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Kapitsa Pyotr Leonidovich: more detail |
41. PREMIOS NOBEL DE FISICA Translate this page PREMIOS nobel DE FISICA. AÑO, PREMIADO. 1901, WILHELM CONRAD ROENTGEN. 1978,pyotr leonidovich kapitsa - ARNO ALLAN PENZIAS - ROBERT WOODROW WILSON. http://es.geocities.com/historalia/premios_nobel_fisica.htm | |
42. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Sciences - Physics - Physicists - Phy kapitsa, pyotr leonidovich 1978 nobel Biography http//www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1978/kapitsa-bio.htmlRead a biography of the Russian nobel laureate http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=331341 |
43. Dr.Tarek Said's Homepage-Nobel Prize Winners LEGER ) 1959 SALVATORE QUASIMODO 1958 BORIS leonidovich PASTERNAK 1957 nobel Prizein Physics Pakistan, b. Weinberg, Steven 1978 kapitsa, pyotr Leonidovic h http://www.geocities.com/tsaid3/nobel.html | |
44. NOBEL FÝZÝK ÖDÜLLERÝ Watson Cronin, Val Logsdon Fitch 1979 Sheldon Lee Glashow, Abdus Salam, Steven Weinberg1978 pyotr leonidovich kapitsa, Arno Allan nobel FÝZÝK ÖDÜLLERÝ. http://www.geocities.com/fizikmuhendisligi/NobelFizik.html | |
45. The Nobel Prize In Physics 1978 nobel Prize in Physics. pyotr leonidovich kapitsa (Russia) for his work inlow temperature physics, including studies of electrical properties of matter http://www.fi.uib.no/~ladi/Nobel95.html | |
46. FÝZÝK NOBEL ÖDÜLLERÝ FIZIK nobel ÖDÜLLERI. 1901. RÖNTGEN, WILHELM CONRAD. 1978. kapitsa,pyotr leonidovich. SSCB, Bilimler Akademisi, Moskova, d. 1894, ö. 1984 http://www.tubitak.gov.tr/nobel/fizik-nodul.html | |
47. 1978 Artículo De La Enciclopedia Libre Translate this page Premios nobel Física - pyotr leonidovich kapitsa?, Arno Allan Penzias?,Robert Woodrow Wilson? Química - Peter D Mitchell? http://enciclopedia.us.es/wiki.phtml?title=1978 |
48. Judith Irwin's Home Page nobel PRIZES IN PHYSICS RELATED TO ASTRONOMY (1900 2001). The prize was divided,one half being awarded to pyotr leonidovich kapitsa for his basic inventions http://www.astro.queensu.ca/~irwin/nobel.html | |
49. Physics Resources From Grau-Hall Scientific Thermometers Weather Home Links Contact Us nobel Laureates in Lee Glashow,Abdus Salam, Steven Weinberg(1979); pyotr leonidovich kapitsa, Arno Allan http://www.grauhall.com/physics.htm | |
50. Superfluidity and helium4. Superfluidity in helium-4 was discovered in 1938 by theSoviet physicist pyotr leonidovich kapitsa. Helium-4 exhibits http://search.eb.com/nobel/micro/573_62.html | |
51. Biography-center - Letter K kapitsa, pyotr leonidovich www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1978/kapitsabio.html;Kaplansky, Irving www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Kaplansky http://www.biography-center.com/k.html | |
52. Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Physics The nobel Prize Internet Archive 1997 pyotr leonidovich kapitsa for his basicinventions and discoveries in the area of lowtemperature physics. http://www.isan.troitsk.ru/INC/Nobel/Winners.htm |
53. Nobel Laureates In Physics 1901 - 1996 to perform more complex searches, use the search page of the nobel Foundation Theprize was divided with one half awarded to kapitsa, pyotr leonidovich, USSR, b http://physics.hallym.ac.kr/reference/nobel/nobel-ph.html | |
54. Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Physics brought to you by. The nobel Prize Internet Archive. pyotr leonidovich kapitsa forhis basic inventions and discoveries in the area of lowtemperature physics. http://www.fundp.ac.be/~lambertc/PaYsAger/physics.html | |
55. DEK's Courses At CWRU a Ph.D. dissertation. (from the address to the students of Moscow State Universityin 1948 by pyotr leonidovich kapitsa, 1978 nobel Prize winner in Physics). http://dek.ebme.cwru.edu/bme/courses_dek/courses.htm | |
56. Auto Racing Articles: Nobel Prize In Physics courtesy of http//RacingSecrets.com List of nobel Prize laureates in structureof magnetic and disordered systems 1978 pyotr leonidovich kapitsa for his http://speedarticles.com/auto_racing_article-22.html | |
57. Science must always go forward with alldevouring jaws. pyotr leonidovich kapitsa (1894-1984 whatnobody has thought. - Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (nobel Laureate 1937 http://users.starpower.net/ausura/quotesscience.htm | |
58. NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS nobel PRIZE WINNERS IN PHYSICS 1978 pyotr leonidovich kapitsa (18941984) SovietArno Allan Penzias (born 1933) American Robert Woodrow Wilson (born 1936 http://members.tripod.com/unifier2/nobelprizesframes.html | |
59. Nobelprizes nobel Prize in Physics Winners 19991901. 1978 The prize was divided, one halfbeing awarded to pyotr leonidovich kapitsa for his basic inventions and http://web.syr.edu/~bakarsu/Nobelprizes.htm | |
60. Wikipedia: 1978 Translate this page Premi nobel. per la Pace Menachem Begin?, Mohamed Anwar El Sadat? per la Fisicapyotr leonidovich kapitsa?, Arno A. Penzias?, Robert W. Wilson? http://it.wikipedia.com/wiki.cgi?1978 |
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