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61. Nobel. Chemia. Kalendarium Chemia (1112-00, 1224) nobel z chemii 2002 - za zachowania sie substancji wbardzo niskich temperaturach 1950 - otto paul hermann diels (Niemcy) i Kurt http://www1.gazeta.pl/nauka/1,34141,93871.html | |
62. Xrefer - Search Results - Diels-Alder Reaction diels otto paul hermann 1876 1954. chemist, who shared the 1950 nobel Prizewith Kurt Alder (190258) for their discovery of the diels-Alder reaction, by http://www.xrefer.com/results.jsp?term=Diels-Alder reaction |
63. Wanadoo Translate this page PRIX nobel. Année. Discipline. Nom. Pays. 1901. CHIMIE. Van't Hoof (Jacobus Henricus). CHIMIE.Alder (Kurt). RFA. 1950. CHIMIE. diels (otto paul hermann). RFA. 1950. PHYSIQUE. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/christian.fabien/prix nobel.htm | |
64. Diels-Alder Translate this page par le professeur otto paul hermann diels (1876-1954) et par son élève et collaborateurKurt Alder (1902-1958). Ils reçurent conjointement le prix nobel de http://www.umh.ac.be/~ichim/docs/studs01-02/diels-alder.html | |
65. Nobel Prizes In Chemistry nobel Prizes in Chemistry. This Year's nobel Prize in Chemistry Chemistry 1901. diels,otto, paul hermann, Germany, Kiel University, * 1876, + 1954; and. http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/cas/chem/acs-inorganic/Nobel.html | |
66. Click Here Click Here. nobel Prize Winners. Chemistry. 1949, Giauque, William F. (US). 1950,Alder, Kurt (W. Ger) diels, otto paul H. (W. Ger). 1953, Staudinger, hermann (W. Ger). http://www.freegk.com/nobel/chemistry.php | |
67. 20th Century Year By Year 1950 nobel Prizes. Chemistry The prize was awarded jointly to diels, otto, paul hermann,Germany, Kiel University, b. 1876, d. 1954; and ALDER, KURT, Germany http://www.multied.com/20th/1950.html | |
68. The Nobel Lauriates Of Germany. nuclei. otto paul hermann diels 1950 nobel Laureate in Chemistry fortheir discovery and development of the diene synthesis. KURT | |
69. Nagroda Nobla Z Chemii W Latach 1901-2001 pierwiatków transuranowych; 1950 otto paul hermann diels, Kurt Alder za odkryciei rozwiniecie syntezy dienowej( synteza dielsa-Aldera); 1949 William http://strony.wp.pl/wp/chemik12/rozne/nobel.html | |
70. Nobel Prizes In Chemistry nobel Prizes in Chemistry. This Year's nobel Prize in Chemistry. Chemistry 1901. diels,otto, paul hermann, Germany, Kiel University, * 1876, + 1954; and. http://chemserv.bc.edu/sites/Nobel.html | |
71. Personnalités D Translate this page même temps que Hershey, ce qui lui valut le prix nobel de médecine de 1969, quilpartagea avec Hershey et Luria. diels otto paul hermann (Hambourg, 1875 http://allemagne.weimar.free.fr/personnaD.html | |
72. Technical Information Center USP, US Pharmacopoeia. A Century of nobel Prize Winners in Chemistry. 1901, temperatures.1950, otto paul hermann diels Kurt Alder diene synthesis. http://www.accustandard.com/asi/tech_info_center.php3 | |
73. Behind The Name: Nobel Prize Winners By Category Behind the Name the etymology and history of first names. nobel Prize Winnersby Category. Kurt Alder, 1950, Chemistry, otto paul hermann diels, 1950, Chemistry, http://www.behindthename.com/namesakes/nobelchro.html | |
74. January 23 - Today In Science History otto paul hermann diels was a German organic chemist who with Kurt Alder was awardedthe nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1950 for their joint work in developing a http://www.todayinsci.com/1/1_23.htm | |
75. March 7 - Today In Science History otto diels. (source), Died 7 Mar 1954 (born 23 Jan 1876) otto paul hermann dielswas a German organic chemist who with Kurt Alder was awarded the nobel Prize for http://www.todayinsci.com/3/3_07.htm | |
76. Biographies Of Chemists 1637 (USA) E. diels, otto paul hermann nobel prize Chemistry 1950E (SE). Domagk, Gerhard Johannes paul Biography (D) D. Dorn http://www.chemlin.de/chemistry/chemists.htm | |
77. Jan.t01 [Calendar] b. 1876 otto paul hermann diels developed the diene synthesis practical methodfor making ring compounds from chain compounds (dielsAlder Reaction); nobel http://arts-sciences.cua.edu/CHEM/MAY/month/Januarychem.htm | |
78. Otto Paul Hermann Diels: Awards Won By Otto Paul Hermann Diels Awards of otto paul hermann diels. http://www.123awards.com/artist/6561.asp | |
79. Pictures Of Nobel Laureates - Chemistry 1936 Peter JW Debye; 1937 - Walter N. Haworth; 1937 - paul Karrer; 1938 - Richard Tiselius;1949 - William F. Giauque; 1950 - Kurt Alder; 1950 - otto PH diels; http://chemistry.about.com/library/blchemists.htm | |
80. Alfred B. Nobel Prizes In Chemistry - Winners 1937, Walter N. Haworth paul Karrer, Great Britain Switzerland, Studied carbohydratesand vitamin C Studied 1950, Kurt Alder otto PH diels, Germany Germany, http://chemistry.about.com/library/weekly/aa120202a.htm | |
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