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         Glashow Sheldon L:     more detail
  1. The Charm of Physics (Masters of Modern Physics) by Sheldon L. Glashow, 1991-04
  2. Third Workshop on Grand Unification: Proceedings (Progress in Physics) by chap Workshop on Grand Unification 1982 University of North Carolina, Paul H. Frampton, et all 1982-10
  3. From Alchemy to Quarks: The Study of Physics As a Liberal Art (Physics Series) by Sheldon L. Glashow, 1994-01
  4. Interactions: A Journey Through the Mind of a Particle Physicist and the Matter of This World by Sheldon L. Glashow, Ben Bova, 1988-04
  5. El Encanto De La Fisica (Spanish Edition) by Sheldon L. Glashow, 2002-01
  6. THE CHARM OF PHYSICS by Sheldon L. Glashow, 1991-01-01
  7. Interacciones (Spanish Edition) by Sheldon L. Glashow, 2002-01
  8. CHARME DE LA PHYSIQUE -LE by Sheldon L. Glashow, 1997-06-03
  9. From Alchemy to Quarks: Instructors' Solutions Manual by Sheldon L. Glashow, 1994-01-04
  10. S.S.M. from Alchemy to Quarks by Sheldon L. Glashow, 1998-12
  11. INTERACTIONS by Sheldon L. and Bova, Ben Glashow, 1988

81. Sheldon Lee Glashow
Translate this page glashow, sheldon (New York 1932), fisico statunitense. Nel 1979 ottenne il premioNobel per la delle quattro forze della natura, l'interazione elettromagnetica
La Fisica delle particelle elementari SHELDON LEE GLASHOW Glashow, Sheldon (New York 1932), fisico statunitense. Studiò alla Cornell University e a Harvard. Terminati gli studi lavorò per breve tempo a Copenaghen, presso il Nordic Institute for Theoretical Atomic Physics, per poi tornare negli Stati Uniti, dove svolse la propria attività di ricerca presso diverse università. Dal 1967 è professore di fisica presso la Harvard University. Nel 1979 ottenne il premio Nobel per la fisica, insieme allo statunitense Steven Weinberg e al pakistano Abdus Salam, per il suo contributo alla formulazione della teoria elettrodebole. La teoria fornisce un'interpretazione unitaria di due delle quattro forze della natura, l'interazione elettromagnetica e l'interazione debole; la prima è la forza responsabile dei fenomeni di attrazione e repulsione tra le cariche elettriche, e quindi del legame tra gli elettroni e i protoni all'interno dell'atomo; la seconda è una forza di intensità molto minore (da cui il nome di interazione debole) che, fra gli altri fenomeni, regola il decadimento beta del nucleo atomico, uno dei decadimenti radioattivi. A Glashow si deve anche l'ipotesi dell'esistenza del quarto "sapore" (flavour) dei quark, il charm (indicato col simbolo c), uno dei sei fino ad oggi noti.

82. Steven Weinberg
Translate this page Nel 1979 i due fisici condivisero con lo statunitense sheldon L. glashow il premioNobel per la fisica, per il loro contributo alla comprensione delle
La Fisica delle particelle elementari STEVEN WEINBERG Weinberg, Steven (New York 1933), fisico statunitense. Si laureò alla Cornell University nel 1954, frequentò per un anno il Nordic Institute for Theoretical Atomic Physics di Copenaghen e ottenne il dottorato dall'Università di Princeton nel 1957. Insegnò presso l'Università della California di Berkeley, il Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), e dal 1973 presso l'Università di Harvard. Nel 1967, con il fisico pakistano Abdus Salam, Weinberg avanzò un'ipotesi che unificava le interazioni elettromagnetiche e le interazioni deboli tra particelle subatomiche; la teoria, sviluppata sulla base delle simmetrie di gauge, trovò numerose verifiche sperimentali. Nel 1979 i due fisici condivisero con lo statunitense Sheldon L. Glashow il premio Nobel per la fisica, per il loro contributo alla comprensione delle interazioni delle particelle elementari. a cura di Pio Passalacqua Enrico Fermi Richard Feynman Murray Gell-Mann Sheldon Lee Glashow ... George Zweig

83. Timid, Retiring, Abashed, Bashful
By the way he won the nobel prize for his work on weak interactions. SheldonL. glashow Interactions Warner Books, New York, 1988 p.21. William Shockley
Lives of
Scientists and Engineers About whom? Reminiscence Richard P. Feynman I enjoyed radios. I started with a crystal set that I bought at the store, and I used to listen to it at night in bed while I was going to sleep, through a pair of earphones. When my mother and father went out until late at night, they would come into my room and take the earphones off - and worry about what was going into my head while I was asleep. [Richard Feynan when he was about twelve years old] Richard Feynman,
Unwin Paperbacks, Unwin Hyman Ltd., London, 1985; p.16 Richard P. Feynman [Richard Feynan repairs radios during depression years] Richard Feynman,
Unwin Paperbacks, Unwin Hyman Ltd., London, 1985; p.19 Sir Nevill Mott
When I commenced my own studies on vitreous semiconductors, in the mid 1960's, Mott at the Cavendish Laboratory and his counterpart Kolomiets in Leningrad towered over the field. Sir Nevill's contributions to the theory of disordered semiconductors were, of course, those for which he gained his Nobel Prize in Physics, in 1977. Typically, he questioned his eligibility for the award, suggesting that he had not achieved a major breakthrough such as the "invention" of quantum mechanics or the development of a new theory of subatomic particles. Few would agree, feeling that his overall contribution to solid state physics has rarely, if ever, been surpassed.

