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         Delbruck Max:     more books (27)
  1. Thinking About Science: Max Delbruck and the Origins of Molecular Biology by Ernst Peter Fischer, Carol Lipson, et all 1995-09-21
  2. Max Delbruck and Cologne: An Early Chapter of German Molecular Biology by Simone Wenkel, 2007-07-26
  3. Licht und Leben: Ein Bericht uber Max Delbruck, den Wegbereiter der Molekularbiologie (Konstanzer Bibliothek) (German Edition) by Ernst Peter Fischer, 1985
  4. Mind from matter?: An essay on evolutionary epistemology by Max Delbruck, 1986
  5. Hefe, Gärung Und Fäulnis: Eine Sammlung Der Grund-Legenden Arbeiten Von Schwann, Cagniard-Latour Und Kützing, Sowie Von Aufsätzen Zur Geschichte Der Theorie ... Der Gärungsgewerbe (German Edition) by Max Delbrück, 2010-01-10
  6. Max Delbrück and the New Perception of Biology 1906-1981: A Centenary Celebration University of Salamanca October 9-10, 2006
  7. Hochschullehrer (Nashville): Reiner Pommerin, James C. McReynolds, Max Delbrück, Dietmar Herz, Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, Michael Kearney (German Edition)
  8. Phage Workers: James D. Watson, Francis Crick, Max Delbrück, Frank Macfarlane Burnet, Stefan Slopek, Félix D'herelle, François Jacob
  9. Biophysiker: Luigi Galvani, Manfred Eigen, Bernard Katz, Hermann Von Helmholtz, Max Delbrück, Norman J. Holter, Stefan Hell, James Lovelock (German Edition)
  10. Vanderbilt University Faculty: Alain Connes, Bill Frist, Max Delbrück, Stanley Cohen, Mitchell A. Seligson, John Seigenthaler, Dana D. Nelson
  11. Über die Streuung kurzwelliger [gamma]-Strahlen. with: DELBRÜCK, Max (1906-1981). Zusatz bein der Korrektur von M. Delbrück. In: Zeitschrift für Physik, Vol. 84, No. 3-4, 1933. by Lise (1878-1968) & H. KÖSTERS. MEITNER, 1933-01-01
  12. Delbrück, Max: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Macmillan Reference USA Science Library: Genetics</i> by Richard Robinson, 2003
  13. Berlin-Buch: Heilanstalten in Berlin-Buch, Friedhof Pankow XII, Schlosskirche Buch, Karpfenteiche, Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin (German Edition)
  14. Der Aufbau der Atomkerne. Natürliche und künstliche Kernumwandlungen. by Lise (1878-1968) & Max DELBRÜCK (1906-1981). MEITNER, 1935

61. Resonance Journal Of Science Education November 1999, Volume 4,
Olympiad 2. nobel Prizes 99 FRONT COVER = Electron micrograph of phageT4 (right) and mycobacteriophage l3 (left). max delbruck contributed to our
Resonance journal of science education November 1999, Volume 4, Number 11 1 Editorial Alladi Sitaram GENERAL ARTICLES ================ 4 Can Dams and Reservoirs Cause Earthquakes? - Triggering of Earthquakes Ramesh Chander 14 The Jordan Curve Theorem - Conclusions Ritabrata Munshi 21 Remembering Max Delbruck: The Scientist and the Man Makkuni Jayaram 35 Delbruck's Publications in Biology Vidyanand Nanjundiah 54 Turbulence and Flying Machines Rama Govindarajan CLASSROOM ========= 63 IMO 1999 Question Paper 65 Inadequacy of Water Band Movement Technique for Kinetic Interpretation of RCOOH-NAHCO3 Reaction P Sahoo and B Saha 71 Meteors - The Terrestrial and Celestial Connection B S Shylaja BOOK REVIEWS ============ 84 Mind from Matter? As Essay on Evolutionary Epistemology N Mukunda 86 Complex Variables - Introduction and Applications S Kesavan CLASSICS ======== 88 A Physicist Looks at Biology Max Delbruck INFORMATION AND ANNOUNCEMENTS ============================= 103 JEST - 2000 See inside back cover- 1. Indian team tops the 4th International Astronomy Olympiad 2. Nobel Prizes - 99 FRONT COVER =========== Electron micrograph of phage T4 (right) and mycobacteriophage l3 (left). Max Delbruck contributed to our understanding of the genetics of phage T4. Phage l3 was isolated and its biology has been investigated at IISc by T Ramakrishnan and his colleagues. (Courtesy V Nagaraja) BACK COVER ========== Max Delbruck (1906-1981) (Illustration by Prema Iyer)

