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21. Scientists Receive Nobel Prize For Ozone Research Freemantle, Michael, nobel Chemistry Prize Winner Spurred by WideRanging Interests, Chemical Engineering News (26 February 1996). paul crutzen trained http://www.globalchange.org/sciall/95oct67d.htm | |
22. Chemical & Engineering News Michael Freemantle. C EN London. When the 1995 nobel Prizes were announced lastOctober, paul J. crutzen was on vacation in Spain with his wife, Terttu. http://pubs.acs.org/hotartcl/cenear/960226/page.html | |
23. Crutzen, Paul J. on December, 3, 1933, the son of Anna Gurk and Jozef crutzen. Her son Jamie paul is12 years old. present in Stockholm, Uppsala and Gavle during the nobel week http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/C/Crutzen/Crutze | |
24. Nobel Laureates In Chemistry By Alphabetical Order Themes Science Chemistry About Chemistry Generalities nobel Laureates inChemistry by Alphabetical order. Name, Cram, Donald J. 1987. crutzen, paul, 1995. http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Sciences/Chemistry/Aboutchemistry/AlphaNobel |
25. ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF NOBEL PRIZE LAUREATES IN CHEMISTRY ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF nobel PRIZE LAUREATES IN CHEMISTRY. Name, Year Awarded.Alder, Kurt, 1950. Cram, Donald J. 1987. crutzen, paul, 1995. Curie, Marie, 1911. http://www.bioscience.org/urllists/nobelc.htm | |
26. NOBEL PRIZES nobel prize in chemistry; 1995 was presented by the Royal Swedish Academy of Thewinners include, paul crutzen from the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in http://www.bioscience.org/urllists/nobel.htm | |
27. Nobel Prize Newsletter 06 recognised by my peers in the scientific community and to share the 1995 nobel Prizein Chemistry with my good friends and colleagues paul crutzen and Sherry http://www.aero.jussieu.fr/~sparc/News6/NobelPrize.html | |
28. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: A-L (Chemistry) Calvin, Melvin (1961); crutzen, paul (1995) (nobel Foundation); Ernst,Richard (1991); Gilbert, Walter (1980); Grignard, François Auguste http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Bio | |
29. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Other (A-L) on LANGMUIR, IRVING; Calvin, Melvin (1961); Calvin, Melvin (1961); crutzen,paul (1995) (nobel Foundation); Ernst, Richard (1991); Gilbert http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Bio | |
30. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Sciences - Chemistry - Chemists - Oth 18. crutzen, paul 1995 nobel Autobiography http//www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1995/crutzen-autobio Read the autobiography http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=554800 |
31. McGill Public And Media Media Releases nobel Laureate Dr paul crutzen to speak at McGill March 8.His research showed that the ozone layer is in peril. http://mirr.whnet.edu.cn/www.mcgill.ca/public/releases/2000/march/crutzen/ |
32. McGill Public And Media Media Releases March 1, 2000 nobel Laureate Dr paul crutzen speaks at McGill nobel Laureate Drpaul crutzen to speak at McGill March 8. His research showed that the ozone http://mirr.whnet.edu.cn/www.mcgill.ca/public/releases/2000/march/ |
33. Nobel Prize In Chemistry 1995 Swedish Academy of Sciences The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided toaward the 1995 nobel Prize in Chemistry to Professor paul crutzen, MaxPlanck http://felix.unife.it/Root/d-General/d-Chemistry/d-The-chemist/t-Nobel-prize-199 | |
34. Nobel Prize Winners For Chemistry hydrocarbon molecules. 1995, crutzen, paul, The Netherlands, explanationof processes that deplete Earth's ozone layer. Molina, Mario, http://www.britannica.com/nobel/table/chem.html | |
35. Nobel Prize Winners For 1991-Present Gproteins, 1995, chemistry, crutzen, paul, The Netherlands, explanationof processes that deplete Earth's ozone layer, chemistry, Molina http://www.britannica.com/nobel/1991_pres.html |
36. Paul Crutzen Donnera Une Communication à McGill Translate this page Lauréat du prix nobel, M. paul crutzen donnera une communication àl'Université McGill le 8 mars. Ses travaux ont révélé que http://francais.mcgill.ca/releases/2000/march/crutzen/ | |
37. NZZ Format: Hitparaden, Preisträger Und Ihre Macher 1. Nobelpreisträger Und Translate this page Chemie-nobelpreis 1995 Die offizielle Site der nobel Foundation mit den Biographiender drei Preisträger paul crutzen, Mario Molina und F. Sherwood Rowland http://www-x.nzz.ch/nzz/format/broadcasts/links_188.html | |
38. NZZ Format: Hitparaden, Preisträger Und Ihre Macher 1. Nobelpreisträger Und Translate this page 11.40 Wieweit paul crutzen bei seinen Erkenntnissen von einem treuen Weggefährtenunterstützt wurde, ist übrigens vom nobel-Komitee nicht abgeklärt worden http://www-x.nzz.ch/nzz/format/broadcasts/transcripts_188_185.html | |
39. Pipacs - Interjú Paul Crutzen-nel téli nyár. A közelmúltban Budapesten járt egy konferencián PaulJosef crutzen, nobeldíjas professzor. A klímaváltozás http://www.pipacs.hu/cikkek/001205-crutzen.htm | |
40. The Nobel Prize In Chemistry 1995 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the 1995 nobel Prizein Chemistry to. Professor paul crutzen, MaxPlanck-Institute for Chemistry http://jcbmac.chem.brown.edu/baird/EnviroChem/OzoneNobelPrize/NobelPrizeChemistr | |
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