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         De Gennes Pierre-gilles:     more books (24)
  1. Lauréat Du Prix Gay-Lussac Humboldt: Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Michel Rohmer, Jacques le Rider, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Alain Aspect (French Edition)
  2. Espci Paristech Faculty: Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Paul Langevin, Georges Charpak, Jacques Lewiner, Paul Schützenberger, Ludwik Leibler
  3. Superconductivity of Metals and Alloys by Pierre Gilles de Gennes, 1966
  4. Physics of Liquid Crystals (International Series of Monographs on Physics) by Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Pierre-Gilles De Gennes, 1974-02
  5. Capillarity and Wetting Phenomena: Drops, Bubbles, Pearls, Waves by Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Francoise Brochard-Wyart, et all 2010-11-02
  6. Superconductivity of Metals and Alloys (Advanced book classics) by Pierre Gilles de Gennes, 1989-09
  7. Simple Views on Condesed Matter **ISBN: 9789812382825** by Pierre-Gilles De/ De Gennes, Pierre-Gilles Gennes, 2003-06-01
  8. Capillarity and Wetting Phenomena by Pierre-Gilles De/ Quere, David/ Brochard-Wyart, Francoise/ Reisinger, Axel (TRN)/ De Gennes, Pierre-Gilles Gennes, 2003-10-01
  9. PHYSICS OF LIQUID CRYSTALS 2/E by Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, 1995

21. Le Collège - Rencontre Avec Pierre-Gilles De Gennes
Translate this page L'auteur, Prix nobel de physique en 1991, pierre-gilles de gennes est égalementprofesseur au Collège de France et membre de l'Académie des sciences.
P-G. de Gennes Pierre-Gilles de Gennes
pour son livre
Samedi 11 janvier, 15h
pour leur faiblesse
un grand baron de la science points faibles et moins faibles
- Les objets fragiles
, physique des objets de tous les jours,
- Gouttes, Bulles, Perles et Ondes

22. Lehigh University - RCEAS News: Pierre De Gennes Lecture
pierregilles de gennes, director of the ESPCI (Ecole Superieure Physique ChimeIndustrielles), was the recipient of the 1991 nobel Laureate in Physics for
Professor Pierre de Gennes, Nobel Laureate, to lecture at Lehigh University A Public Lecture by Professor Pierre de Gennes, Nobel Laureate, will be held on Thursday, October 10, 2002 at the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science at Lehigh University. The reception will be held in Packard Lab Lobby from 3:00 to 4:00 with the lecture following from 4:00 to 5:30 in Packard Lab Auditorium. De Gennes, who is best known for his studies of liquid crystals and polymers, will also receive an honorary Doctor of Science degree at Lehigh’s annual Founder Day, which will be held at 4:15 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 11, in Packer Memorial Church. This will be de Gennes’ fourth visit to Lehigh. He gave plenary lectures at both the 1990 and 2000 Colloid and Surface Science Symposiums held at Lehigh, and he spoke at the Distinguished Lecture Series on Polymer Interfaces in 1992. In his 40-year career, de Gennes has found common links in areas such as magnetism, superconductivity, polymers, liquid crystals – the materials used in digital watches and laptop computer screens – and modern plastics and fabrics. He has been praised for his unique ability to reduce complex phenomena to a few simple mathematical truths. De Gennes’ research interests have evolved from neutron scattering and magnetism and supraconductors to liquid crystals to polymer physics to interfacial problems and the dynamics of wetting, and, most recently, the physical chemistry of adhesion.

