, and Herbert Kroemer, Univ. of California/Santa Barbara, for the semiconductor heterostructure, which is important in microelectronics (heterojunction bipolar transistor, high electron mobility transistor) and for laser diodes and LEDs. These developments spawned the new field of optoelectronics, the merger of optics and electronics in a hybrid manner. "We do have integration on the circuit board level," said SPIE Technical Director Jit Rai-Choudhury. "Though theoretically possible on an integrated circuit chip, it is not as cost-effective to fabricate III-V compounds alongside silicon, though there is promise with the development of conducting polymers."

46. Jack St. Clair Kilby
years later jack kilby’s interest led him to invent the microchip. kilby was named,along with three Russian scientists, as winners of the 2000 nobel Prize
Jack St. Clair Kilby
It was 1937. An ice storm hit Kansas, crushing telephone and power lines in the western part of the state, and leaving people isolated. As the president a small power company in Great Bend looked for a way to communicate with the rest of the world, he turned to amateur radio operators. The president’s teenage son accompanied him to meet with the ham operators and spurred a life-long fascination for electronics. Twenty-one years later Jack Kilby’s interest led him to invent the microchip. Kilby was named, along with three Russian scientists, as winners of the 2000 Nobel Prize in physics for their work in laying the foundations of information technology. Zhores Alferov and Herbert Kroemer of Russia, with Kilby from the U.S. share one half of the $1 million prize for work on developing semi-conductors. Kilby, of Texas Instruments, won the award for his part in the invention of the integrated circuit and as a co-inventor of the pocket calculator. After his first contact with ham radio, Jack Kilby got a license, built a transmitter, and began to operate the radios himself. He recalls that “the older hams...were very helpful - and tolerant of a young high school student. It convinced me that I wanted to study electrical engineering.” With bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the Universities of Illinois and Wisconsin respectively he began his career in 1947 with the Centralab Division of Globe Union, Inc. in Milwaukee, Wisconsin before being hired by Texas Instruments.

47. Nobel 2000 Z Fizyki - Nowinki Fizyczne - Wirtualny Wszechœwiat
Nowinki nobel 2000 z fizyki Laureatami Nagrody Nobla z fizyki w 2000 r. zostalitrzej fizycy dwaj amerykanscy, Herbert Kroemer ur. 1928 i jack S. kilby ur.
W³aœciwa strona - W³aœciwa strona -

48. Nobel 2000 Z Fizyki - Nowinki Fizyczne - Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat
nobel 2000 z fizyki. Laureatami Nagrody Nobla z fizyki w 2000 r. zostali trzejfizycy dwaj amerykanscy, Herbert Kroemer (ur. 1928) i jack S. kilby (ur.
W Na bie¿±co: I nformacje C o nowego Matematyka i przyroda: A stronomia B iologia ... odelowanie rzeczywisto¶ci Humanistyka: F ilozofia H istoria ... ztuka Czytaj: B iblioteka D elta ... ielcy i wiêksi Przydatne: S ³owniki C o i gdzie studiowaæ ... szech¶wiat w obrazkach Jeste¶ tutaj: Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat Informacje Nowinki 2000-2002 Fizyka Jeste¶ tutaj nowinka:
Nobel 2000 z fizyki
Jaros³aw W³odarczyk
z dnia:
Szukacz Przeszukaj Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat: Jak zadawaæ pytania?
Nobel 2000 z fizyki Laureatami Nagrody Nobla z fizyki w 2000 r. zostali trzej fizycy: dwaj amerykañscy, Herbert Kroemer (ur. 1928) i Jack S. Kilby (ur. 1923), oraz Rosjanin ¯ores I. Alferow (ur. 1930). Podzia³u nagrody dokonano w nastêpuj±cy sposób: 50% dla Alferowa i Kroemera za "wynalezienie struktur pó³przewodnikowych, stosowanych w optoelektronice" i 50% dla Kilby'ego za udzia³ w wynalezienie uk³adu scalonego.
Tegoroczna Nagroda Nobla z fizyki zosta³a przyznana za wk³ad nauki w rozwój nowoczesnej techniki elektronicznej i informatycznej. Prace Alferowa i Kroemera, zwi±zane z in¿ynieri± w skali atomowej, pozwalaj±c± budowaæ wyrafinowane uk³ady pó³przewodnikowe, umo¿liwi³y na przyk³ad konstrukcjê lasera pó³przewodnikowego. Na co dzieñ mamy z nim do czynienia, s³uchaj±c p³yt z odtwarzacza kompaktowego. O znaczeniu, jakie uk³ad scalony (mikroprocesor) odgrywa w dzisiejszej nauce i technice, nie trzeba przypominaæ. Ju¿ dawno przesta³y byæ czê¶ci± ¶wiata komputerów i kalkulatorów elektronicznych, wchodz±c do ¿ycia codziennego poprzez karty telefoniczne, aparaty fotograficzne, telefony komórkowe, kasy elektroniczne... i steruj±c dzia³aniem wielu urz±dzeñ. A pierwszy uk³ad scalony zosta³ skonstruowany w 1958 r.

