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Hartwell Leland H: more detail | |||||||
41. Science News Nobel Prize Medicine 2001 WA (10/12/01) Three biologists share this year's nobel Prize in the Imperial ResearchCancer Foundation, will share the prize with leland H. hartwell of the http://www.accessexcellence.org/WN/SU/SU102001/nobelbio.html |
42. Selected List Of Nobel Prize Laureates, Lectures, Symposia, Etc. 2001 leland H. hartwell - Yeast and Cancer. Press Release - The nobel Prize for2002 2002 - Sydney Brenner, H. Robert Horvitz John E. Sulston - Genetic http://www.geocities.com/jobustamante/Nobel.htm |
43. Nobel Medicine Prize nobel Peace Prize for Physiology and Medicine. The nobel Peace Prize for Physiologyand Medicine dates from 1901. 2001, leland H. hartwell R. Timothy Hunt Sir http://www.geocities.com/Axiom43/nobelmedicine.html |
44. Komórkowy Nobel - Nowinki Biologiczne - Wirtualny Wszech¶wiat Szukacz. Przeszukaj Wirtualny Wszechswiat Jak zadawac pytania? KomórkowyNobel. leland H. hartwell Zdjecie Ralf Pettersson. http://www.wiw.pl/nowinki/biologia/200110/20011010-001.asp | |
45. Nobel Prize For Medicine nobel Prize for Medicine Name, Year, The Work. leland H. hartwell, USA R. Timothy(Tim) Hunt, Great Britain Sir Paul M. Nurse, Great Britain, 2001, for their http://www.planet101.com/nobel_medicine.htm | |
46. The Scientist - Cell Cycle Control Giants Win Nobel on which today's knowledge of cell cycle is built, American leland H. hartwell ofthe of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, will receive the nobel Prize for http://www.the-scientist.com/yr2001/oct/maher_p12_011029.html | |
47. Encyclopædia Britannica the 2001 nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine with R. Timothy Hunt and Sir PaulM. Nurse. To cite this page MLA style hartwell, leland H.. Britannica http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article?eu=410004 |
48. Taipei Times - Archives nobel laureate leland H. hartwell will help promote biomedical research cooperationbetween Taiwan and the US, National Science Council Chairman Wei Che-ho http://taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2002/10/25/176985 | |
49. Caltech Nobel And Crafoord Laureates nobel Laureates29 winners (17 alumni), 30 prizes Name. Field. Year. Chemistry.1999. Faculty. leland H. hartwell, BS '61. Physiology or Medicine. 2001. http://www.caltech.edu/nobel-crafoord/ |
50. Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine - Wikipedia Source http//www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/index.html. Blobel 2000 Arvid Carlsson,Paul Greengard, Eric R Kandel 2001 leland H. hartwell, R. Timothy Hunt http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_Prize/Physiology_or_medicine |
51. Nobel Prizes In Medicine And Physiology nobel Prizes in Medicine and Physiology. 1107) for their discoveries concerning signaltransduction in the nervous system 2001 leland H. hartwell (USA, *1939 http://userpage.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/bib/nobel_medizin_e.html | |
52. CNN.com - Nobel Prize Winners 'in Shock' - October 8, 2001 and Paul M. Nurse, who won the prize with American researcher leland H. hartwell,added that m not sure we really believe it but it's on the (nobel) web site http://www.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/europe/10/08/nobel.prize/ | |
53. CNN.com STOCKHOLM, Sweden An American researcher and two British scientists have wonthe nobel Prize for medicine. US researcher leland H. hartwell and British http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/nobel.100/medicine.story.html | |
54. Forum Cyber News - Edisi 1029 - Iptek Nobel 2001 Penghargaan nobel bidang kedokteran diberikan kepada leland H. hartwell,Timothy Hunt, dan Paul M. Nurse. Ketiganya melakukan studi http://www.forum.co.id/arsip/1029/Iptek.htm |
55. VietReader! Khoa Hoc bào, có th? d?n d?n nh?ng tr? li?u m?i d?i v? leland H. hartwell (Gi?i nobel Lý sinh / Y h?c 2001). http://www.vietreader.com/khoahoc/index.php | |
56. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Physiology & Biophysics (Biosciences) The 2001 nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded this morning to Lee hartwellof the Fred Hutchinson Cancer leland H. hartwell is President http://physiology.med.cornell.edu/WWWVL/PhysioWeb.html | |
57. The Nobel Prize 2001 ? ?(leland H. hartwell), ? (Timothy Hunt),? (Sir Paul M. Nurse) 2000 ? (Arvid Carlsson), ? http://home.megapass.co.kr/~jayleen/medicine/medi-index.htm | |
58. AMC - Carta Informativa Octubre-diciembre 2001 Translate this page la labor de los médicos británicos R. Timothy Hunt y Paul M. Nurse, junto conel estadounidense leland H. hartwell, con el Premio nobel de Fisiología y http://www.amc.unam.mx/Noticias/Carta/carta33/c33htm/carta33-19.html | |
59. Caltech Nobel And Crafoord Laureates nobel Laureates NAME / DEGREE, FIELD, YEAR. Ahmed H. Zewail, chemistry, 1999.leland H. hartwell BS '61, physiology or medicine, 2001. Thomas Hunt Morgan. http://prfmp.caltech.edu/catalog/02_03/geninfo/nobel2.html |
60. Premio Nobel De Medicina Y Fisiología 2001 Translate this page de los seis premios que concede este año, el premio nobel en Medicina Paul M. Nursey R. Timothy (Tim) Hunt, y al estadounidense leland H. hartwell, por sus http://www.ciencias.uma.es/publicaciones/encuentros/ENCUENTROS73/nobel2001.htm | |
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