84. Untitled
sheldon L. glashow (Higgins Professor of Physics at Harvard University; NobelLaureate, 1979) Interactions Warner Books, New York, 1988 p.101.
More Quotes
Mainly Scientists and Engineers
(Past and Present)
"The detector is like the journalist who must determine what, where, when, which, and how?
What is the identity of the particle?
Exactly where is it when it is observed?
When does the particle get to the detector?
Which way is it going?
How fast is it moving?"
Sheldon L. Glashow
(Higgins Professor of Physics at Harvard University; Nobel Laureate, 1979) Interactions Warner Books, New York, 1988
: p.101 "..., and things are obvious only after they had been pointed out" [Sheldon Glashow talking about Murray Gell-Mann: "He is famous because he gets things done first, and things are obvious only after they had been pointed out"] Sheldon L. Glashow (Higgins Professor of Physics at Harvard University; Nobel Laureate, 1979) Interactions Warner Books, New York, 1988 : p.108 "One quantum notion that mystifies the novice is the "wave-particle duality." Does light consist of a beam of particles or is it a wave phenomenon? the question is hundreds of years old. Newton thought light was probably a stream of particles. Maxwell seemed to answer the problem decisively by showing light to be an electromagnetic wave. Yet Einstein in 1905, demonstrated that under some circumstances light behaves as if it were a beam of discrete particles, which are now called photons." Sheldon L. Glashow

85. Boston Globe Online / Table Of Contents
The existence of W and Z particles had been predicted before, by 1979 nobel laureatesSheldon L. glashow and Steven Weinberg of the United States and Abdus


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Author: Associated Press Date: Thursday, October 18, 1984
NATIONAL/FOREIGN An American biochemist yesterday won the 1984 Nobel Prize in chemistry for research that led to safer medication, and the prize in physics was awarded to an Italian-Dutch team of nuclear physicists who found particles scientists had sought for 50 years. The chemistry prize went to R. Bruce Merrifield, 63, of Rockefeller University in New York. He was honored for work he did in the 1950s and 1960s, developing a new method of synthesizing amino acid compounds called peptides, which has revolutionized the manufacture of drugs such as high blood pressure medicine, insulin and other hormone medications, and has been used in gene technology. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences gave the Nobel Prize in physics to Carlo Rubbia, 50, of Italy, a professor at Harvard University, and Simon van der Meer, 59, of the Netherlands, for discovering the W and Z subatomic particles that are believed to carry one of nature's four basic forces - the ''weak interaction force" - in much the same way that photons carry light. The other natural forces are atomic interaction, electromagnetism and gravitation. Physicists have been working since the atom smasher was developed in the 1930s to prove that the four forces actually are one, Albert Einstein's ''unification theory."

86. The Harvard Guide
mathematical hypotheses to explain electromagnetism and weak interactions (withSheldon L. glashow). When told he'd been awarded the nobel Prize, Wiesel said

Harvard's Faculty

Pulitzer Prize Winners

Number of Faculty

Centuries of Research
Interfaculty Initiatives
A Nobel Legacy 1974 - 2001 William N. Lipscomb 1919-
Chemistry 1976

Research on the structure of boranes, which has increased the understanding of chemical bonding Lipscomb had had quite a bit of experience by the time he elucidated the unusual chemical make-up of boron - off to college in 1937, he donated his elaborate chemistry set to his high school, doubling the school's chemistry inventory. The scientist, known for his clarinet playing and Western-style bow ties, describes his mode of reasoning: "I am inclined to make large intuitive jumps and then set about to test the conclusions." Lipscomb is the Abbott and James Lawrence Professor of Chemistry Emeritus. John H. Van Vleck 1899-1980
Physics 1977

Pioneered the application of quantum mechanics to the study of magnetism Van Vleck, known for his love of the arts, his quietly piercing wit, and his intense loyalty to Harvard, made cutting-edge contributions to the fields of radioastronomy, microwave spectroscopy, and magnetic resonance. His application of quantum mechanics altered both physics and chemistry, deepening our understanding of atomic systems - from single molecules to crystalline solids. Sheldon L. Glashow 1932-

87. Fermiamo La Guerra All'Iraq
Translate this page (Ch), *Val L. Fitch (Ph), Robert F. Furchgott (M), sheldon L. glashow (Ph), *Roger Murad(M), *George E. Palade (M), Arno A. Penzias(Ph), Martin L. Perl (Ph