49. Premiados Los Tres Impulsores De La Tecnología De La Información | EL MUNDO
Translate this page El ruso Zhores I. Alferov, y los estadounidenses Herbert Kroemer y jack S. kilby,comparten el premio nobel de Física de 2000 por sus trabajos para mejorar la
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NOBEL DE FISICA Premiados los tres impulsores de la tecnología de la información Martes, 10 de octubre de 2000 El ruso Zhores I. Alferov, y los estadounidenses Herbert Kroemer y Jack S. Kilby, comparten el galardón ESTOCOLMO El ruso Zhores I. Alferov, y los estadounidenses Herbert Kroemer y Jack S. Kilby, comparten el premio Nobel de Física de 2000 por sus trabajos para mejorar la velocidad de la transmisión de los computadores . Los tres investigadores «sentaron las bases de la moderna tecnología de la información (IT), especialmente a través de su invento de los transistores rápidos, los diodos laser y los circuitos integrados (chips)», informa el organismo. Según lo dispuesto por la Real Academia sueca de Ciencias, Alferov y Kroemer percibirán en conjunto la mitad del premio en efectivo por «desarrollar heteroestructuras de semiconductores utilizadas en electrónica rápida y en optoelectrónica». La otra mitad del galardón está destinada a Kilby, «por su participaciónen la invención del circuito integrado», indica la justificación del Nobel de Física.

50. The 2000 Nobel Physics Prize - Press Release
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the nobel Prize in in highspeed-and opto-electronics and one half to jack S. kilby Texas Instruments

51. SwRI Fall/Winter Technology Today Article
Research Institute trustee, the nobel Prize in SwRI reciprocates kilby’s regardfor the association. an engineering visionary like jack kilby,” said SwRI
SwRI Congratulates Nobel Winner Kilby
Jack Kilby was a new employee at Texas Instruments in July 1958 when his co-workers left on a traditional two-week company vacation. While he stayed behind to man the shop, Kilby invented an electronic chip smaller than a postage stamp — and launched a revolution. Forty years later, the Royal Swedish Academy awarded Kilby, a Southwest Research Institute trustee, the Nobel Prize in physics for his role in the invention of the integrated circuit. Kilby, 77, is retired from TI, where he still serves as a consultant. He became one of SwRI’s 118 trustees in 1986. “I think Southwest Research Institute is a most important organization and I’m very pleased to have contact with them,” he told Technology Today SwRI reciprocates Kilby’s regard for the association. “We at Southwest Research Institute are proud to be associated with an engineering visionary like Jack Kilby,” said SwRI President Dan Bates. “Through his remarkable achievement, Mr. Kilby personifies the ideals of this Institute — excellence, quality, and service to humankind.” Kilby will share the $920,000 physics prize with two physicists credited with developing semiconductor heterostructures. Russian Zhores I. Alferov and German-born Herbert Kroener will share half of the physics prize; Kilby will receive the other half. The prize will be awarded in a ceremony in Stockholm in December.