Translate this page Durante l’ultima guerra mondiale insieme con il biologo tedesco max delbruck studiandoi Ricevette il premio nobel con delbruck e Alfred D. Hershey il quale
I PREMI NOBEL NOBEL, UN UOMO SOLO “Gli interessi acquisiti ogni anno saranno distribuiti sotto forma di premi per ricompensare coloro che, nell’anno precedente, avranno apportato all’umanità il maggiore beneficio”. Con queste parole Alfred Nobel trasmetteva ai suoi concittadini il difficile compito di assegnare ogni anno i premi che portano il suo nome. Nel testamento, redatto un anno prima della morte avvenuta a Sanremo il 10 dicembre 1896, era specificato che dovevano venir premiate le persone che avevano fatto la scoperta più importante nel campo della fisica, della chimica, della medicina o fisiologia, della letteratura, con opere di tendenza idealistica, e quelle che “più di altre si erano prodigate o avevano realizzato il miglior lavoro ai fini della fraternità fra le nazioni”. Si precisava inoltre che le assegnazioni non dovevano tenere conto della nazionalità del candidato. Nel laboratorio di quella fabbrica il giovane Alfred, intorno agli anni ‘60, iniziò la sua attività di chimico volta a perfezionare la tecnica dell’esplosione con l’impiego di polveri sempre più potenti e un nuovo tipo di innesco per la nitroglicerina. La nitroglicerina, ottimo esplosivo di consistenza oleosa che fu scoperto nel 1846 da un giovane chimico italiano, Ascanio Sobrero, ha però un difetto che ne rende l’uso molto pericoloso: esplode al minimo urto e, a volte, senza una precisa causa; malgrado ciò presenta anche un’altra caratteristica di cui si accorse lo stesso Sobrero, che era anche medico, osservando gli arrossamenti delle mani e del collo degli operai che lavoravano alla sua preparazione: è un vasodilatatore e come tale ancora oggi, seppure con opportune modifiche nella composizione, viene usata per curare l’angina pectoris.

63. Virology Lab Syllabus
lab Required Reading on Reserve at Sherrod Library 9. nobel Prize in Physiologyor Medicine 1969 max delbruck, Alfred Hershey and Salvador E. Luria (press
HSCI 4771 Virology Laboratory Spring 2002
No text.
Reading materials will be placed on reserve at Sherrod Library. Students should take notes on the materials as they read them and prepare for class discussions.
Course web page URL:
Videos. We will view several videos during the semester. You should take extensive notes on these videos as you view them. Record facts, details, and questions. Because most of these videos run 50-55 minutes, we will have to hold our discussions until the specified days. Consequently, your notes are critical. Review your notes to prepare for the class discussion sessions. If you miss a video there is NO opportunity to make it up. Mark that youwere absent in your notebook even if you copy notes from a classmate.
Wet Labs. During the semester we will grow bacterial viruses (phage) and plant viruses (TMV). Also, we will culture animal cells that are commonly used to grow animal viruses. Unfortunately, we do not have the appropriate facilities to safely grow animal viruses.
Lab Notebook/Journal: Students should keep a log of notes on the videos, readings, discussions and experiments conducted during the laboratory time. All observations and materials related to the lab should be kept in thisnotebook. Put anything about virology you want to include in this notebook.You can include news articles, web pages, popular magazine articles, andpictures, etc. Absences should be recorded.

