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81. Premio Nobel Per La Letteratura eyvind johnson e Harry Martinson (Svezia http://www.alice.it/publish/awa.pub/nobel.htm | |
82. International: Italiano: Arte: Letteratura: Premi_Letterari: Nobel: Johnson,_Eyv Translate this page In tutta la Directory. http://open-site.org/International/Italiano/Arte/Letteratura/Premi_Letterari/Nob | |
83. Nobel Prize For Literature 1972 Heinrich Böll (Germany) 1973 Patrick White (Australia) 1974 eyvind Johnsonand Harry Previous nobel Prize for Peace, Top of section nobel Prizes, Next http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0105784.html | |
84. Search Results For Johnson Eyvind - Encyclopædia Britannica - The Online Encycl the Swedish Academy (1949). With eyvind johnson he was awarded theNobel Prize for Literature in 1974. View Article Index Entry. http://search.britannica.com/search?ct=eb&query=Johnson Eyvind |
85. Harry Martinson, Via Galatea the autobiographical Flowering Nettles (1935). He shared the 1974Nobel Prize for literature with his countryman eyvind johnson. http://www.galatea.nu/harry.html | |
86. Literacka Nagroda Nobla eyvind johnson (1974). eyvind johnson urodzil sie na poczatku naszegostulecia na pólnocy Szwecji, gdzie jego ojciec pracowal w kopalni. http://noblisci.bnet.pl/71-80/1974/1974_1.html | |
87. Scandinavian Literature Victoria Benedictsson. Carl Gustaf Verner von Heidenstam. eyvind johnson. Nobelprizewinner; The eyvind johnson home page. Eric Axel Karlfeldt. Pär Lagerkvist. http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/tarristi/scandlit.htm | |
88. Uutiset 7.5.1997 - Kulttuuri: 1930-luvun Kirjailijoiden Arki Ja Arvot johnson lipui yhä akateemisempaan kirjallisuuteen, Diktonius pysyi paljolti omana Eyvindjohnsonin kirjallinen työ kruunattiin nobelpalkinnolla, jonka http://www.helsinginsanomat.fi/uutisarkisto/19970507/kult/970507ku05.html | |
89. Uutiset 1.5.1997 - Kulttuuri: 1930-luvun Miesten Arki Ja Arvot Samaten johnson lipui yhä akateemisempaan kirjallisuuteen, Diktonius pysyi Eyvindjohnsonin kirjallinen työ kruunattiin nobelpalkinnolla, jonka hän http://www.helsinginsanomat.fi/uutisarkisto/19970501/kult/970501ku06.html | |
90. Tema Nobel Prize Winners (Tema; Thematic Entries To Project Runeberg) The following Nordic Authors have been awarded the nobel Prize for 1974, EyvindJohnson, Sweden (1900 1976); 1974, Harry Martinson, Sweden (1904 - 1978). http://www.lysator.liu.se/runeberg/tema/nobel.html | |
91. LitWeb.net class writer on his own from the age of 13 - who was awarded the nobel Prize for EyvindJohnson was born at Saltsjobaden in Norrbotten, in northern Sweden. http://www.biblion.com/litweb/biogs/johnson_eyvind.html | |
92. Literaturwelt: International/Europa in lands and ages, in the service of freedom for writings that catch the http://www.carpe.com/literaturwelt/International/Europa/ | |
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