52. Mo' Better Science
Yes, folks, it's nobel time. Hate your computer? Then you loathe the firstintegrated circuit, invented by jack kilby at Texas Instruments in 1958.

53. Announcement Of The 2000 Nobel Prizes: Fine Library, Princeton University
in the nervous system Source Press release on the nobel Prize in Barbara, California,USA), and with the other half to jack S. kilby (Texas Instruments
Announcement of the 2000 Nobel Prizes
the Sveriges Riksbank (Bank of Sweden) Prize
in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel
Announcements week of October 9-13
    Medicine and Physiology Arvid Carlsson Paul Greengard (Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Science, Rockefeller University, New York, USA)and Eric Kandel
    : with one half jointly to Zhores I. Alferov (A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia) and Herbert Kroemer (University of California at Santa Barbara, California, USA),
    and with the other half to Jack S. Kilby "The researchers' work has laid the foundations of modern information technology, IT, particularly through their invention of rapid transistors, laser diodes, and integrated circuits (chips)."
    Source: Press release on the Nobel Prize in Physics 2000 , Swedish Academy of Sciences
      Zhores I. Alferov

54. Hall Of Scientists Inventors
Jerome Kern. Charles Kettering. jack S kilby. Stephanie Louise Kwolek. SimonLake. Sir Isaac Newton. Julius Nieuwland. Alfred nobel. Alfred nobel. Alfred nobel.

55. Nobel Prize In Physics - The Economist - Informed Choices
The passage in Alfred nobel’s will which sets up the of the benefit conferred bythis year’s winners second half of the 20th century than jack kilby, one of Valcic/article.htm
The Economist on the Nobel Prizes
Informed choices
Oct 12th 2000
From The Economist print edition
IN ASPIRANT Nobel laureates, patience is undoubtedly a virtue. The passage in Alfred Nobel’s will which sets up the prizes refers to "those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit to mankind". This clause, presumably intended to inspire a sense of urgency, is honoured more frequently in the breach than in the observance. There is no question of the benefit conferred by this year’s winners. Few men, for example, have had a greater impact on the second half of the 20th century than Jack Kilby, one of three winners of the prize for physics. Dr Kilby invented the integrated circuit—the basis of the zillions of silicon chips found around the world in devices as diverse as computers and dishwashers. He did it, however, in 1958. Never say the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences is not lengthy in its deliberations.
b est v iewed in
webdesign by Lovro Valcic, October 19, 2000

56. Nobel Prizes In Physics
nobel Prizes in Physics. Germany/USA, *1928) for developing semiconductor heterostructuresused in highspeed- and opto-electronics jack S. kilby (USA, *1923

57. Nobel Fisika Dianugerahkan Pada Pengembang Internet
untuk sains, lembaga yang berwenang menilai kandidat pemenang nobel, memulai pertimbangan 7,5milyar rupiahdiserahkan pada jack S. kilby, pensiunan insinyur
Cari Teks
Berita Kuno
Desember 2000
November 2000