64. Document Sans Titre
Translate this page Institute. Il partagea le Prix nobel de Physiologie et Médecine en1969 avec max delbruck o et Salvador Luria o. Oeuvre scientifique.
Avery Beadle Bridges Chargaff ... Watson Alfred Day Hershey (1908 - 1997) o Plan : Oeuvre scientifique - Impact - Publications Alfred Hershey obtint son doctorat en chimie au Michigan State College Carnegie Institute o et Salvador Luria o Oeuvre scientifique Impact Max Delbruck o et Salvador Luria o The Americanphage Group

65. P32 Delbruck And Luria
max Delbrück (left), who was German, and Salvador Luria (right), an Italian, areconsidered Delbrück, Luria, and Hershey were awarded the nobel Prize in 1969 caption.htm
Back to Coming of Phage Max Delbrück (left), who was German, and Salvador Luria (right), an Italian, are considered the core of the phage group, along with Alfred Hershey. The seaside campus of Cold Spring Harbor provided opportunities for summer relaxation as well as work. Delbrück, Luria, and Hershey were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1969. Credit: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Archives.

66. Watson Collections
Dr. Watson’s handwritten notes of his speech, the nobel itinerary, and by scientists,including James Watson, Sydney Brenner, max delbruck, Rosalind Franklin Archives/Watson series.htm
James D. Watson Collection: Personal Papers
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Archives James D. Watson Collection: Personal Papers
Organization and arrangement The collection is organized into 12 series: Biographical Correspondence Manuscripts Articles and Clippings ... Memorabilia Within these series, the materials may be arranged alphabetically, chronologically, or, topically. Please see individual series descriptions for specific arrangement schemes. Access Restrictions The James D. Watson Collection is a non-circulating archival collection. Researchers may use the materials only in situ at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Archives. For a complete description of the rules and regulations governing research at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Archives, please consult the Regulations Governing the Usage of Archives Use Restrictions If you wish to request the use of materials from the CSHL Archives, please consult our and Fee Schedule , then fill out a Materials Use Request Form. There may be some restrictions on the use of the collection. For more information, contact:

67. Science On Long Island
In 1945 max delbruck started a bacterial virus course. CSH has had more thanits share of nobel prize winners and important research breakthroughs.
Science on Long Island
Cold Spring Harbor Lab One of the earliest pictures of the Cold Spring Harbor Lab. Long Island has long been a center for science and technology. Among the most important centers for scientific research have been the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory, the Okeanos Ocean Research Foundation and the governments agricultural research center on Plum Island. Long Island has many Nobel Prize winners in the area of science, the highest award for a scientist's work.
Cold Spring Harbor
The biological laboratory at Cold Spring Harbor (CSH) was founded in 1890. Throughout its long and distinguished history the lab has produced many important scientific breakthroughs and several of its scientists have won the Nobel Prize for their research. In 1908, George Shull developed the first hybrid corn in a field next to what is now the Carnegie Library at Cold Spring Harbor. Much cancer research has been done at Cold Spring Harbor laboratories. In 1928, E. Carlton McDowell discovered a type of mouse that consistently developed leukemia and much research was done at the lab about the genetic basis for cancer. In 1945 Max Delbruck started a bacterial virus course. This course trained the first generations of molecular biologists and was important in understanding the genetic code. One of the greatest experiments came in 1952 when Alfred Hershey and March Chase did their famous "blender experiment." This showed that DNA was the molecule of heredity.

68. Nobel Prizes: Physiology & Medicine And Chemistry
Official Site of the nobel Committees Prizes. 1969 max delbruck, Alfred D. Hershey,and Salvador E. Luria (US), for study of mechanism of virus infection in
The Nobel Prize is an award, established and endowed by the will of Alfred Nobel, given annually for outstanding achievement in one of five fields. By the terms of Nobel's will, the physics and chemistry prizes are judged by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences; the physiology or medicine prize, by Sweden's Royal Caroline Medico-Chirurgical Institute; the literature prize, by the Swedish Academy; and the peace prize, by a committee of the Norwegian parliament. Physiology or Medicine (1901-2001)
1901 Emil A. von Behring (Germany), for work on serum therapy against diphtheria 1902 Sir Ronald Ross (England), for work on malaria 1903 Niels R. Finsen (Denmark), for his treatment of lupus vulgaris with concentrated light rays 1904 Ivan P. Pavlov (U.S.S.R.), for work on the physiology of digestion 1905 Robert Koch (Germany), for work on tuberculosis 1906 Camillo Golgi (Italy) and Santiago Ramón y Cajal (Spain), for work on structure of the nervous system 1907 Charles L. A. Laveran (France), for work with protozoa in the generation of disease 1908 Paul Ehrlich (Germany), and Elie Metchnikoff (U.S.S.R.), for work on immunity