23. De Gennes, Pierre-Gilles
de gennes, pierregilles (1932-). PG de gennes has received the Holweck Prize fromthe joint French and British Physical Society; the From Les Prix nobel 1991.
De Gennes, Pierre-Gilles P. G. de Gennes was born in Paris, France, in 1932. He majored from the Ecole Normale in 1955. From 1955 to 1959, he was a research engineer at the Atomic Energy Center (Saclay), working mainly on neutron scattering and magnetism, with advice from A. Herpin, A. Abragam and J. Friedel (PhD 1957). During 1959 he was a postdoctoral visitor with C. Kittel at Berkeley, and then served for 27 months in the French Navy. In 1961, he became assistant professor in Orsay and soon started the Orsay group on supraconductors. Later, 1968, he switched to liquid crystals. In 1971, he became Professor at the Collège de France, and was a participant of STRASACOL (a joint action of Strasbourg, Saclay and College de France) on polymer physics.
From 1980, he became interested in interfacial problems, in particular the dynamics of wetting. Recently, he has been concerned with the physical chemistry of adhesion. P.G. de Gennes has received the Holweck Prize from the joint French and British Physical Society; the Ampere Prize, French Academy of Science; the gold medal from the French CNRS; the Matteuci Medal, Italian Academy; the Harvey Prize, Israel; the Wolf Prize, Israel; The Lorentz Medal, Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences; and polymer awards from both APS and ACS.

24. Sito Web Italiano Per La Filosofia-PIERRE-GILLES DE GENNES
Translate this page Intervista al premio nobel francese pierre-gilles de gennes, ospite a Trieste dellaSissa Le sue teorie stanno alla base degli orologi digitali, degli schermi

  • Io, il profeta della materia soffice
    Intervista al premio Nobel francese Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, ospite a Trieste della Sissa
    Le sue teorie stanno alla base degli orologi digitali, degli schermi dei pc portatili
    L'Unita' 29 MARZO 2001
  • Cellule staminali, la battaglia di Luca Cascioni
    Il Sole 24 Ore 14 MAGGIO 2000
  • La matematica è una bolla di sapone
    La ricerca pura si lega da sempre alla più eterea delle realtà
    Quello che sembra un gioco da bambini impegna tuttora gli scienziati più creativi, che risolvono problemi senza curarsi troppo delle applicazioni: le quali tuttavia arrivano sempre
  • 25. Pierre-Gilles De Gennes - 26. 1.
    Karolina (a následné doktorské promoce 7. dubna 1999 ve 14.00 hod.) si PierreGillesde gennes prál zaradit 1991, nobel prize in Physics (Stockoholm).
    Professor Pierre-Gilles de Gennes,
    nositel Nobelovy ceny za fyziku (1991)
    a nositel øádu Èestné legie (1992)
    • narozen 24. øíjna 1932 v Paøí¾i
    • univerzitní profesor - College de France, Paris
    • øeditel - École Normale Supérieure de Chimie et Physique industrielles de la Ville de Paris
    • èlen
      • French and Dutch academies of sciences
      • Royal Society (G. B.)
      • Academy of Arts and Sciences
      • National Academy of Sciences
      Prof. P. G. de Gennes patøí po desetiletí mezi absolutní svìtovou ¹pièku teoretických fyzikù. Nobelova cena mu byla udìlena za jeho zásadní teoretický pøínos v oborech magnetizmu, supravodivosti, kapalných krystalických látek, polymerních materiálù a nabotnalých sí»ovaných gelù. Mimoøádnì významný pøíspìvek k pokroku fyziky pøedstavovaly jeho práce z oblasti uspoøádání spinù elektronù, molekul a makromolekulárních øetìzcù metodami statistické fyziky. V celé jeho vìdecké práci se projevuje inspirativní zobecnìní teoretických modelù, vypracovaných k popisu uspoøádání v jednoduchých systémech na komplexnìj¹í formy látek. Zejména tento pøístup byl ocenìn výborem pro udìlení Nobelovy ceny. Svou vìdeckou kariéru prof. de Gennes zaèal v 60. letech na École Normale (Paøí¾) v oblasti magnetizmu pevných krystalických látek a v oblasti polovodièù. Pozdìji pøe¹el na Universitu Paøí¾-Jih v Orsay, kde se vìnoval problematice nízkých teplot a supravodivosti. Zde pod jeho vedením byla teoreticky a experimentálnì poprvé prokázána existence povrchové supravodivosti kovù a slitin. Tyto práce byly pozdìji zpracovány v monografii Superconductivity of Metals and Alloys. Zájem o uspoøádání v kondenzovaných systémech ho pozdìji pøivedl ke studiu kapalných krystalù a polymerù, které jsou ve srovnání s krystalickými látkami ménì uspoøádané.

