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Hooft Gerardus T: more detail |
41. Nobel E-Museum 2000 Zhores I. Alferov, Herbert Kroemer, Jack S. Kilby. 1999 - gerardus't hooft, Martinus JG Veltman. Conflict Map. The nobel Literature Radio. http://nobel.sdsc.edu/ | |
42. Nobel 98 - 2 - NOVEMBRE 1999 Translate this page Le nobel de physique récompense deux chercheurs hollandais, gerardus t'hooft etMartinus Veltman, pour leurs travaux théoriques déterminants en physique des http://www.cite-sciences.fr/actu/numeros/N74_nov99/kiosques/html/nobel2.html | |
43. FermiNews - December 17, 1999 nobel '99 A Strong Vote for Electroweak Theory. it as my task to try to fit piecesof it together. Web home page of Professor gerardus 'T hooft, University of http://www.fnal.gov/pub/ferminews/ferminews99-12-17/p2.html | |
44. Ahmed Zewail (izqda) Martinus Veltman Y Gerardus 't Hoof (Epa/ Ap Translate this page AGENCIAS, Madrid / Estocolmo Dos físicos holandeses, gerardus 't hooft y MartinusJG Veltman, son los galardonados este año con el premio nobel de Física http://fis.linux-chile.org/doc/elpais/nobelfis.html | |
45. Untitled La nobelpremion pri Fiziko en 1999 ricevis gerardus 't hooft, de la Universitatode Utrecht (Nederlando) kaj Martinus Veltman, antaûe profesoro de la http://luisguillermo.com/fiziko/nobela/nobel99.htm | |
46. Nobel La Chimica Parla Arabo, La Fisica Olandese Translate this page STOCCOLMA Il Premio nobel per la fisica è stato assegnato a due scienziatiolandesi, gerardus 't hooft e Martinus Veltman, per il lavoro teorico che ha http://ilgiorno.quotidiano.net/chan/cultura_spettacoli:252925:/1999/10/13 | |
47. Nobel Physics Prize - Press Release 1999 gerardus 't hooft and Martinus JG Veltman are being awarded this year's NobelPrize for having placed this theory on a firmer mathematical foundation. http://physics.uplb.edu.ph/laureates/1999/press.html |
48. ONU Physics gerardus 't hooft, the 1999 nobel Laureate in Physics, spoke at Ohio Northernon January 31st, 2000. Click here for a pdf file that announced his visit. http://www.onu.edu/A S/physics/events.html | |
49. Scienza - I Nobel Del 1999 Fisica E Chimica Translate this page Il premio nobel per la Fisica va quest`anno a gerardus 't hooft (Università di Utrecht)e Martinus Veltman ( Università del Michigan, ma ora in pensione) per http://www.democraticidisinistra.it/scienza/nobel99.htm | |
50. News: Nobel Prize In Physics Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the 1999 nobel Prize for Professor gerardus't hooft, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands, and Professor http://omnis.if.ufrj.br/~miriam/ParticleAdventure/news/news_nobel.html | |
51. Premio Nobel De Física - Wikipedia Translate this page Ver enlace http//www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/index.html. Wieman 2000 Zhores I.Alferov, Herbert Kroemer, Jack S. Kilby 1999 gerardus 't hooft, Martinus JG http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premio_Nobel/Física | |
52. Ciencia Al Día Internacional - Noticias Translate this page El premio nobel para Física de 1999 fue otorgado a gerardus 't hooft de la Universidadde Utrecht (Holanda) ya Martinus Veltman originario de la Universidad http://www.ciencia.cl/CienciaAlDia/volumen3/numero1/noticias/noticias1.html | |
53. Publishing Technology Center Prof Charles Hard Townes and Prof gerardus 't hooft, two of the most influentialscientists the beginning of the laser era , culminating in his nobel Prize in http://home.ust.hk/~avwork/MyDir/Archive/Archive/OUDPA/Nobel/Nobel.html | |
54. Gerardus 't Hooft: Awards Won By Gerardus 't Hooft 123Awards hardwork is paid in form of awards. Awards of gerardus 't hooft. OTHERnobel,1999, PHYSICS. Enter Artist/Album. Partner Sites. Stardose.com. RealLyrics.com. http://www.123awards.com/artist/5242.asp | |
55. Au Coeur De La Matière Translate this page Aujourd'hui, ils pensent le contraire Martinus Veltman, prix nobel de Physique1999, gerardus 't hooft, prix nobel de Physique 1999. La mécanique quantique. http://www.sip.cijm.org/infos-prepas/numero7/nobel.html | |
56. NTNU - Norges Teknisk Naturvitenskapelige Universitet Nobelprisvinnerne som besøkte NTNU var gerardus 't hooft, Heinrich Rohrer,Christiane NüssleinVolhard, Daniel Carleton Gajdusek, og Morten Rostrup. http://www.ntnu.no/nobel/ | |
57. Department Of Physics Smith lecture for the year 2000 was given on May 1 by gerardus t hooft, the fourthconsecutive year that the lecture has been given by a new nobel laureate. http://www.physics.ohio-state.edu/magazine/2000/page3.php | |
58. Nobel Física 1.999 Translate this page Professor gerardus ' t hooft Spinoza Instituut Leuvenlaan 4 Postbus 80.195 HolandaMartinus JG LM Bilthoven O Países Baixos A quantia do Prêmio nobel é SEK http://planeta.terra.com.br/educacao/joucoski/ciencia/nobelfisica1999.htm | |
59. Vestígios Home Page - Prêmios Nobel Translate this page O prêmio nobel de física de 1999 foi concedido a dois cientistas holandeses oprofessor gerardus´t hooft, da Universidade de Utrecht, eo professor-emérito http://www.vestigios.hpg.ig.com.br/premiosnobel.htm | |
60. The Hindu : Experimental Work Imperative gerardus `t hooft of the University of Utrecht, Netherlands won the nobel Prizefor Physics in 1999 for having placed particle physics theory on a firmer http://www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/seta/2003/01/30/stories/2003013000080200.htm | |
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