69. Linus Pauling And The Race For DNA: A Documentary History - Special Collections
Page 01, LP to max delbruck Page 02 LP to max delbruck - Page 02. Correspondencewith WL Bragg and nobel Committee, 1960 The Pauling Catalogue Science Box
All Documents and Media Home Search Narrative Linus Pauling Day-By-Day ... Video Clips Correspondence J.T. Randall to LP, LP's reply, August 28, 1951
The Pauling Catalogue : Science Box 9.001 Folder 1.2
View All Information.

JT Randall to LP
LP's reply
Ruth B. Shipley to LP, February 14, 1952

The Pauling Catalogue : LP Biographical: Political Box 2 Folder 2.5
View All Information.

Ruth B. Shipley to LP
Charles M. Apt to LP, no date, but ca. March 1952

View All Information.
Charles M. Apt to LP - Page 01 Charles M. Apt to LP - Page 02 LP's reply - Page 03 LP to John Tinker, May 6, 1952 View All Information. LP to John Tinker - Page 01 LP to John Tinker - Page 02 Alexander R. Todd to LP, May 6, 1952 The Pauling Catalogue : Correspondence Box 330 Folder 6 View All Information. Alexander R. Todd to LP - Page 01 LP to Alexander R. Todd, May 12, 1952 The Pauling Catalogue : Correspondence Box 330 Folder 6 View All Information. LP to Alexander R. Todd - Page 01 LP to Alexander R. Todd - Page 02

70. Luce Virtuale
Translate this page max Born (1882 - 1970 i più famosi allievi di Born ricordiamo Jordan, delbruck, MariaGoppert archivio biografico del museo virtuale della nobel Foundation una

Niels Bohr
Max Born Arthur Holly Compton Louis-Victor Pierre Raymond de Broglie Albert Einstein Werner Heisenberg ... Joseph John Thomson Max Born (1882 - 1970)
Atomic Physics , che rappresenta uno dei primi trattati (1935), diffuso in tutto il mondo, di fisica atomica e di fisica quantistica, e Natural Philosophy of Cause and Chance Tratto da Nuova Physica 2000 Le Monnier , Firenze
Dall' archivio biografico del museo virtuale della Nobel Foundation una biografia concisa ed esauriente. In inglese.
Una biografia del famoso scienziato che eccelse anche per i suoi lavori nel campo della matematica, come viene qui particolarmente evidenziato. In inglese. L' Enciclopedia Britannica offre questo servizio di consultazione gratuito di materiale biografico oltre a suggerire materiali, testi e siti interessanti. In inglese.

71. Scientific American: Feature Article: Art As A Form Of Life: April 2001
Upon learning the news, delbruck and his coworkers dashed off a BREAK THIS CODE ORGIVE BACK THE nobel PRIZE LEDERBERG GO HOME max MARKO STERLING .
"I stopped worrying a long time ago about whether what I do is art or science; otherwise, I'd rip my brain apart."
"There are changes on the horizon that are so dramatic and sweeping that all of the revolutions of the so-called digital age will shrink by comparisonÖ. All of our dreams are going to come true. So we will have to have the right kinds of dreams. That is why science needs artists like me."
Art as a Form of Life
More copies exist of one of his works than of all previous artworks by all prior artists. Yet his self-replicating creations have never been exhibited in the United States. FAST FACTS:
  • Expelled from three high schools and two colleges: for writing about atheism, refusing a haircut, making a still (which exploded), being elected student body president on a "free marijuana" platform and working on an underground anti-war newspaper. Walked into the M.I.T. Center for Advanced Visual Studies uninvited in 1982. Secretary called the cops. Forty-five minutes later, Davis walked out with an appointment as a research fellow. Latest project is to build a biomechanical ornithopter powered by electrically stimulated frogs legs and to fly it across the Charles river.

72. Matematica - News - Altri Eventi
Translate this page Vite. Premi nobel che abbandonarono il posto in Germania nel 1933-45NOME, PREMIO nobel, ANNO DI PARTENZA. max delbruck, 1969 Medicina, 1937.


