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41. Organizaciones Y Asociaciones Prospector National Endowment for the Arts The nobel Foundation Sources of IAEA) Theinternational Court of Justice international labour organization (ILO) The http://www.udesa.edu.ar/biblioteca/serviref/organiza.html | |
42. Bibliotekets Länksidor O Juridiskt Forum, nobel emuseum, Rättsnätet Svensk lagsamling, Sveriges ledandejuridikportal. SCB, ILO international labour organization, Kommunförbundet, | |
43. Nobel Peace Prizes 1968. ReneSamuel Cassin, 1969. international labour organization, 1970. NormanBorlaug, Led research at the international Maize and Wheat Improvement Center. http://www.philately.com/philately/peace.htm | |
44. International Kids Club World Peace World Love Peace Prize Winners 19012000 The following people or organizations are recipientsof the nobel PEACE PRIZE 1969 international labour organization (ILO) Geneva http://www.planetpals.com/IKC/peaceprize.html | |
45. Union Network International: International Relationships, ILO in 1969 it was awarded the nobel Peace Prize. and social problems and sets minimuminternational labour standards and broad policies of the organization. http://www.union-network.org/UNIsite/In_Depth/Interna_Relations/ILO.html | |
46. 52nd Annual DPI/NGO Conference the United States Treasury Mr. Amartya Sen, nobel Laureate, Professor Nations Mr.Juan Somavia, Director General, international labour organization Ms. Martha http://www.ngos.net/conf52.html | |
47. Nobel For Peace: All Laureates Norman E. Borlaug 1969 international labour organization (ILO) 1968 de droit international(Institute of international Law) 1903 The nobel Prize A History of http://www.popular-science.net/nobel/peace-list.html | |
48. Nobel Peace Laureats Speak Out With Deepest Respect The nobel Peace Prize Laureates Signed by Nations High Commissionerfor Refugees international labour organization Amnesty international http://www.casi.org.uk/discuss/2000/msg00186.html | |
49. Re: Nobel Peace Laureats Speak Out With Deepest Respect The nobel Peace Prize the United Nations High Commissionerfor Refugees international labour organization Amnesty international http://www.casi.org.uk/discuss/2000/msg00189.html | |
50. Nobel Barýþ Ödülü Alan Ýsimler nobel Barýþ Ödülü Alan Ýsimler. ÖDÜLÜ ALAN, YIL. Addams, Jane, 1931. internationalCommittee Of The Red Cross, 1963. international labour organization, 1969. http://www.maximumbilgi.com/tarih/nobelodulu.htm | |
51. International Labour Organisation The ILO was awarded the nobel Prize for Peace the ILO meet at the annual InternationalLabour Conference. The executive authority of the organization is vested http://www.britannica.com/nobel/micro/292_59.html | |
52. United Nations The United Nations system has been awarded the nobel Peace Prize Children's Fund(UNICEF) in 1965; = and the international labour organization (ILO) received http://afa.at/globalview/122001/uno1.html | |
53. Burma Centrum Nederlands nobel Peace Laureates and advocates of democracy and human rights in the UN SpecialRapporteur on Myanmar; and the international labour organization (ILO) High http://www.xs4all.nl/~bcn/release_mei_02.html | |
54. Peace Project: Biographies Of Peace Prize Winners The international labour organization (ILO) was established in 1919. entries mentions,'Conditions of labour exist involving ILO received the nobel Peace Prize http://www.edu.pe.ca/birchwood/peace/ilo.htm | |
55. ±è´ëÁß ´ëÅë·É ³ëº§ÆòÈ»ó ¼ö»ó nobel Peace Prize Laureates / Number of nobel Laureates by Nation nobel Peace PrizeLaureates 1969, The international labour organization (ILO), founded in 1919. http://www.koreascope.org/english/sub/novel/main7.htm |
56. Nobel Prize In Peace Since 1901 nobel Prize in Peace since 1901 Year, Winners. 1901, Dunant, Jean Henri; Passy,Frederic. 1969, international labour organization. 1970, Borlaug, Norman. http://www.planet101.com/nobel_peace_hist.htm |
57. ALFRED NOBEL AND THE NOBEL PRIZES The award ceremony always takes place on December 10, the anniversary of nobel'sdeath, and ceremonies are held on that international labour organization 1969. http://www.mssc.edu/international/mccaleb/chapter3.htm | |
58. TVE's LIFE You can read more about economist Amartya Sen on the nobel Prize Internet Archivewebsite. The international labour organization (ILO) has produced a report on http://www.tve.org/life/archive/life1main.htm | |
59. TNI Asia Europe Relations Since informal confidence building talks between nobel Peace Laureate Daw Aung ofAung San Suu Kyi and after the international labour organization issued an http://www.tni.org/asem/copenhagen/docs/ribbon.htm | |
60. International Labour Organization (I.L.O.): Awards Won By International Labour O 123Awards hardwork is paid in form of awards. Awards of international LabourOrganization (ILO). OTHERnobel, 1969, PEACE. Enter Artist/Album. Partner Sites. http://www.123awards.com/artist/5627.asp | |
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