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Hesse Hermann: more books (100) | ||||||||||||||
41. 125 Aniversario Del Nacimiento De Hermann Hesse Translate this page turísticas. hermann hesse (1877-1962), Premio nobel de Literatura en1946, es el escritor en lengua alemana más leído del siglo XX. La http://www.alemania-turismo.com/pages_ms/199.html | |
42. Hesse-Nobel Prize In 1946 hermann hesse was awarded the nobel Prize in Literature for hislast major work, The Glass Bead Game, which was completed in 1942. http://museum.oglethorpe.edu/HesseGallery/Nobel_Prize_page.htm | |
43. Exhibition Catalog Available Click For Information Hermann Hesse time original watercolors by novelist hermann hesse, as well The exhibition also includedhesse's brushes, pencils color facsimile of his 1946 nobel Prize award http://museum.oglethorpe.edu/p_ex_hesse.htm |
44. Oglethorpe University News both spirit and nature. In 1946, hermann hesse received the nobel Prizefor literature and the Goethe Prize. On August 9, 1962, hermann http://www.oglethorpe.edu/news/news1998/hermannhesse121798.htm |
45. Hermann Hesse - Wikipedia hermann hesse. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. hermann hesse (18771962)was a German author, and the winner of the 1946 nobel Prize in literature. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann_Hesse | |
46. Hermann Hesse http//userwww.sfsu.edu/~rsauzier/hesse.html. http//wwwcontrol.eng.cam.ac.uk/hu/hesse.html.http//www.nobel.se/laureates/literature-1946-1-autobio.html. http://www.helsinki.fi/~raatikka/hesse.html | |
47. Hermann Hesse: Tra Rivolta Antiborghese E Ricerca Dell'armonia Translate this page 1877 - 2 luglio nasce hermann hesse a Calw (Foresta nera). 1933 - con l'avventodel nazismo hesse subisce violenti gli venne conferito il premio nobel per la http://www.viaggio-in-germania.de/lett_hes.html | |
48. Genealogische Homepage Hermann Nobel Translate this page HELLWIG,. HENNING, HERING, hermann, hesse, HILL/HILLE, HOHMANN,. NENSTIEL,.NICKEL, NICOLAUS, nobel, NOLL, NÖLLE, OESTE, OETZEL, OPPERMANN,. http://www.genealogy.net/privat/Nobel.html | |
49. Freenet.de Suche - Language: Englisch - Arts - Literature - Authors - H - Hesse, Websites 1. Autobiography of hermann hesse Brief autobiographicalstatement from his nobel Lectures. 2. hermann hesse - German http://webkatalog.freenet.de/freenet_page_0f4f63539de48c9dc09e2344ccd335d1.html | |
50. Siddhartha - Hermann Hesse Translate this page hermann hesse, prix nobel de la littérature, est un auteur fabuleux. Il réussità rendre la quête de cet homme aussi intéressante qu'un thriller policier. http://www.100meilleurs.com/books/book.asp?BookID=1077 |
51. Hermann Hesse Biogrpahy hermann hesse biogrpahy, recipient of the 1946 nobel Prize for Literature, was bornin Calw, Wurttemberg. He was the second child of Johannes and Marie hesse. http://azaz.essortment.com/hermannhessebi_ruej.htm | |
52. Hermann Hesse Collection At Top Ten Books SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AT TOP TEN BOOKS!! hermann hesse Collection nobel PrizeWinning Author of Siddhartha, Steppenwolf, THe Glass Bead Game, more. http://dotshopper.net/books/hermann_hesse.shtml | |
53. Hesse, Hermann. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 2001. hesse, hermann. (h r´män h s´ ) (KEY) , 18771962, German novelistand poet. hesse was awarded the 1946 nobel Prize for Literature. 2. http://www.bartleby.com/65/he/Hesse-He.html | |
54. GBG: Hesse, Hermann according to hermann hesse's great work The Glass Bead Game of whichhe worked for twelve long years and received the nobel Prize http://jollyroger.com/zz/yauthord/Hesse,Hermannhall/cas/1.html | |
55. Nobel Prize For Literature/Nobelpreis Für Literatur/Nobelprijs Voor Literatuur/ 5. Which nobel laureates have used pseudonyms? Anatole France, John Galsworthy, AndréGide, Karl Gjellerup, Knut Hamsun, hermann hesse, Johannes Jensen, Erik http://httpd.chello.nl/~s.gipman/ | |
56. Hermann Hesse nobel prize), rising http://www.german.leeds.ac.uk/utopie/hesseheute.htm | |
57. Hesse, Hermann hermann hesse Writer Germany Born 2 Jul 1877 Died 9 Aug 1962 hermann hesse was born hessewon many literary awards including the nobel Prize in 1946. http://www.artsworld.com/books-film/biographies/g-i/hermann-hesse.html | |
58. Nobel Prize Alphabetical Alphabetical Listing of nobel Laureates 19012000. Click on a link and see theshort biographical notes on this site Name, Year Awarded. hesse, hermann, 1946. http://literature.school.dk/frame_NobelPrize05.htm | |
59. Hesse, Hermann hesse, hermann. The gentle, lyric quality of hesse's prose is shared by the wistful,lamenting verse of his He was awarded the 1946 nobel Prize in Literature. http://www.slider.com/enc/24000/Hesse_Hermann.htm | |
60. Tiscali - Search Selected sites from the category hesse, hermann 1. Autobiography of hermannhesse Brief autobiographical statement from his nobel Lectures. http://directory.tiscali.co.uk/Arts/Literature/Authors/H/Hesse,_Hermann | |
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