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Kendrew Sir John Cowdery: more detail |
61. Nobel. Chemia. Kalendarium 1112-00, 1224) nobel z chemii biologicznych zwiazków siarki 1956 - sir CyrilNorman Perutz (Wielka Brytania) i john cowdery kendrew (Wielka Brytania http://www1.gazeta.pl/nauka/1,34141,93871.html | |
62. Technical Information Center USP, US Pharmacopoeia. A Century of nobel Prize Winners in Chemistry. 1962,Max Ferdinand Perutz sir john cowdery kendrew Globular proteins. http://www.accustandard.com/asi/tech_info_center.php3 | |
63. Ëàóðåàòû Íîáåëåâñêèõ ïðåìèé ïî õèìèè Alphabetical listing of nobel prize laureates in Chemistry. Name. Year Awarded. Karrer,Paul, 1937. kendrew, sir john cowdery, 1962. Klug, sir Aaron, 1982. http://orel.rsl.ru/archiv/nob_ch.htm | |
64. Behind The Name: Nobel Prize Winners By Category nobel Prize Winners by Category. Name, Years, Type, Also Known As. sir CyrilNorman Hinshelwood, 1956, Chemistry, john cowdery kendrew, 1962, Chemistry, http://www.behindthename.com/namesakes/nobelchro.html | |
65. Anthroposophie Forum - Bibliothek: Biographien Bedeutender Forscher kendrew, sir john cowdery; Newlands, johnAlexander Reina @ Michigan Tech US; Newton, Issac @ Virginia US; nobel, Alfred SE; http://www.anthroposophie.net/bibliothek/nawi/bib_nawi_biographie.htm | |
66. Untitled Document The eight nobel laureates on crystallography Jerome Karle, Johann Deisenhofer,Herbert A. Hauptman,. Hartmut Michel, sir john cowdery kendrew, Clifford G. http://www.scripps.edu/~jinghua/seattle1.html | |
67. Nobel Laureates - [Chemistry] nobel Laureates, 1962 The prize was divided equally between MAX FERDINAND PERUTZand sir john cowdery kendrew for their studies of the structures of globular http://www.nobel.1001designs.com/chemistry.html | |
68. John Kendrew By Max Perutz prizewinners. Probably the most relevant ones are Biography of sir JohnCowdery kendrew winner of nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1962; Prize http://img.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/BCA/obits/jck.html | |
69. Nature Publishing Group sir john kendrew died on 23 August, aged 80. for molecular biology at the CavendishLaboratory, Cambridge, under sir Lawrence Bragg (kendrew may also http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nature/journal/v389/n6649/full/ |
70. John Cowdery Kendrew john cowdery kendrew(19171997). ? ?. kendrew died in Cambridge on 23rdAugust aged 80. sir john The first big meeting was a rather happy accident. http://home.postech.ac.kr/~smw1905/jundang/kendrew.htm | |
71. Nobel Prize In Chemistry - Wikipedia http//www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/index.html. 1955 Vincent du Vigneaud 1956Sir Cyril Norman 1962 Max Ferdinand Perutz, john cowdery kendrew 1963 Karl http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_Prize/Chemistry | |
72. Nobel.html Winners of the nobel Prize in Chemistry. 1962 sir john cowdery Kendrewand Max Ferdinand Perutz Studies of hemoglobin and myoglobin. http://server.ccl.net/cca/documents/dyoung/topics-framed/nobel.shtml | |
73. Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Winners of the nobel Prize in Chemistry. 1962 sir john cowdery Kendrewand Max Ferdinand Perutz Studies of hemoglobin and myoglobin. http://www.ccl.net/cca/documents/dyoung/topics-orig/nobel.html | |
74. Laureáti Nobelovy Ceny Za Chemii Informace o knize vydané nakladatelstvím Alda.Category World Czech Veda Chemie...... Jejich plné znení je uverejnováno v publikaci Les Prix nobel. 1957, SirAlexander Robertus Todd. 1958, Frederick Sanger. 1962, john cowdery kendrew. http://mujweb.atlas.cz/www/nobelchemie/ | |
75. Nicolas Rivière - Site Perso. PRIX nobel DE Karl Ziegler, Giulio Natta 1962 Max Ferdinand Perutz, john cowdery Kendrew1961 Melvin Sanger 1957 Lord (Alexander R.) Todd 1956 sir Cyril Norman http://www.nriv.free.fr/sciences/dossiers/nobel/nobel.htm |
76. AIM25: Royal Institution Of Great Britain: Bragg, Sir William Lawrence (1890-197 Scope and content/abstract Papers of sir William Lawrence Bragg won in 1915, 19641966,the nobel Prize winners Max Perutz, john kendrew, Francis Crick http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/search2?coll_id=3061&inst_id=17 |
77. Web Sites Mentioned In BCA News December 97 Issue No, 63 p13 nobel Museum and Biography of sir john cowdery Kendrewp13 Birkbeck Internet Protein crystallography Course p14 Publications of http://bca.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/bca/cnews/ww98.html | |
78. Química Translate this page 1962 - Max Ferdinand Perutz, john cowdery kendrew 1961 - Melvin Wilhelm Kaurin Tiselius1947 - sir Robert Robinson James Batcheller Sumner, john Howard Northrop http://www.klickeducacao.com.br/Conteudo/Referencia/CDA/Item_View/1,1655,2378--- |
79. Nobel E-Museum: The Nobel Prize In Chemistry - Laureates The nobel Prize in Chemistry Laureates. Natta 1962 Max Ferdinand Perutz, john CowderyKendrew 1961 Melvin 1957 Lord (Alexander R.) Todd 1956 sir Cyril Norman http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/ | |
80. History Of Chemistry from Methuen, Elias James Corey, Elias James Corey sir john Warcup Cornforth, 1975Press Release The 1975 nobel Prize in Chemistry, sir john Cornforth, sir http://www.chemistrycoach.com/history_of_chemistry.htm |
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