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61. Issue 21 - What Is Enlightenment? Magazine what to do. mairead corrigan Maguire, together with Betty Williams, wasawarded the nobel Peace Prize in 1977. After her young nephews http://www.wie.org/j21/future.asp |
62. The Peace Maker SiTe - Nobel Laureates Statement mairead corrigan Maguire, nobel Peace Prize 1976. Betty Williams, nobelPeace Prize 1976. mairead corrigan Maguire, nobel Peace Prize 1976. http://www.peacemaker.st/Peace_Laureates.html |
63. Famous Irish Women nobel Prize Winners. mairead corrigan and Betty Williams. When EgilAarvik, vicechairman of the committee presented the postponed http://www.geocities.com/pettigolass/nobel.html | |
64. Noble Peace Prize Winner Arrested - Www.ezboard.com In 1977, mairead corrigan was jointly awarded the nobel Peace Prize with Betty Williamsfor their work with the Peace People while Jody Williams won the nobel http://pub88.ezboard.com/facryforpeacefrm16.showMessage?topicID=39.topic |
65. ±è´ëÁß ´ëÅë·É ³ëº§ÆòÈ»ó ¼ö»ó nobel Peace Prize Laureates / Number of nobel Laureates by Nation nobel Peace Prize 1976,corrigan, mairead Williams, Betty, Northern Ireland Northern Ireland. http://www.koreascope.org/english/sub/novel/main7.htm |
66. Betty Williams Famous Christians. Betty Williams mairead corrigan Peace 1976. maireadcorrigan and Betty Williams. nobel Peace Laureates Conference 1998. http://library.trinity.wa.edu.au/camp/hands/nobel/williams.htm |
67. Among Friends Column 129 - Suffer The Little Children Betty Williams and mairead corrigan, said the nobel Committee, taught us that thepeace for which we strive is something that has to be won within and through http://www.tadbartimus.com/friends_pages/2000/column129.html |
68. Appel Des Prix Nobel Translate this page Les lauréats du Prix nobel de la paix. Signataires mairead corrigan-Maguire,Nelson Mandela, Mère Térésa, Aung San Suu Kyi, Le 14 ème Dalaï Lama http://membres.lycos.fr/irnc/Nobel.htm |
69. Fight, Flight, Or Constructive Response To Tuesday Morning On Friday, November 2, nobel Peace Laureate mairead corrigan Maquire from NorthernIreland will be coming to Kansas City to open the Peace Colloquy at the http://www.faithandvalues.com/tx/00/00/03/37/3735/ |
71. Ëàóðåàòû Íîáåëåâñêèõ ïðåìèé ìèðà Alphabetical listing of nobel Peace prize laureates. Name. Year Awarded. Constant,Paul Henribenjamin Balluet D'estournelles De, 1909. corrigan, mairead, 1976. http://orel.rsl.ru/archiv/nob_w.htm | |
72. The Promise And Challenge Of The Nobel Appeal And the prestige and respect of the nobel laureates will surely help t last long inthe presence of people like Nelson Mandela, mairead corrigan Maguire, Mother http://www.forusa.org/Fellowship/May-Jun99/Nobel.html |
73. PEACE: Jul97 : Call For "A Decade Of Nonviolence" mairead corrigan Maguire nobel Peace Prize Laureate Honorary President of theFoundation Appel des Laur,ats du Prix nobel de la PaixPartager avec les http://csf.colorado.edu/forums/peace/jul97/0007.html | |
74. HERO - Higher Education Research Opportunities In The UK Nobel These categories are not foolproof where would one place mairead corrigan and BettyWilliams (1976 they enable us to see the breadth of the nobel Committees http://www.hero.ac.uk/inside_he/archive/nobel_intentions1292.cfm?&archive=yes |
75. The Peacemakers Speak mairead Maguire corrigan, Northern Ireland, nobel Peace Laureate,1976. (photo by Michael Collopy), It is with the greatest sadness http://www.thecommunity.com/crisis/maguire.html |
76. CINJUST Archives: A Nobel Peace Prize Winner Speaks Out After two nephews and a niece were killed in The Troubles, mairead corrigan Maguirewas a cowinner of the 1976 nobel Peace Prize for her efforts to stop http://www.cin.org/archives/cinjust/199910/0012.html | |
77. Norges Fredsråd - Fredskultur 1 San Sui Kyi, Shimon Perez, Yasser Arafat, Elie Wiesel, mairead corriganMaguire,Adolfo Secretariat for the Appeal of the nobel Peace Laureates BP 20797 60207 http://www.nowar.no/norsk/fredskultur1.html |
78. Gleitsman Foundation mairead corrigan MAGUIRE mairead corrigan Maguire has dedicated her life to promotingpeaceful After receiving the nobel Peace Prize in 1976, she has continued http://www.gleitsman.org/inter/boj.html | |
79. Premio Nobel De Paco - Vikipedio kaj institucioj) ricevis la Premion nobel de Paco 1973 Henry A. KISSINGER. 1974Sean MACBRIDE. 1975 Andrei SAKHAROV. 1976 Betty Williams kaj mairead corrigan. http://eo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premio_nobel_de_paco |
80. PeaceCENTER - Decade Of Nonviolence Signers She is the first mother to ever be awarded the nobel Peace Prize She said, Terrorismis like a rat, it comes out at night. When mairead corrigan Maguire, the http://www.salsa.net/peace/timeline/nobelsigners.html |
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