    26. Nobel Physics Prize - Press Release 1991
    16 October 1991 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the1991 nobel Prize in Physics to Professor pierregilles de gennes, College de

    27. Physics 1991
    nobel Prize in Physics 19012000 http//, The nobel Prize in Physics1991. pierre-gilles de gennes. France. Collège de France Paris, France.

    28. Du Laser à La Fermeture Eclair - Pierre-Gilles De Gennes - Collège De France
    Translate this page pierre-gilles de gennes y occupe la Chaire de Physique de la MatièreCondensée. Il a reçu le Prix nobel de physique en 1991.
    Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Fiche Produit Code Produit:
    Pierre-Gilles de Gennes
    Prix: Qte: Avec: 52 mn Versions: VF Format: SECAM PAL Also available on NTSC VHS

    DORIANE FILMS - 11, rue Dorian - 75012 - PARIS - FRANCE
    Tel : (+ 33) 01 44 74 77 11 - Fax : (+ 33) 01 44 74 64 93
    E-mail : - Web : Visualiser votre panier virtuel

    29. For Women In Science
    pierregilles de gennes nobel Prize in Physics, 1991 Executive President of the2003 Award Jury Out of his vast experience as a man of science, pierre-gilles
    Pr. Pierre-Gilles de Gennes
    Nobel Prize in Physics, 1991
    Executive President of the 2003 Award Jury

    Out of his vast experience as a man of science,
    Pierre-Gilles de GENNES offers us his opinion
    on the following themes: The qualities women bring to research The personal impact of winning an award The illustrious example of Marie Curie The qualities women bring to research In the material sciences and in biology, women are particularly successful. There is an American expression "green thumb", which describes the ability to make plants grow. Like gardeners, women researchers have this ability: they know how to make a colony of bacteria grow, how to extract a protein cleanly, etc. They have a heightened sensitivity to living things. A second point is that their leadership of groups is more perceptive than that of men. When a member of their group has a problem or a doubt, when morale is flagging, women researchers know how to stand by him, give support, help him through. Men are not so good at this.
    I have also witnessed this ability at the Collège de France where I had taken over an old-established team, people who were clearly undermined and therefore uncertain and unhappy. The role of newly promoted women in integrating the members of the old team was admirable, effective and beneficial.

    pierregilles de gennes, 1991 nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, has been hailedas the Isaac Newton of our time for his genius in reducing a broad rang of
    Honorary Doctorate for Nobel Laureate Prof. Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Bar-Ilan University will be honoring Prof. Pierre-Gilles de Gennes with an honorary doctorate in recognition of his extraordinary scientific contributions in the world of physics. He will be presented with the honor on September 2 at Bar-Ilan U. Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, 1991 Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, has been hailed as "the Isaac Newton of our time" for his genius in reducing a broad rang of complex phenomena to a few simple truths. De Gennes has found unifying threads in such diverse areas as magnetism, liquid crystals (the materials used in digital watches), laptop computer screens, superconductors and modern plastics and fabrics. De Gennes has been professor at the College de France since 1971 and director of the Ecole de Physique et Chimie in Paris since 1976. His many contributions have been in the field of condensed matter physics, which involves the behavior of materials that condense into solid, gas or liquid phases. De Gennes' contribution was the discovery of general rules for how these materials behave during the transition from one phase to another. Despite the accolades of the international scientific community, de Gennes remains true to basic values. According to an article written at the time in The Boston Globe, when de Gennes, a father of seven, heard that he would be receiving the Nobel Prize, he said, “One shouldn't get big-headed. The crowning of our lives is not at all the reward. It is above all our children.”

