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41. FILOZOFIA POKOJU - Osobowo¶ci Randal (18381908) Brytyjski dzialacz robotniczy, pacyfista, zalozyciel i sekretarzRobotniczego Stowarzyszenia Pokoju, nobel'1903r. ducommun elie (1833-1906 http://irenologia.republika.pl/postacie/inni.htm | |
42. Ilustres Translate this page Diderot, Denis - Filósofo. ducommun, elie - nobel de la Paz y Fundador OficinaInternac. de la Paz. Berna. Dunant, Henri - Fundador de la Cruz Roja. http://www.masoneria-uruguay.org/ilustres.html |
43. VnExpress - Mot The Ky Giai Nobel Hoa Binh Translate this page Jean Henry Dunant, ngu?i d?u tiên nh?n gi?i nobel Hòa bình. 1902 Haingu?i Th?y S? cùng nh?n gi?i là elie ducommun (1833-1906), Thu http://vnexpress.net/Vietnam/The-gioi/Tu-lieu/2002/10/3B9C131F/ | |
44. The Nobel Peace Price List of all the nobel Peace Prize winners from 1901 to 1995. nobelPeace Prize Winners. ducommun, elie, Switzerland, 1833 1906. http://www.cyberclip.com/Katrine/NorwayInfo/Articles/NobelPeace.html | |
45. Géniesenherbe.org - Prix Nobel De La Paix Translate this page Comité nobel Norvégien, situé à Oslo, en Norvège. Année, Récipiendaire. 1901,Jean Henri Dunant (Suisse) et Frédéric Passy (France). 1902, elie ducommun ( http://www.geniesenherbe.org/theorie/prix/nobpaix.html | |
46. Nobel Prize Winners For Peace Passy, Frédéric, France. 1902, ducommun, Élie, Switzerland. 1985, InternationalPhysicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, (founded 1980). 1986, Wiesel, elie,US. http://www.britannica.com/nobel/table/peace.html | |
47. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Presentation Year. nobel Peace Prize Laureate. 1901. Jean Henri Dunant. 1953. George CatlettMarshall. 1901. Frederic Passy. 1957. Lester Bowles Pearson. 1902. elie ducommun.1958. http://www.geocities.com/pvaninw/NPPL.htm | |
48. D Translate this page ducommun, elie - nobel de la Paz y Fundador Oficina Internac. de laPaz. Berna. Dumas, Alejandro - Escritor, dramaturgo y periodista. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atlantis/1824/D.htm | |
49. International Biography Year nobel PRIZE WINNERS - Peace 1901 - Jean Henri Dunant Frederic Passy 1902- elie ducommun Charles Albert Gobat 1903 - Sir William R. Cremer 1904 http://www.palestinehistory.com/intbio14.htm | |
50. International: Italiano: Società : Strutture_Sociali: Persone: Biografie: Nobe Società Strutture Sociali Persone Biografie nobel per la De Klerk, Frederik Willem(0); ducommun, Élie (0 Walesa, Lech (0); Wiesel, elie (0); Williams, Betty http://open-site.org/International/Italiano/Società /Strutture_Sociali/Persone | |
51. Em Construção Translate this page Doumer, Paul - Presidente da França. ducommun, elie - nobel da Paz Dunant, Henri- Fundador da Cruz Vermelha. Dumas, Alejandro - Escritor e dramaturgo. http://www.mao.netium.com.br/gblsep1/famosos.htm | |
52. GEN SUISSE. - Medien - Nobel De Chimie: Le Suisse Kurt Wüthrich Translate this page Le Prix nobel de la paix est allé en 1901 à Henri Dunant, fondateur de la Croix-Rouge.L'année suivante, c'est elie ducommun et Charles-Albert Gobat http://www.gensuisse.ch/act/sda021009b_f.html | |
53. Swiss Science & Technology Offices In North America France); elie ducommun (18331906) and Charles Alhert Gohat (1843-1914), Switzerland,honorary secretaries of the International Peace Bureau in Berne. nobel http://www.swissemb.org/scitech/html/other_nobels.html | |
54. ÆòÈÀÇ ºû (¸ñÂ÷) Frederic Passy; ducommun, elie; Gobat, CharlesAlbert; Cremer Lech; Tutu, Desmond;Wiesel, elie; Arias Sanchez Landmines (ICBL); ?; nobel Prizes. ? http://cyberspacei.com/jesusi/contents/peace.htm | |
55. Ducommun, Elie ducommun, Élie (b. Feb. 19, 1833, Geneva, Switz.d. Dec. 7, 1906, Bern), Swisswriter and editor who in 1902, with CharlesAlbert Gobat, won the nobel Prize http://cyberspacei.com/jesusi/peace/nobel/ducommun.htm | |
56. Irwin Abrams: "Je Me Souviens..." In l902, the year after the first nobel Peace Prize was granted, the corecipientof the second prize was elie ducommun, the IPB's first secretarygeneral http://www.irwinabrams.com/articles/iremember.html | |
57. Prix Nobel De La Paix - Guide Pédagogique Translate this page 1901 Henri Dunant (1828-1910) Suisse et Frédéric Passy (1822-1912) France1902 elie ducommun (1833-1906, Albert Gobat (1834-1914) Suisse 1904 Inst. http://www.frenchteachers.org/hq/materials/postguid/prixpaix.htm | |
58. Le Plus Grand Nombre De Prix Nobel Par Habitant Au Monde Translate this page Prix nobel Suisses. Prix nobel de la Paix. Henri Dunant, 1901. elie ducommun,1902. Honorary Secretary Permanent International Peace Bureau, Berne,. http://switzerland.isyours.com/f/immigration/programmes/affaire/nobel.html | |
59. Le Plus Grand Nombre De Prix Nobel Par Habitant Au Monde nobel de la Paix. Henri Dunant, 1901. Founder International Committee of the RedCross, Geneva, Originator Geneva Convention (Convention de Geneve),. elie ducommun, http://switzerland.isyours.com/r/immigratsija/programmy/biznes/nobel.html | |
60. Mémoires D'Ici Translate this page Pacifisme(s) Prix nobel de la Paix 1902 Albert Gobat et elie ducommun, no 64dIntervalles revue culturelle du Jura bernois et de Bienne, 2002, 176 p. http://www.m-ici.ch/index.php?ELEMENT=activite |
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