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41. Dirac Translate this page dirac, paul adrien maurice (1902-1984), físico teórico británico, premiado conel nobel, y célebre por su predicción de la existencia del positrón, o http://www.geocities.com/fisicaquimica99/dirac.htm | |
42. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac: Awards Won By Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac 123Awards hardwork is paid in form of awards. Awards of paul adrien maurice dirac.OTHERnobel, 1933, PHYSICS. Enter Artist/Album. Partner Sites. Stardose.com. http://www.123awards.com/artist/2574.asp | |
43. Premio Nobel De Fiziko - Vikipedio Fiziko Premio nobel de Fiziko Premio nobel. La Premio nobel de Fiziko estasdisdonata ekde 1901. 1933 paul adrien maurice dirac kaj Erwin SCHR?INGER. http://eo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premio_Nobel_de_Fiziko | |
44. Folha Da Física Translate this page dirac, laureado com o prêmio nobel com apenas 31 anos EP Wigner Ed., ReminiscencesAbout a Great Physicist paul adrien maurice dirac (Cambridge Univ http://www.fis.ufba.br/f_fisicaN8_1.htm | |
45. NonSoloScienza - Il Personaggio Translate this page paul adrien maurice dirac nacque nel 1902 a Bristol, in Inghilterra, da Fu propriodirac a proporre la denominazione di venne insignito del premio nobel per la http://digilander.libero.it/fradgl1/archivio_personaggi/dirac.html | |
46. Pictures Gallery Of The Nobel Prize Winners In Physics Translate this page The nobel Prize in Physics. 1998. Robert B. Laughlin Horst L. Störmer DanielC. Tsui 1997. 1934. None 1933. paul adrien maurice dirac Erwin Schrödinger 1932. http://www.th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/~jr/physpicnobel.html |
47. High Index paul adrien maurice dirac Includes a brief biography and a copy of his nobellecture. http//www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1933/diracbio.html. http://www.highindex.com/Science/Physics/Quantum_Mechanics/People/ | |
48. Zientzia Eta Teknologiaren Ataria paul adrien maurice diracek (1902-1984) positroiaren aurkikuntza partikula berriarenpropietateak dirac-en teoriak urtean Fisikako nobel saria eskuratu zuen http://www.zientzia.net/artikulua.asp?Artik_kod=3605 |
49. Errore Translate this page primi decenni del Novecento, paul adrien maurice dirac non è l'eccezionale creativitàscientifica che paul dirac mostra tra un meritato premio nobel nel 1933 http://www.enel.it/magazine/res/arretrati/20dirac_1.shtml | |
50. CERN Courier - Paul Dirac: A Genius In The - IOP Publishing - Article aged 82, on 20 October 1984 as a nobel Prize winner EP Wigner (ed.) 1988 Reminiscencesabout a great physicist paul adrien maurice dirac Cambridge University http://www.cerncourier.com/main/article/42/7/15 | |
51. Auswahl Naturwissenschaftler paul adrien maurice dirac. - Johann Wolfgang Doebereiner, - Doppler,Christian. - Frank Drake, - paul Ehrlich, - Albert Einstein. Alfred nobel, http://www.niester.de/p_natwis/p_natwis.html | |
52. Auswahl Naturwissenschaftler paul adrien maurice dirac. - Johann Wolfgang Doebereiner, Alfred nobel, - Georg Simon Ohm, - Heinrich Wilhelm Matthias Olbers. http://www.niester.de/p_natwis/ | |
53. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac Translate this page paul adrien maurice dirac (1902-1984) paul adrien maurice dirac Físico británico,premio nobel Nació el 8 de agosto de 1902 en Bristol, hijo de un padre http://bios.euroritmo.com/default.aspx?personaje=Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac |
54. Search Results For Schrodinger - Encyclopædia Britannica - The Online Encyclope The nobel Prize in Physics 1933 The nobel Foundation Brief biographiesof Erwin Schrodinger and paul adrien maurice dirac. Includes http://www.britannica.com/search?query=schrodinger&ct= |
55. Dirac, P.A.M. in full paul adrien maurice dirac (b. Aug. In 1933 he shared the NobelPrize for Physics with the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger. http://www.britannica.com/nobel/micro/171_97.html | |
56. PhysicsWeb - Resources - Reference/Famous Physicists Contributions of 20th Century Women to Physics. Curie, Marie A nobel Prize Pioneerat the Panthéon. dirac, paul adrien maurice - Creator of Quantum Mechanics. http://physicsweb.org/resources/Reference/Famous_physicists/ | |
57. PhysicsWeb - Paul Dirac: Seeking Beauty Kursunoglu and EP Wigner (ed) 1987 paul adrien maurice dirac Reminiscences Abouta Taylor (ed) 1987 Tributes to paul dirac Buy the 1933 nobel Prize in Physics. http://physicsweb.org/article/world/15/8/9 | |
58. Atomfizikusok dirac, paul adrien maurice (19021984), nobel-díjas angol elméletifizikus. Képek dirac. Einstein, Albert (1879-1955), nobel-díjas http://www.szulocsatorna.hu/fizika/atom/tartalom/fizikus/fizikus.htm | |
59. Yong Mao - History Of St John's dirac, paul adrien maurice, (190284), physicist, shared nobel Prize with ErwinSchrödinger in 1933 for their discovery of new productive forms of atomic http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/~ym101/college/famous.html | |
60. Paul Dirac - Wikipedia Translate this page paul adrien maurice dirac est né le 8 août 1902 à Bristol Cela permet à diracde prédire l'existence d'une Il partage le prix nobel de physique en 1933 http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Dirac | |
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