    31. Physics News Update Number 52 - THE 1991 PHYSICS NOBEL PRIZE
    THE 1991 PHYSICS nobel PRIZE goes to pierregilles de gennes of the College deFrance in Paris for discovering that methods developed for studying order
    AIP HOME PAGE Online Journal Publishing Service AIP Journals Publishing Services Science Policy History Center Working at AIP Site Index Physics News Update
    The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
    Number 52 (Story #1), October 16, 1991 by Phillip F. Schewe and Ben Stein
    THE 1991 PHYSICS NOBEL PRIZE Click on Logo to Return to AIP Home Page
    American Institute of Physics

    One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740-3843
    Email: Phone: 301-209-3100; Fax: 301-209-0843

    Gilles de gennes (Collège de France) The works of the 1991 nobel prize winner inPhysics, pierregilles de gennes, have transformed condensed matter physics.
    Home Browse by Subject Bestsellers New Titles ... Browse all Subjects Search Keyword Author Concept ISBN Series New Titles Editor's Choice Bestsellers Book Series ... Series in Modern Condensed Matter Physics - Vol. 4
    by Pierre-Gilles de Gennes (Collège de France)
    The works of the 1991 Nobel prize winner in Physics, Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, have transformed condensed matter physics. Over the last three decades, he has left his indelible mark on an astonishing variety of condensed matter topics – magnets, superconductors, liquid crystals, polymers, interfaces, wetting and adhesions, and chirality. In doing so, he has bridged the gap between solid state physics and physical chemistry, and has forged close links between experimentalists and theoreticians. In awarding him the 1991 Nobel prize for his theoretical studies on liquid crystals and polymers, the Nobel foundation has paid tribute to his undoubted genius in discovering mathematical simplicity and elegance in the most complex and "messy" of systems. His deep insights into these fields have enabled others to exploit liquid crystals in technology and have paved the way for physicists to work on polymers. SIMPLE VIEWS ON CONDENSED MATTER presents a personal selection of the major works of de Gennes. It comes complete with afterthoughts by the author on his main papers, explaining their successes or weaknesses, and the current views on each special problem. This collector's volume contains all the important works of de Gennes which have made a lasting impact on our understanding of condensed matter, and serves as an essential reference book for all condensed matter physicists and physical chemists. It also bears testimony to the genius of a remarkable man, and should be a source of inspiration for aspiring scientists around the world.

    33. DE GENNES
    Translate this page pierre-gilles de gennes a reçu le prix nobel de physique en 1991 pour ses travauxsur les polymères, des molécules constituées par l'enchaînement de
    De la grande visite Le Nobel de physique Solid State Communications Low Temperature Physics et Annales de physique , ainsi que du Journal of Polymer Science et du Journal of Chemica l Physics Bruno Levesque Vignette

    34. Matthieu Hébert, Un Futur Pierre-Gilles De Gennes?
    Translate this page Il s'envolera bientôt pour la France où il se joindra à l'équipe derecherche du Prix nobel de physique 1991, pierre-gilles de gennes.
    honoris causa Vignette

