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Kilby Jack S: more detail | ||||||
21. Tech Tidbit -- December 18, 2000 Video interview with kilby and video of kilby's nobel lecture. University ofIllinois engineering graduate jack S. kilby wins 2000 nobel Prize in Physics http://www.alteich.com/tidbits/t121800.htm | |
22. INDEX Kandel, Eric. kilby, jack S. kilby, jack S. Kroemer, Herberet. Kroemer, Herbert.LAN. Minisky, Marvin Lee. Molecules. Niels Bohr. nobel prize. nobel Prize. nobel prize. | |
23. Jack Kilby emptied the Texas Instruments building, jack kilby (BS 47 kilby maintains tieswith the College of Engineering Bardeens 1956 nobel Prize, shared with two http://www.engr.uiuc.edu/publications/outlook/Text, 41-1/kilby.htm | |
24. Context Weblog Science ucsb.edu/Faculty/Kroemer/default.html jack S. kilby http//www.ti.com/corp/docs/kilbyctr/jackstclair.shtml Information for the public. The nobel Prize in http://www.straddle3.net/context/sci/s_001010.en.html |
25. News Release 8/2002: Nobel Prize-winning Engineer Jack Kilby To Speak At The Uni http://www.utexas.edu/admin/opa/news/02newsreleases/nr_200208/nr_kilby020830.htm | |
26. ABCNEWS.com : Russian, Two Americans Win Nobel jack S. kilby of Texas Instruments was one of the winners of the Nobelphysics prize in Stockholm. kilby won for his part in the http://abcnews.go.com/sections/science/DailyNews/nobel_physics001010.html | |
27. UNT CAS | Nobel Laureate Visits UNT's Materials Science Lab News nobel Laureate jack S. kilby recently visited the Department of Material ScienceLaboratory for Electronic Materials and Devices to review the advanced http://www.cas.unt.edu:8000/articles/02/12/17/1952225.shtml | |
28. Searches Fast As The Wind MSN. 11. jack S. kilby Autobiography. jack S. kilby â Autobiography http//www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/2000/kilby-a MSN. 12. http://www.blowsearch.com/search.php?Terms=jack kilby |
29. Tech - Fizikai Nobel-díj Informatikai Fejlesztésekért A fizikai nobeldíj felét az amerikai jack S. kilby kapja, aki a Texas Instrumentscég kutatójaként 1958-ban Robert Noyce-szal közösen kifejlesztette az http://index.hu/tech/tudomany/nobel1010/ |
30. Online NewsHour: Nobel Prize In Physics -- October 10, 2000 The 2000 nobel Prize in Physics went to Zhores I. Alferov and Herbert Kroemerfor their work on semiconductors and to jack S. kilby for developing the http://www.pbs.org/newshour/nobel2000/physics.html | |
31. Nobel Prize Winners Hold Patents For Award Winning Work and Herbert Kroemer each hold US patents for the work for which they were honoredwith the 2000 nobel Prize for Physics. jack S. kilby, received patents for http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/com/speeches/00-59.htm | |
32. PennNews: Jack Kilby Receives Pender Award jack kilby, father of the microchip and 2000 nobel Prize winner in physics, willreceive the highest honor of the University of Pennsylvanias School of http://www.upenn.edu/pennnews/releases/2001/Q1/kilby.html | |
33. The Nobel Prize In Physics 2000 Through their inventions this year's nobel Laureates in physics have laid a stablefoundation for modern information technology. jack S. kilby is being http://www1.physik.tu-muenchen.de/~gammel/matpack/html/Chronics/nobel00-physics. | |
34. Kilby Wins Nobel jack S. kilby and the late achievements of the 20th century (see website www.greatachievements.org) It is befitting therefore the nobel Prize committee http://www.technotimes.org/001015A.htm | |
35. The Nobel Prize In Physics, 2000 the start of the development of modern semiconductor technology (nobel Prize in ofan integrated circuit were two young engineers, jack S. kilby and Robert http://www.punjabilok.com/science/press_phynoble2.htm | |
36. ChipCenter: The Web's Definitive Electronics Resource eChips(See Footnote 1) send our hardiest congratulations and best wishes tofellow electronic design engineer jack kilby for winning the nobel Prize. http://www.chipcenter.com/eexpert/belfman2/belfman030.html | |
37. ChipCenter: The Web's Definitive Electronics Resource Last year, I did an article on the year 2000 nobel Prize for of the University ofCalifornia at Santa Barbara, California; and jack S. kilby, now retired http://www.chipcenter.com/eexpert/belfman/belfman049.html |
38. Jack Kilby: Pioneer Of The Modern Age | Science And Technology | BBC World Servi of numbers In July 1958 jack kilby was working for of the inventor The work that kilbywas involved Through their inventions this years nobel laureates laid http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/sci_tech/highlights/001019_kilby.shtml | |
39. FIZIKAI NOBEL-DIJ - 2000 A nobel díj felét jack S. kilby, a Texas Instrument nyugdíjasmunkatársa kapta. Elso ránézésre o kevésbé felel meg a http://www.kfki.hu/fszemle/archivum/fsz0102/belez.html |
40. Electrical Engineering Alumnus Receives Nobel Prize jack St. Clair kilby, a 1950 MS graduate in electrical engineering,has been named a cowinner of the 2000 nobel Prize in physics. http://www.engr.wisc.edu/alumni/perspective/27.2/nobel.html | |
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