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61. Ir Al Home Page Home Page Translate this page Premios nobel de Fisiología y Medicina Año, Premiado, Pais, Campo de Estudio. 1939,gerhard domagk (no aceptado), Alemania, Efecto antibacteriano del prontosil. http://www.neuroc.sld.cu/nobel.htm | |
62. The Nobel Lauriates Of Germany. development. gerhard domagk 1939 nobel Laureate in Medicine for thediscovery of the antibacterial effects of prontosil. (Caused | |
63. Personnalités D Translate this page domagk gerhard (Lagow, Brandebourg, 1895 - Burgberg, Forêt-Noire, Bade-Wurtemberg,1964) biochimiste. Le prix nobel de médecine lui fut décerné en 1939, mais http://allemagne.weimar.free.fr/personnaD.html | |
64. October 30 - Today In Science History gerhard domagk. (source), Born 30 Oct 1895; died 24 Apr 1964. German bacteriologistand pathologist who was awarded the 1939 nobel Prize for Physiology or http://www.todayinsci.com/10/10_30.htm | |
65. Mitchell Lane Reviews on gerhard domagk and the Discovery of Sulfa and Chester domagk covers the lifeand accomplishments of the man the scientist was awarded the nobel Prize in http://www.mitchelllane.com/ussrev.html | |
66. Digital Clendening: Ralph Major Photograph Collection: 20th Century He received the nobel prize in 1929 for his study of avitaminosis. Major,1035, 1055.1. 1. P5. S-4. 20-8. 2. P-5. 20-26. domagk, gerhard. Major, 1006-08. 1. P-5. 20-27. http://clendening.kumc.edu/dc/rm/major_20th.htm | |
67. Volver A La Página Principal Las Instituciones Que Nos Cobijan Premios nobel de Medicina. PRINCIPAL ÍNDICE Notas nobel Medicina nobel Química 1938, Heymans, Corneille Jean Francois. 1939, domagk, gerhard. http://www.biologia.edu.ar/basicos/nobeles/nobelmed.htm | |
68. WoYaa Search Engine - Africa References Online - SCIENCES AND NATURE nobel Prize in Medicine. gerhard domagk, a nobel Prize Laureate inPhysiology and Medicine, at the nobel Prize Internet Archive. http://www.woyaaonline.com/links/SCIENCES_AND_NATURE/more38.html | |
69. Prix Nobel De Physiologie Ou Médecine - Wikipedia Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Les prix nobel de physiologieet médecine. 1939 gerhard domagk. 1940 Barbara McClintock. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prix_Nobel_de_Physiologie_ou_Médecine | |
70. Nobel Prizes In Physiology/Medicine Or Chemistry By Microbiologists nobel Prizes in Physiology/Medicine or Chemistry by Microbiologists. Year. Winner.Topic. 1908. Metchnikoff Ehrlich. 1939. gerhard domagk. Synthetic antibiotics. 1958. http://hosting.uaa.alaska.edu/mhines/biol340/Pages/nobel.htm | |
71. Postgraduate Medicine: Antibiotics: Past, Present, And Future That's when gerhard domagk, a 38year-old German pharmacologist, discovered thata dye used to tint cloth seemed to domagk was awarded the nobel Prize for http://www.postgradmed.com/issues/1997/01_97/williams.htm | |
72. The Alfred B. Nobel Prize Winners: Physiology Or Medicine Advertisement. nobel Prize Winners for Physiology or Medicine. 1938, CorneilleJF Heymans, Belgium. 1939, gerhard domagk, Germany. 1940, 1941, 1942, http://history1900s.about.com/library/misc/blnobelmed.htm | |
73. Premios Nobel De Fisiología Y Medicina Translate this page Premios nobel de Fisiología y Medicina. Año, Premiado, Pais, Campo de Estudio. 1939,gerhard domagk (no aceptado), Alemania, Efecto antibacteriano del prontosil. http://www.revistamedica.8m.com/medmoder4.htm | |
74. Nobel Prize For Medicine nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. For years not listed, no award was made.1901. 1939. gerhard domagk (Germany), for antibacterial effect of prontocilate. http://homepages.shu.ac.uk/~acsdry/quizes/medicine.htm | |
75. Untitled Document nobel award. Thus, three Germans, namely the 1938 and 1939 chemistry laureates RichardKuhn and Adolf Butenandt, and the 1939 medicine laureate gerhard domagk, http://www.koreaherald.co.kr/SITE/data/html_dir/2003/03/10/200303100019.asp | |
76. Ëàóðåàòû Íîáåëåâñêèõ ïðåìèé ïî ôèçèîëîãèè Alphabetical listing of nobel prize laureates in Physiology and Medicine.Name. Year Awarded. Doisy, Edward Adelbert, 1943. domagk, gerhard, 1939. http://orel.rsl.ru/archiv/nob_med.htm | |
77. Domagk, Fleming, Waksman And The Third Man The patent to make sulphanilamide was owned by Bayer but had expired. In 1939 GerhardDomagk was offered the nobel Prize for Medicine. What happened next? http://www-micro.msb.le.ac.uk/Tutorials/dfwt/dfwt8.html | |
78. Chemistry Chronicles It hired gerhard domagk to take charge of the project. domagk was awarded the NobelPrize in Physiology or Medicine in 1939, but the Nazi government, at http://pubs.acs.org/subscribe/journals/tcaw/10/i06/html/06chemch.html | |
79. Search Results For Discovery - Encyclopædia Britannica - The Online Encyclopedi domagk, gerhard German bacteriologist and pathologist who was awarded the 1939 NobelPrize for Physiology or Medicine for his discovery (announced in 1932) of http://search.britannica.com/search?query=discovery&fuzzy=N&ct=eb&start=8&show=1 |
80. Farbstoffe In Der Medizin gerhard Domagkarbeitete zunächst tcaw/10/i06/html/06chemch.html http//www.nobel.se/medicine http://www.chemie.de/HyperNews/get/forums/chemstarter/4602/1.html?nogifs |
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