    35. Artificial Muscle Research Institute
    ARTIFICIAL MUSCLE RESEARCH INSTITUTE and. SAMPE. Announce A Seminar Presentedby. pierregilles de gennes nobel Laureate in Physics, Paris, France.
    Announce A Seminar Presented by Pierre-Gilles de Gennes
    Nobel Laureate in Physics, Paris, France Subject: Artificial Muscles
    Date and Location of Seminar:
    August 30, 1999, 7:30PM-10:00PM,
    MTTC, 800 Bradbury Drive in the UNM South Research Park
    . ABSTRACT This talk will discuss the aims and the weak points of soft mechanical systems: slow responses and fragility. One partial solution based on block copolymers is currently built up by P. Auroy and will be described.
    The Speaker: Pierre-Gilles de Gennes
    From 1980, he became interested in interfacial problems: the dynamics of wetting and adhesion. More recently, he has worked on granular materials. As of January 1st 1999, he has produced 462 publications. He is a member of the French Academy of Sciences, the Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, the Royal Society, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the National Academy of Sciences (U.S.A.).
    Schedule of Events This is a no host reception and cash bar. We will be collecting the cost of drinks, snacks, and deserts by selling coupons at the door of the MTTC entrance.
    Time Event 07:30 PM Social Mix 08:00 PM Lecture: Pierre-Gilles deGennes 09:00 PM Reception Directions: The MTTC is located at 800 Bradbury Drive in the UNM South Research Park. It is the building

    36. Cornell News: De Gennes To Speak
    Contact Roger Segelken Office (607) 2559736 E-Mail ITHACA,NY nobel Prize-winning physicist pierre-gilles de gennes will speak on
    'Artificial Muscle' is topic for physicist Pierre-Gilles de Gennes May 5 at Cornell
    FOR RELEASE: April 25, 1997 Contact: Roger Segelken
    Office: (607) 255-9736
    ITHACA, N.Y. Nobel Prize-winning physicist Pierre-Gilles de Gennes will speak on "Novel Schemes for Artificial Muscle" when he delivers a Gemant Lecture on Monday, May 5, at 3:30 p.m. in Schwartz Auditorium, Rockefeller Hall, at Cornell University. The lecture, which is sponsored by the Department of Physics, is free and open to the public. The director of the College of Industrial Physics and Chemistry in Paris and professor of solid state physics at the University of Paris, de Gennes is best known for his studies of liquid crystals and polymers, an achievement for which he was honored with the 1991 Nobel Prize for physics. The speaker has visited Cornell before as a professor-at-large and as a Bethe Lecturer. Some of his special insights into the fractal nature of matter, as caused by thermal fluctuations, build on the work of Cornell chemists and physicists Benjamin Widom, Michael E. Fisher and Kenneth Wilson. And de Gennes found that much earlier work by Cornell chemist Paul Flory could be combined with new ideas about the fluctuations in the shape of polymers to reveal how polymer solutions unified collective and individual molecular properties. More recently, de Gennes' interest in "soft" condensed matter has extended to interfacial phenomena such as wetting of surfaces by liquids, the mechanisms by which materials stick to each other, and the soft materials of living matter.

    37. "Artificial Muscle" Is Topic For Nobelist De Gennes
    nobel Prizewinning physicist pierre-gilles de gennes will speak on Novel Schemesfor Artificial Muscle when he delivers a Gemant Lecture on Monday, May 5
    'Artificial muscle' is topic for Nobelist Pierre-Gilles de Gennes
    By Roger Segelken Nobel Prize-winning physicist Pierre-Gilles de Gennes will speak on "Novel Schemes for Artificial Muscle" when he delivers a Gemant Lecture on Monday, May 5, at 3:30 p.m. in Schwartz Auditorium, Rockefeller Hall, at Cornell. The lecture, which is sponsored by the Department of Physics, is free and open to the public. The director of the College of Industrial Physics and Chemistry in Paris and professor of solid state physics at the University of Paris, de Gennes is best known for his studies of liquid crystals and polymers, an achievement for which he was honored with the 1991 Nobel Prize for physics. The speaker has visited Cornell before as a professor-at-large and as a Bethe Lecturer. Some of his special insights into the fractal nature of matter, as caused by thermal fluctuations, build on the work of Cornell chemists and physicists Benjamin Widom, Michael E. Fisher and Kenneth Wilson. And de Gennes found that much earlier work by Cornell chemist Paul Flory could be combined with new ideas about the fluctuations in the shape of polymers to reveal how polymer solutions unified collective and individual molecular properties. More recently, de Gennes' interest in "soft" condensed matter has extended to interfacial phenomena, such as wetting of surfaces by liquids, the mechanisms by which materials stick to each other and the soft materials of living matter.

