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61. LIRE AVEC LES OREILLES - La Médiathèque Translate this page LESKO Claude Lecteur Note kawabata yasunari (1899-1972) est l'un des grands auteursjaponais du XX ième siècle. Il recut le prix nobel de littérature en http://www.lamediatheque.be/documents/fureur/annee2000/INTERPRETESK_2.htm |
62. LiteraryCritic.com Nobel Prize nobel Prize winners 1901 Armand, René François. (Germany) titles 1967- Asturias, Miguel A.. (Guatemala) titles 1968 - kawabata, yasunari. http://www.literarycritic.com/nobel.htm |
63. Premio Nobel De Literaturo - Vikipedio Premio nobel Premio nobel de literaturo Literaturpremioj Literaturo. Jenajautoroj ricevis la Premion nobel de Literaturo 1968 kawabata yasunari. http://eo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premio_Nobel_de_Literaturo |
64. Kawabata, Yasunari HUTCHINSON ENCYCLOPEDIA. kawabata, yasunari. Japanese novelist. He was the firstJapanese to be awarded the nobel Prize for Literature, in 1968. back. http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0014024.html | |
65. Swishweb.com Arts Culture Literature Nobel Prize In Home Arts Culture Literature nobel Prize in Literature 19482000, Year, Winner.1948, TS (Thomas Stearns) Eliot. 1968, kawabata yasunari. 1969, Samuel Beckett. http://www.swishweb.com/Arts_and_Culture/Literature/artcult02l.htm |
66. Nobel Prize Winners For Literature nobel Prize Winners for Literature. Year, Author, Country*, Literary Area. 1969,Beckett, Samuel, Ireland, novelist, dramatist. 1968, kawabata yasunari, Japan, novelist. http://www.worksonline.org/awards/nobel.htm | |
67. Vitalog.com - Search By Activity Prize for Literature in 1954 HESSE Hermann (1877 1962) German novelist, poet, winnerof the nobel Prize for Literature in 1946 kawabata yasunari (1899 - 1972 http://www.vitalog.com/cgi-bin/exploring/proffesion.cgi?cod=1018&sort=name |
68. News On Japan - Nippon Shop - Books : Fiction : Classics nobel Prizewinning Japanese novelist yasunari kawabata tells a luminous story ofdesire, regret, and the almost sensual nostalgia that binds the living to the http://www.newsonjapan.com/html/nippon_shop/Books/Fiction/Classics/ | |
69. V.S. Naipaul: Literaturnobelpreisträger 2001 Translate this page yasunari kawabata bei dtv - Von yasunari kawabata sind bei dtv Titel erschienenyasunari kawabata im Internet - kawabata im Electronic nobel Museum Project. http://www.naipaul.de/start_4.htm | |
70. China Says Nobel Literature Prize Discriminatory Only three Asians have won the nobel Literature Prize Rabindranath Tagore of Indiain 1913, yasunari kawabata of Japan in 1968 and Kenzaburo Oe of Japan in http://www.tibet.ca/wtnarchive/1997/1/25_1.html | |
71. ICARITO Translate this page Los nobel de Literatura en la historia. AÑO, PREMIO nobel. 1967, Asturias,Miguel Angel (Guatemala). 1968, kawabata, yasunari (Japón). http://icarito.tercera.cl/enc_virtual/castella/nobel/pnobeles.htm | |
72. PREMIOS NOBEL Translate this page PREMIOS nobel DE LITERATURA Y PAZ. AÑO. LITERATURA. PAZ. 1901. Sully Prudhomme. (no concedido). 1968. kawabata yasunari. René Cassin. 1969. Samuel Beckett. http://espanol.geocities.com/andy_n_ve/nobel.html | |
73. Literature Author Biographies And Writer Stories Gjellerup biography; John Galsworthy biography; List nobel Prize Winner RudyardKipling Biography; yasunari kawabata biography; Jack Kerouac biography; Halldor http://www.essortment.com/in/Literature.Authors/ |
74. Week8, Japanese 231, Spring 1998 At OSU kawabata yasunari (18991972) - poor beauty of Japan/ a sensualist and perceptionalist ,very female style, Miyabi, Monono aware, suicide. 1968 won the nobel http://deall.ohio-state.edu/nakayama.1/J231/Literature.htm | |
75. Yasunari Kawabata (1899 - 1972) novelists. In 1968, kawabata received the nobel Prize for Literature.kawabata Books, 1952. yasunari kawabata books currently available. http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~raytrace/lit/authors/y_kawabata/ | |
76. NRK - Litteratur nobelprisvinnere i litteratur 1901-2000 Publisert 12.01.2001 1344 Tyskland/ Sverige1967 Miguel Angel Asturias, Guatemala 1968 kawabata yasunari, Japan 1969 http://www.nrk.no/litteratur/681864.html |
77. International: Italiano: Arte: Letteratura: Premi_Letterari: Nobel: Kawabata,_Ya Translate this page In tutta la Directory. http://open-site.org/International/Italiano/Arte/Letteratura/Premi_Letterari/Nob | |
78. Yoshimoto Banana And Kawabata Yasunari (translated by Ann Sherif). NP Faber and Faber Limited. London, England. 1994;Information on kawabata yasunari comes from theNobel Laureates Home Page. http://www.earlham.edu/~japanink/banana.html | |
79. Bigchalk HomeworkCentral Kawabata, Yasunari (1968) (FL) HIGH SCHOOL BEYOND Biography Biographies by Profession NobelPrize Winners Literature FL kawabata, yasunari (1968). http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Reg |
80. Kawabata Yasunari:A World Of Beauty Loved By A Literary Legend In addition to his literary prowess, kawabata yasunari (18991972), Japan's firstNobel Laureate for Literature, was renowned as a discerning connoisseur who http://www.suntory.co.jp/sma/english/exhibition/20021029_kawabata/ | |
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