88. The Alfred B. Nobel Prize Winners: Physics
Advertisement. nobel Prize Winners for Physics. 1979, Steven Weinberg SheldonL. glashow Abdus Salam, United States United States Pakistan.
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Nobel Prize Winners for Physics
Chemistry Physiology or Medicine Literature Peace ... Economics Germany Hendrik A. Lorentz
Pieter Zeeman Netherlands
Netherlands Antoine Henri Becquerel Pierre Curie Marie Curie France France Poland-France John W. Strutt Great Britain Philipp E. A. von Lenard Germany Sir Joseph J. Thomson Great Britain Albert A. Michelson United States Gabriel Lippmann France Carl F. Braun Guglielmo Marconi Germany Italy Johannes D. van der Waals Netherlands Wilhelm Wien Germany Nils G. Dalen

89. L'importanza Scientifica E Tecnologica Della Fisica Delle Alte Energie
Translate this page L'Importanza Scientifica e Tecnologica della Fisica. delle Alte Energie. SheldonGlashow nobel Laureate 1979. Boston University. Presentato a Parigi 4 Ottobre 2002.
L'Importanza Scientifica e Tecnologica della Fisica delle Alte Energie Sheldon Glashow Nobel Laureate 1979 Boston University Presentato a Parigi 4 Ottobre 2002 particolarmente utili. Dieci esempi dovrebbero essere sufficienti per provare questo punto.
  • Informatica: medical-imaging Computer:
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  • La Crittografia Moderna che rende possibili transazioni bancarie e finanziarie a distanza con le necessarie garanzie di sicurezza. Per questo argomento dobbiamo ringraziare un certo numero di studiosi di teoria dei numeri. I Sistemi di Posizionamento Globale (GPS)
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  • Terapia con fasci di particelle: Medical Imaging: I primi analizzatori di immagine (scanner) medici furono sviluppati da fisici delle Alte Energie "nei ritagli di tempo", ma non a loro spese. Alan Cormack e Geoffrey Hounsfield hanno condiviso un Premio Nobel per aver sviluppato la tomografia assistita da calcolatore. Radioisotopi: Sorgenti di Luce di Sincrotrone: Sorgenti di Neutroni: ricaduta della scienza fondamentale che ha condotto a decisivi progressi di cui tutti beneficiano.
  • 90. Glashow
    Glashowa proposé de l'interaction électromagnétique et de l'interaction faible
    Glashow, Sheldon Lee
  • Né en 1932 à New York Nationalité américaine Physicien Glashow a proposé la première théorie unifiée de l'interaction électromagnétique et de l'interaction faible en 1960. Il a reçu le prix Nobel de physique en 1979.
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    91. Nobel Prize In Physics Since 1901
    Nobel Prize in Physics since 1901 Year Winners Roentgen, Wilhelm Conrad Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon Zeeman, Pieter Becquerel, Antoine Henri; Curie, Marie; Curie, Pierre Rayleigh, Lord John William Strutt Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton Thomson, Sir Joseph John Michelson, Albert Abraham Lippmann, Gabriel Braun, Carl Ferdinand Marconi, Guglielmo Van Der Waals, Johannes Diderik Wien, Wilhelm Dalen, Nils Gustaf Kamerlingh-Onnes, Heike Laue, Max Von Bragg, Sir William Henry; Bragg, Sir William Lawrence Barkla, Charles Glover Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Stark, Johannes Guillaume, Charles Edouard Einstein, Albert Bohr, Niels Millikan, Robert Andrews Siegbahn, Karl Manne Georg Franck, James; Hertz, Gustav Perrin, Jean Baptiste Compton, Arthur Holly; Wilson, Charles Thomson Rees Richardson, Sir Owen Willans De Broglie, Prince Louis-Victor Raman, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Heisenberg, Werner Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice; Schroedinger, Erwin Chadwick, Sir James

    92. 100 Nobel
    L'appello di 100 premi Nobel contro le scelte della Casa Bianca
    Raccolti dal canadese John Polany, Nobel per la chimica 1986, cento laureati all'Accademia di Stoccolma (sui 225 viventi) denunciano che "il più profondo pericolo per la pace mondiale viene dalle legittime richieste della maggioranza povera del mondo". Un documento che parla di clima e di trattato anti-missili, di poveri che reclamano e di muri costruiti dai ricchi, ma che finisce per colpire al cuore le scelte del paese più potente del mondo: gli Stati Uniti d'America Per sopravvivere nel mondo che abbiamo trasformato dobbiamo imparare a pensare in modo nuovo. Mai come oggi, il futuro di ciascuno dipende dal contributo di tutti.
    • Zhohres Alferov Physics,2000 Sidney Altman Chemistry,1989 Philip W. Andreson Physics,1977 Oscar Arias Sanchez Peace,1987 J.Georg Bednorz Physics,1987 Bishop Carlos F.X: Belo Peace,1996 Baruj Benacerraf medicine,1980 Hans A. Bethe phYsics,1967 James W. Blach Medicine,1988 Guenter Blobel Medicine,1999

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