Premi Nobel che abbandonarono il posto in Germania nel 1933-45 NOME PREMIO NOBEL ANNO DI PARTENZA Alber Einstein 1921 Fisica James Frank 1925 Fisica Gustav Hertz 1925 Fisica Erwin Schrodinger 1933 Fisica 1933 e 1938 Viktor Hess 1936 Fisica Otto Stern 1943 Fisica Felix Bloch 1952 Fisica Max Born 1954 Fisica Eugene Wigner 1963 Fisica Hans Bethe 1967 Fisica 1971 Fisica Fritz Haber 1918 Chimica Peter Debye 1936 Chimica George de Hevesy 1943 Chimica Gerhard Hezberg 1971 Chimica Otto Meyerhof 1922 Medicina Otto Loewi 1936 Medicina Boris Chain 1945 Medicina Hans A. Krebs

73. Biomedia - Destacamos
Translate this page a su composición «aburrida», en palabras de max delbruck, frente a británicosJohn Desmond Bernal, max Perutz y la cual recibieron el Premio nobel el mismo

Dossier Búsqueda Agenda ... Suscripciones
Soraya de Chadarevian: la construcción de un icono del siglo XX
Francesc Xavier Calvó i Monreal Biomedia (Barcelona). El pasado 1 de abril tuvo lugar, en la sala President Lluís Companys del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona, la conferencia de la destacada profesora británica Soraya de Chadarevian sobre el cincuenta aniversario de la publicación de la estructura en doble hélice del DNA en la revista Nature . El artículo en cuestión, de James Watson y Francis Crick, describió por primera vez la estructura de la molécula del ácido desoxirribonucleico (DNA). Partiendo del hecho que la estructura de la doble hélice ha alcanzado una enorme popularidad incluso en terrenos ajenos a la ciencia, Soraya de Chadarevian, del Departamento de Historia y Filosofía de la Ciencia de la Universidad de Cambridge , Reino Unido, propone una recontextualiazción de esta cuestión. En primer lugar plantea situar el modelo en su contexto histórico, es decir teniendo en cuenta que hubo un antes y un después de la publicación. El DNA como material genético no surge con Watson y Crick. Su existencia es conocida desde el siglo XIX, si bien su consideración como material genético no se dará hasta el conocido experimento de Hersey y Chase. Otra de las razones para su relativamente tardío reconocimiento como portador de la herencia se debe a su composición «aburrida», en palabras de Max Delbruck, frente a la composición de las proteínas, mucho más variadas y sugerentes en este sentido. Es preciso recordar que disponemos de un mínimo de veinte aminoácidos para formar las proteínas y sólo disponemos de cuatro nucleótidos para la formación de los ácidos nucleicos. Este hecho, junto con el surgimiento del lenguaje de la información, llevarán al planteamiento del código genético y su solución, todo ello con posterioridad a los artículos de Watson y Crick.

74. Hist.of Genetics
(He receives a nobel Prize in 1933) 1920 1945 max delbruck and Salvador Luria (fleeingfrom Nazi Europe) begin “The Phage Course” at Cold Spring Harbor. genetics.html
I. What is the Genetic Material?
Protein or DNA
20 different amino acids only 4 different nucleotides
found in eukaryotic chromosomes found in eukaryotic chromosomes
highly variable structures and functions variability limited
II. The Nineteenth Century
Darwin publishes The Origin of Species
Gregor Mendel
1869: DNA isolated for the first time
III. The Twentieth Century Walter Sutton Thomas Hunt Morgan identifies a mutant white eyed male fruit fly...a discovery which leads him to the chromosomal theory of inheritance and sex linkage. (He receives a Nobel Prize in 1933) 1920: nucleotide structure is elucidated. How nucleotides go together to form DNA is unknown Frederick Griffith demonstrates transformation in pneumococcus bacteria (see attached sheet) working with mutants of Neurospora crassa Max Delbruck and Salvador Luria Bacteriophage (aka Phage) are viruses that infect bacterial cells. Phage inject their genetic material into the host bacterial cell. Host cell uses its machinery to copy the viral genetic material and assemble new virus particles (virions) which then emerge from the bacterial cell, often destroying (lysing) it in the process. Virions then spread to other cells and repeat the process. Barbara McClintock Irwin Chargaff Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase Joshua Lederberg , studying bacterial genetics, identifies plasmids and bacterial recombination James Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins

75. Scientific American: Feature Article: Art As A Form Of Life: April 2001
On learning the news, delbruck and his coworkers dashed off a BREAK THIS CODE ORGIVE BACK THE nobel PRIZE LEDERBERG GO HOME max MARKO STERLING .
"I stopped worrying a long time ago about whether what I do is art or science; otherwise, I'd rip my brain apart."
"There are changes on the horizon that are so dramatic and sweeping that all of the revolutions of the so-called digital age will shrink by comparison. All of our dreams are going to come true. So we will have to have the right kinds of dreams. That is why science needs artists like me."
Art as a Form of Life
More copies exist of one of his works than of all previous artworks by all prior artists. Yet his self-replicating creations have never been exhibited in the United States.
Joe Davis: Genestheticist
Photograph by Kathleen Dooher Davis with one of his more conventional artworks. FAST FACTS:
  • Expelled from three high schools and two colleges: for writing about atheism, refusing a haircut, making a still (which exploded), being elected student body president on a "free marijuana" platform and working on an underground anti-war newspaper.
  • Walked into the M.I.T. Center for Advanced Visual Studies uninvited in 1982. Secretary called the cops. Forty-five minutes later, Davis walked out with an appointment as a research fellow.

76. Max Planck Weekly Research Report - Molecular Biology/Cell Biology/Biochemistry/
Cell Biol D13092 Berlin Germany max delbruck Ctr Mol Stockholm Sweden KarolinskaInst, Med nobel Inst Biochem Biophys S-17177 Stockholm Sweden max Planck Inst
Biologisch-Medizinische Forschung
Biological and Medical Sciences
Molecular Biology/Cell Biology/Biochemistry/Biophysics/Genetics
Citation No. 9945-48 (ISI
Document Delivery
Citation No. 9945-48 (ISI Document Delivery available)
Merrifield CJ, Moss SE, Ballestrem C, Imhof BA, Giese G, Wunderlich I, Almers W.
Author e-mail Address
Endocytic vesicles move at the tips of actin tails in cultured mast cells
Nature Cell Biology. 1(1):72-74, 1999 May.
Abbreviated Source
Catalog Holdings
No holdings available
ISSN KeyWords Plus by ISI
Listeria-monocytogenes, Motility, Dynamics, Macropinocytosis, Internalization, Profilin, Surface.
Publication Type
Current Contents(R)/Life Sciences.
CC Categories Entry Week
1999 week 45
Reprint Author
Reprint available from: Almers W, Oregon Hlth Sci Univ, Vollum Inst, 3181 Sam Jackson Pk Rd, Portland, OR 97201, USA.

77. Pennsylvania Governor's School Of The Sciences - Biology
nobel Prizes in Molecular Biology. 1969, max delbruck , Alfred D. Hershey and SalvadorE. Luria, Discoveries concerning the replication mechanism and the gentic
Research Spending in Science
Agency % Difference DOD NASA Energy NSF Agriculture Commerce Transportation EPA Other (Values given in millions of $)
Career Possibilities in Biology
You may find this hard to believe after 4 weeks in my class, but not all biologists determine K I values and look at chime pages. We will discuss career opportunities in biology. Please bring questions. Here are some interesting web sites related to careers in biology: Veterinary Medicine,
Patent Law

Marine sciences

Careers in Biology,

and some excellent collections of links:
Role of computers in the analysis of DNA sequence: Computational Biology at NIH
Nobel Prizes in Molecular Biology
Year Winner(s) Discovery Peter C. Doherty and Rolf M. Zinkernagel Discoveries concerning the specificity of the cell mediated immune defence. Kary B. Mullis and Michael Smith Invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method (Mullis). Fundamental contributions to the establishment of oligonucleiotide-based, site-directed mutagenesis and its development for protein studies (Smith). Richard J. Roberts and Phillip A. Sharp

