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         Edelman Gerald M:     more books (51)
  1. Second Nature: Brain Science and Human Knowledge by Gerald M. Edelman, 2006-10-24
  2. Wider Than the Sky: A Revolutionary View of Consciousness (Penguin Press Science) by Gerald M. Edelman, 2005-06-30
  3. Mindful Brain: Cortical Organization and the Group-Selective Theory of Higher Brain Function by Gerald M. Edelman, Vernon B. Mountcastle, 1982-03-30
  4. Consciousness: How Matter Becomes Imagination (Penguin Press Science) by Gerald M. Edelman, Giulio Tononi, 2001-04-26
  5. Signal and Sense: Local and Global Order (Neuroscience Institute Monograph Ser.) by Gerald M. Edelman, 1990-10
  6. Auditory Function: Neurobiological Bases of Hearing (The Neurosciences Institute monograph series)
  7. Synaptic Function (The Neurosciences Institute Publications Series) by Gerald M. Edelman, etc., 1987-11-18
  8. How We Know: Nobel Conference XX by Nobel Conference 1984 (Gustavus Adolphus College), Michael G. Shafto, et all 1986-01
  9. Morphoregulatory Molecules (Neurosciences Institute Publications Series) by Gerald M. Edelman, Bruce A. Cunningham, 1990-03
  10. The Cell in Contact: Adhesions and Junctions as Morphogenetic Determinants (The Neurosciences Institute publications series) by Gerald M. Edelman, Jean-Paul Thiery, 1986-03-12
  11. Molecular Bases of Neural Development (The Neurosciences Institute publications series) by Gerald M. Edelman, etc., 1985-05-22
  12. Biologie de la conscience by Gerald M. Edelman, 1992-09-09
  13. Gehirn und Geist. Wie aus Materie Bewusstsein entsteht. by Gerald M. Edelman, Giulio Tononi, et all 2002-02-20
  14. Neural Darwinism: Theory of Neuronal Group Selection (Oxford paperbacks) by Gerald M. Edelman, 1990-04

81. Compass Records: Judith Edelman
She grew up on New York's Upper East Side, daughter of 1972 nobel Prizewinner GeraldM. edelman and educator/editor Maxine Morrision, the youngest of three
Judith Edelman
It's hard to deconstruct Judith Edelman. While the music she plays may be rooted in simplicity, she is not and her music is all the more affecting because of the shadows lurking beneath the surface. As Dirty Linen Magazine observed, "On one level, Judith Edelman's progressive bluegrass with occasional slips into Irish jigs....but lyrically, her songs and themes are a lot closer to the streets of her native New York and the dark musings of Richard Thompson..." Manhattan-born Judith Edelman arrived at what she calls "the front porch sensibility" of her music through an unlikely route. She grew up on New York's Upper East Side, daughter of 1972 Nobel Prize-winner Gerald M. Edelman and educator/editor Maxine Morrision, the youngest of three children. Musical study was mandatory in her household and Judith opted for classical piano lessons. She followed one of her brothers, coincidentally a bluegrass-loving fiddler, to Swarthmore College. But life as a professional musician was still not in her sights. After graduation, Judith pursued a career in Third World development in the Bay Area and eventually landed in Kenya and Zimbabwe. In Kenya, Judith contracted a serious illness that eventually brought her work there to an unexpected conclusion. She returned to San Francisco to recuperate and, inspired by a cassette tape a friend had made of groups such as The Stanley Brothers, Tim O'Brien, and The Nashville BlueGrass Band, began to study bluegrass guitar.

82. La Repubblica/cultura_scienze: La Biografia Di Gerard Edelman
Translate this page La biografia di Gerard edelman, Premio nobel per la medicina, GeraldM. edelman e' nato a New York (Stati Uniti d'America) nel 1929.




Cinema: le recensioni

La biografia
di Gerard Edelman
Premio Nobel per la medicina Gerald M. Edelman e' nato a New York (Stati Uniti d'America) nel 1929. Dopo aver studiato chimica presso l' Ursinus College (Pennsylvania) e la University of Pennsylvania nel 1960 Edelman ottiene il dottorato in biochimica e immunologia presso la Rockefeller University , dove ben presto inizia ad insegnare e dove diventa professore nel 1966.
Nel 1972 riceve, assieme a Rodney Porter, il premio Nobel per la medicina, per le scoperte relative alla struttura chimica degli anticorpi (immoglobuline).
Dopo aver studiato le strutture chimiche e l'azione degli anticorpi che formano parte del sistema di difesa dei vertebrati contro le infezioni (immunologia), i suoi interessi di ricerca si sono rivolti verso l'applicazione della spettroscopia fluorescente e delle sonde fluorescenti allo studio delle proteine, e lo sviluppo di nuovi metodi di frazionamento delle molecole e delle cellule. Si e' occupato anche delle strutture primarie e tridimensionali delle proteine, della struttura e funzionamento dei mitogeni vegetali e dello studio della superficie cellulare.