Oktober 2000

September 2000
Januari 2000

Nobel Fisika Dianugerahkan Pada Pengembang Internet
ANUGERAH Nobel bidang fisika tahun ini berbeda dari kebiasaan. Royal Swedish Academy untuk sains, lembaga yang berwenang menilai kandidat pemenang Nobel, memulai pertimbangan pemberian anugerah tahun ini dengan puja-puji dampak luas dari Internet. Menurut mereka, perkembangan Internet yang demikian fantastis ini tak bisa lepas dari hasil temuan ketiga pemenang yang mereka rekomendasikan tersebut. Setengah dari uang hadiah tersebut 9 juta kronor atau sekitar 7,5 milyar rupiah-diserahkan pada Jack S. Kilby, pensiunan insinyur berusia 76 tahun di perusahaan Texas Instruments di Dallas, Amerika Serikat. Kilby dihargai atas penemuan pada Integrated Circuit (IC), benda elektronik kecil yang menjadi roh komputer. Jumlah yang sama dibagi berdua pada Dr. Zhores I. Alferov (70), direktur A. F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute di St. Petersburg, Russia, dan Dr. Herbert Kroemer (72), fisikawan dari Universitas California di Santa Barbara, Amerika Serikat. Dr. Alferov dan Dr. Kroemer secara terpisah mengembangkan komponen elektronika yang disebut heterostrukture. Benda padat ukurannya sekecil panjang gelombang sinar-laser yang berfungsi untuk mempercepat penerimaan atau pengiriman sinyal secara menakjubkan. Heterostruktur disisipkan pada hampir semua perangkat yang berbasis sinar laser seperti compact disc, telepon selular, satelit, juga serat optik. ''Tanpa struktur ajaib itu, tidak akan pernah ada yang namanya CD players dan CD lainnya," kata Kroemer.

58. PhysicsWeb - Nobel Prize Goes To Semiconductor Pioneers
speed and opto-electronics. The other half goes to jack kilby of Texas The Nobelfoundation credits this year's prize-winners with laying the foundations for

59. ¿Æ½ÌƵµÀ
Winner of the 2000 nobel Prize in Physics 2000 smallpaid off in a big way for electrical engineer jack S. kilby, who, along
Winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize in Physics 2000Äêŵ±´¶ûÎïÀí½±»ñµÕß
Thinking small paid off in a big way for electrical engineer Jack S. Kilby, who, along with Robert Noyce, applied the theories already advanced by the invention of the transistor to the development of the integrated circuit, or microchip, the tiny pieces of silicon that drive today¡¯s computers.
Kilby found what he was looking for at Texas Instruments (TI), which also had acquired a Bell Labs license for manufacturing transistors and had several military contracts for developing silicon transistors. He joined Texas Instruments in 1958, and was employed by them until he retired in the early 1970s.
In February 1959, Kilby and TI filed a patent for the "Miniaturized Electronic Circuit." The following month, TI introduced the integrated circuit at the Institute of Radio Engineers Show, offering the devices for sale at $450 each. Just four months later, Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor filed a patent for a semiconductor that was remarkably similar to Kilby¡¯s, but based on a different manufacturing process.
In 2000, Jack Kilby was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his part in the invention of the integrated circuit.

60. Bright Research Pte Ltd. News Particularly
Royal Academy of Sciences has announced names of the nobel Prize winners in with HerbertKroemer from the Californian university and jack S. kilby from Texas
Russian scientist has received the Nobel Prize in physics
On 10 of October, the Royal Academy of Sciences has announced names of the Nobel Prize winners in physics for 2000. They were Dr. Zhores I. Alferov who is currently residing in St. Petersburg together with Herbert Kroemer from the Californian university and Jack S. Kilby from Texas Instruments.
Mr. Jack S. Kilby has received the premium award for the development of microchips, which are the basis in the creation of modern processors. In all devices - from home appliances to personal computers - the chips were developed based on Kilby’s principles. Dr. Zhores I. Alferov and Mr. Herbert Kroemer have both received the premium awards for the development of semi-conductor elements used in super-fast computers. Their researches have lead to the development of optic-fiber communication devices.
Dr.Alferov gave a short speech after receiving the highly claim Nobel prize, in his speech the 70 years old prize winner mentioned that, "It is, undoubtedly, the symbol of the international recognition of achievement of our Soviet and Russian physics ". Dr. Alferov is the Director of Ioffe physico-technical Institute; he also heads the St. Petersburg branch of Russian Academy of Science, and the deputy of State Parliament.

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