78. Biographies - Deak To Dharmapala
delbruck, max (19061981) American scientist - Born September 4, 1906 in Berlin,Germany, he was the molecular He won the nobel Prize in medicine, 1969.
DEAK, Ferenc (1803-1876) Hungarian statesman, journalist, lawyer - Hungary 473 DEAKIN, Alfred (1856-1919) Australian politician, author, lawyer, journalist - Australia 451; 451a DEAK, Szidonia ( - ) Painted by Alayos GYORGYI - Hungary 1824 DEAN, B. ( - ) English figure skating champion - Central Africa (M)1183 DEAN, Christopher (1959- ) English ice dancing champion. Born in Nottingham, England, with Jayne Torvill , he won a gold medal in ice dancing, 1984 Olympics. - Central Africa 679D DEAN, Dizzy - see DEAN, Jay Hanna DEAN, James Byron (1931-1955) American film actor. Born February 8, 1931 in Marion, Indiana, he starred in East of Eden Rebel Without a Cause , 1955 and Giant 1956. He was a popular teen idol that died in an automobile accident on September 30, 1955 near Paso Robles, California. - Fujeira (Mich.) 1136; Gambia GAM1995L01.10-19; Madagascar MAD1995.1; United States USA1996F24 DEAN, Jay Hanna (1911-1974) American sportsman, baseball player. Known as "Dizzy" Dean, he was born January 16, 1911 in Lucas, Arkansas, he was a pitcher, 1930-41. He won 30 games in 1934. Denny McLain was the only pitcher to do it since, 1968. He was elected to the Hall of Fame, 1953. He died July 17, 1974 in Reno, Nevada. - Grenada 1666; 1666i; United States USA2000G06.5 DEAN, William ( - ) - Nevis 8575

79. JSCPPTestimony2000
Physicists and chemists like max delbruck, Linus Pauling, and Francis Crick wereamong the the structures of proteins, and nearly a dozen nobel Prizes would
AND RELATED AGENCIES APRIL 5, 2000 My name is Ken Dill. I am a Professor at the UC San Francisco Medical Center. I represent the Joint Steering Committee for Public Policy, an organization of 20,000 biomedical research scientists. As a taxpayer who cares about my family's health, I am grateful for your support of biomedical research, particularly your back-to-back 15 percent increases to the NIH. This is an incredible moment in scientific history. In 100 years, I believe we'll see the biomedical science revolution of today as overshadowing even the industrial revolution in its importance to our daily lives. My first message is to urge you to continue the effort to double the NIH budget over 5 years. My second message is that NIH should invest new resources in the underpinning basic sciences: physics, chemistry, math, and computer science. The deepest mysteries of biology still lie ahead of us. The revolution has barely begun. We need new technologies and principles that aren't even known yet. Biomedical research without enough underpinning science is like a freight train without a track. Biomedicine owes much to the basic sciences. Physicists and chemists like Max Delbruck, Linus Pauling, and Francis Crick were among the founders of molecular and structural biology. The underpinning sciences gave us Magnetic Resonance Imaging, CAT scans, laser eye surgery, and new biomaterials.

80. Sinsheimer Names
max delbruck Sept 4, 1906March 10, 1981 nobel Prize physiology and medicine1969 (with Luria and Hershey) Studied astronomy, PhD in theoretical physics
Welcome to the Sinsheimer Names Project
Ever wonder who those folks are whose names you see up on the wall in Sinsheimer? We also wondered, so we did a little research. We created this site to connect us all a little more to the people behind the names. Here is some of what we have found so far....
The people behind the names in the Sinsheimer Labs Central Staircase
  • T. H. Bovari Cytologist, Proponent of the Chromosome Theory of Heredity, used roundworms, studied centrosomes.
  • Melvin Calvin Biochemist, Nobel Prize in Chemistry, determined pathway from CO to organic carbon during photosynthesis.
  • Alfred Hershey Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (shared with Luria and Delbruck). With Margaret Chase, labeled bacteriophage with isotopes so that S was in protein and P was in DNA. Found that phage puts DNA not protein into the cell during infection.
  • G. Ledyard Stebbins Botanist, "Synthetic theory", Population geneticist.
  • Charles Darwin Botanist, Naturalist, During a trip on the Beagle made observations of Galapagos finches that lead to a theory of Natural Selection to explain the origin and evolution of the species.
  • Sir Alexander Fleming Bacteriologist who discovered penicillin, lysozyme.

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