83. Moçambique Editora
gerald M. edelman; Rodney R

84. ¤Hª«-Edelman
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Gerald M. Edelman Gerald M. Edelman³Õ¤h©ó1929¦~7¤ë1¤é¥X¥Í©ó¯¬ù¡A¨ä¤÷¥À¤À§O¬OEdward Edelman¤ÎAnna Freedman Edelman¡A¥Lªº¤÷¿Ë¬O¤@¦ìÀ³¥Îª«²z¾Ç®a¡C
Nobel e-museum

85. Nobel Prize In Medicine Since 1901
Nobel Prize in Medicine since 1901 Year Prize Winners Behring, Emil Adolf Von Ross, Sir Ronald Finsen, Niels Ryberg Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich Koch, Robert Cajal, Santiago Ramon Y.; Golgi, Camillo Laveran, Charles Louis Alphonse Ehrlich, Paul; Mechnikov, Ilya Ilyich Kocher, Emil Theodor Kossel, Albrecht Gullstrand, Allvar Carrel, Alexis Richet, Charles Robert Barany, Robert Bordet, Jules Krogh, Schack August Steenberger Hill, Sir Archibald Vivian; Meyerhof, Otto Fritz; Banting, Sir Frederick Grant; Macleod, John James Richard; Einthoven, Willem; Fibiger, Johannes Andreas Grib Wagner-Jauregg, Julius Nicolle, Charles Jules Henri Eijkman, Christiaan; Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland Landsteiner, Karl Warburg, Otto Heinrich Adrian, Lord Edgar Douglas; Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott Morgan, Thomas Hunt Minot, George Richards; Murphy, William Parry; Whipple, George Hoyt Spemann, Hans Dale, Sir Henry Hallett; Loewi, Otto Nagyrapolt, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Von Heymans, Corneille Jean Francois Domagk, Gerhard Dam, Henrik Carl Peter; Doisy, Edward Adelbert Erlanger, Joseph; Gasser, Herbert Spencer

86. Nobel-díjasok - Egészségügy + Üzlet Tematikus Portál
Paul M. Nursenek ítélték oda sejtkutatásaikért, amelyek az indoklás szerintúj lehetoségeket nyithatnak a rák elleni küzdelemben. A nobel-díjakat
Élettani és orvosi Nobel-díjasok Magyar, illetve magyar származású Nobel-díjasok Név Kategória Év Lénárd Fülöp fizikai Bárány Róbert orvosi Zsigmondy Richárd kémiai Szent-Györgyi Albert orvosi Hevesy György kémiai Békésy György orvosi Wigner Jenõ fizikai Gábor Dénes fizikai Wiesel, Elie béke Polanyi, John C. kémiai Oláh György kémiai Harsányi János közgazd. Kertész Imre irodalmi Szoborparkjuk ( link>>
Kiosztották az orvosi Nobel-díjakat - 2002. október 7., hétfõ - Forrás:

Sydney Brenner és John E. Sulston brit, valamint H. Robert Horovitz amerikai kutató nyerte az idei orvosi Nobel-díjat. Az indoklás szerint a kitüntetéssel a szervfejlõdés génszabályozásának és a programozott sejthalálnak a kutatásában elért eredményeiket ismerték el. link>> Magyar Hírlap 2001. október 8. (teljes cikk)
,,Orvosi Nobel-díj sejtkutatásért egy amerikainak, két britnek
Az idei orvosi Nobel-díjat egy amerikai és két brit kutatónak, Leland H. Hartwellnek, R. Timothy Huntnek és Paul M. Nurse-nek ítélték oda sejtkutatásaikért, amelyek az indoklás szerint új lehetõségeket nyithatnak a rák elleni küzdelemben. A Nobel-díjakat hagyományosan december 10-én, a díjalapító Alfred Nobel halálának évfordulóján adják át. Az idei orvosi Nobel-díj értéke mintegy egymillió euró...''

87. GK- National Network Of Education
Chemistry. Hoff, Jacobus Henricus Van't, 1901. Fischer, Hermann Emil,1902. Arrhenius, Svante August, 1903. Ramsay, Sir William, 1904. Baeyer
Associated Agencies Booker Prize Winners International Awards World Nations: Famous Industrial Town ... Nobel Prize Winners Nobel Prize Winners
Literature Medicine Peace ... Economics
Chemistry Hoff, Jacobus Henricus Van't Fischer, Hermann Emil Arrhenius, Svante August Ramsay, Sir William Baeyer, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf Von Moissan, Henri Buchner, Eduard Rutherford, Lord Ernest Ostwald, Wilhelm Wallach, Otto Curie, Marie Sabatier, Paul Grignard, Victor Werner, Alfred Richards, Theodore William

88. __
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