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Debye Petrus Josephus Wilhelmus: more detail |
21. Kimyaokulu - Nobel ödülü Kazanan Bilim Adamlarý nobel ÖDÜLÜ KAZANAN BILIM ADAMLARI VE YAPTIGI ÇALISMALAR. 1936, debye, petrus(PETER) josephus wilhelmus Hollanda, Berlin Üniversitesi ve Kaiser http://kimyaokulu.com/bilimin onculeri/nobel/nobel_odulu_kazananlar07.htm | |
22. PREMIOS NOBEL EN QUIMICA Translate this page PREMIOS nobel EN QUIMICA. NOMBRE. AÑO. NOMBRE. AÑO. Hoff, Jacobus HenricusVan't. 1901. debye, petrus josephus wilhelmus. 1936. Fischer, Hermann Emil.1902. http://galeon.hispavista.com/labquimica/sopacademico/pnobel/nobel.htm | |
23. Nederlandse Nobelprijswinnaars Link to further information at the nobel foundation. Top. Chemistry 1936. debye,petrus (PETER) josephus wilhelmus, the Netherlands, Berlin University, and http://www.uu.nl/nieuws/nobelprijswinnaars/nobelprijswinnaars_nederland.html | |
24. CHEMISTRY 1901 petrus josephus wilhelmus debye. The nobel Prize in Chemistry 1936 for the advancementon the understanding of molecular structure through his investigations http://www.geocities.com/chemistry_with_dr_ng/a/Nprize.htm | |
25. Dr.Tarek Said's Homepage-Nobel Prize Winners nobel Prize in Chemistry RUZICKA 1938 RICHARD KUHN 1937 SIR WALTER NORMAN HAWORTH PAUL KARRER 1936 petrus (PETER) josephus wilhelmus debye 1935 FREDERIC http://www.geocities.com/tsaid3/nobel.html | |
26. Nobel Prizes In Chemistry nobel Prizes in Chemistry. This Year's nobel Prize in Chemistry Chemistry 1901. Chemistry1936. debye, petrus (PETER) josephus wilhelmus, the Netherlands http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/cas/chem/acs-inorganic/Nobel.html |
27. Nobel Prizes In Chemistry nobel Prizes in Chemistry. This Year's nobel Prize in Chemistry. Chemistry 1901. Chemistry1936. debye, petrus (PETER) josephus wilhelmus, the Netherlands http://chemserv.bc.edu/sites/Nobel.html |
28. Debye debye, Peter (Joseph William) (hollandul petrus josephus wilhelmus Debije) (szül. állam,USA), fizikai kémikus, 1936ban kémiai nobel-díjat kapott http://www.kfki.hu/~cheminfo/hun/olvaso/bh/debye.html |
29. 20th Century Year By Year 1936 nobel Prizes. Chemistry debye, petrus (PETER) josephus wilhelmus, the Netherlands,Berlin University, and KaiserWilhelm- Institut (now Max-Planck-Institut) f http://www.multied.com/20th/1936.html | |
30. Debye Translate this page Histoire de la chimie, petrus josephus wilhelmus debye. 1884-1966. Physicien etphysico-chimiste hollandais.(24 mars 1884 - 2 nov. 1966) nobel de chimie 1936. http://www.sciences-en-ligne.com/lic/chimie/hist_chi/biographies/c_f/Biog_Debye. | |
31. Debye Translate this page Histoire de la chimie. petrus josephus wilhelmus debye. 1884-1966. Physicien etphysico-chimiste hollandais.(24 mars 1884 - 2 nov. 1966) nobel de chimie 1936. http://www.sciences-en-ligne.com/momo/lic/chimie/hist_chi/biographies/c_f/Biog_D | |
32. NOBEL KÝMYA ÖDÜLLERÝ nobel KIMYA ÖDÜLLERI. 1901. VANT HOFF, JACOBUS. 1956 Yeni radyoaktif elementlersentezledikleri için. 1936. debye, petrus (PETER). josephus wilhelmus. http://www.tubitak.gov.tr/nobel/kimya-nodul.html | |
33. Result Of Desired Function nobel Laureats in Chemistry. nobel Foundation. Year. Name. Motivation. 1901.VAN'T HOFF, JACOBUS HENRICUS. 1936. debye, petrus (PETER) josephus wilhelmus. http://chemistry.sogang.ac.kr/ChemInfo/Nobeleng.html | |
34. Result Of Desired Function 1935. JOLIOT, FRIC JOLIOTCURIE, IR?E. in recognition of their synthesisof new radioactive elements . 1936. debye, petrus (PETER) josephus wilhelmus. http://chemistry.sogang.ac.kr/ChemInfo/Nobel.html | |
35. Debye Translate this page petrus josephus wilhelmus debye. 1884-1966. Physicien hollandais. Ses travauxcouvrent un champ très vaste de la chimie physique. nobel de chimie 1936. http://chimie.scola.ac-paris.fr/sitedechimie/hist_chi/biographies/Biog_Debye.htm | |
36. Nobel nobelWinning Chemists. Kurt Alder. Sidney Altman. Marie Curie. Elias James Corey.petrus (Peter) josephus wilhelmus debye. Paul J. Crutzen. Robert F. Curl, Jr. http://www.sanbenito.k12.tx.us/district/webpages2002/judymedrano/Nobel Winners/n | |
37. Géniesenherbe.org - Prix Nobel De Chimie Translate this page Le prix nobel de chimie est attribué par l'Académie royale des sciences deSuède, à Stockholm. 1936, petrus josephus wilhelmus debye (Pays-Bas). http://www.geniesenherbe.org/theorie/prix/nobchem.html | |
38. Alpha Chi Sigma Nobel Laureates Alpha Chi Sigma nobel Laureates. The nobel Prize in Chemistry 1936.petrus (Peter) josephus wilhelmus debye. 1884 1966. Tau 1940. for http://www.hexagongirl.com/y/09-Nobel Laureates.html | |
39. The Debye Formula Prof. petrus josephus wilhelmus debye. Dutch postage stamp from a series incommemoration of Dutch nobel Laurates. The debye Formula Program DALAI http://srs.dl.ac.uk/arch/DALAI/Formula.html | |
40. Premio Nobel De Química - Wikipedia Translate this page Ver enlace http//www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/index Walter Norman Haworth,Paul Karrer 1936 petrus (Peter) josephus wilhelmus debye 1935 Frédéric http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premio_Nobel/Química | |
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