    38. Pictures Gallery Of The Nobel Prize Winners In Physics
    Translate this page The nobel Prize in Physics. 1998. Robert B. Laughlin Horst L. Störmer DanielC. Tsui 1997. 1992. Georges Charpak 1991. pierre-gilles de gennes 1990.
    The Nobel Prize in Physics
    Robert B. Laughlin
    Daniel C. Tsui
    Steven Chu
    Hannes Olof Gosta Alfven

    Louis Eugene Felix Neel
    Murray Gell-Mann
    Luis Walter Alvarez
    Hans Albrecht Bethe
    Alfred Kastler
    Richard Phillips Feynman

    Julian Seymour Schwinger

    Sin-Itiro Tomonaga
    Nikolai Gennadievich Basov
    Alexander Mikhailovich Prokhorov

    Charles Hard Townes
    Johannes Hans Daniel Jensen

    Maria Goeppert-Mayer
    Sir Edward Victor Appleton
    Percy Williams Bridgman
    Wolfgang Ernst Pauli
    Isidor Isaac Rabi
    Otto Stern
    Ernest Orlando Lawrence
    Enrico Fermi
    Clinton Joseph Davisson

    Sir George Paget Thomson
    Sir James Chadwick
    Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
    Werner Karl Heisenberg
    Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman
    Prince Louis-Victor Pierre Raymond de Broglie
    Sir Owen Willans Richardson
    Arthur Holly Compton

    Charles Thomson Rees Wilson
    Jean Baptiste Perrin
    James Franck

    Gustav Ludwig Hertz
    Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn
    Robert Andrews Millikan
    Albert Einstein
    Charles Eduard Guillaume
    Johannes Stark
    Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
    Charles Glover Barkla
    Sir William Henry Bragg
    Sir William Lawrence Bragg
    Max Theodor Felix von Laue
    Heike Kamerlingh Onnes
    ... Guglielmo Marconi
    Gabriel Jonas Lippmann
    Albert Abraham Michelson
    Sir Joseph John Thomson
    Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard
    John William Strutt (Lord Rayleigh)
    Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
    Donated by Christopher Walker, University of Ulster

    39. Matiere
    Translate this page savant, pierre-gilles de gennes, et de sa découverte, ou prétendue découverteon ne sait, la matière molle. C'est que celui-ci avait obtenu le nobel pour
    Check out the NEW Hotbot Tell me when this page is updated
    La matière molle de Pierre-Gilles qui gêne.
    Il ya quelque temps de celà, et comme soudainement atteints d'un prurit, prétendûment scientifique, mais franchement diarrhéique, les médias nous servirent à satiété le plat d'un nouveau savant, Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, et de sa découverte, ou prétendue découverte on ne sait, la matière molle.
    C'est que celui-ci avait obtenu le Nobel pour le prix de celle-là.
    Le Nobel! Alors un génie, pour sûr.
    D'autant, voire surtout, qu'un génie, çà c'est vendeur, coco!
    Prix Nobel, savant français, gloriole nationale : soit x copies donc, dont nous fûmes submergés au point que la tronche dudit savant parut un moment vouloir supplanter celle de Claudia. Un moment seulement, il est vrai : nous l'avons échappé belle!
    Un génie, on vous dit. Car imagine-t-on un Nobel décerné à un demeuré?
    Et bien pourquoi pas? L'imagination au pouvoir!
    Petit-enfant, Pierre-Gilles, comme tous les enfants, joue avec son caca. Avec délectation.
    Avec la passion dévorante, exclusive, de l'observateur scientifique ?

    40. Pierre-Gilles De Gennes Les Principes De L'adhésion
    Translate this page Leur professeur ce jour-là n'était autre que pierre-gilles de gennes, professeurau Collège de France, Prix nobel de physique. (H.Tattevin).

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