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Corrigan Mairead: more books (21) | ||
21. Www.virginia.edu/insideuva/textonlyarchive/98-09-25/9.txt In presenting the prize, Norwegian nobel Committee vicechair Egil Aarvik said WhatBetty Williams and mairead corrigan said re-echoed the thoughts of tens of http://www.virginia.edu/insideuva/textonlyarchive/98-09-25/9.txt |
22. Mairead McGuire Press Release at nobel Prize Centennial Symposium and Letter to Umm Reyda from nobelLaureate mairead corrigan McGuire EMBARGO 6TH DECEMBER, 2001. (THURSDAY). http://www.nonviolence.org/vitw/old_site/pages/180.htm |
23. Corrigan Maguire PEACE TO YOU ALL, mairead corrigan MAGUIRE nobel PEACE LAUREATE (1976) Voicesin the Wilderness Voices in the Wilderness A Campaign to End the Economic http://www.nonviolence.org/vitw/old_site/pages/169.htm |
24. Life an interesting book about the two nobel Prize laureates, which was published in 1977in English and French Richard Deutsch mairead corrigan, Betty Williams. http://www.dadalos.org/int/Vorbilder/Vorbilder/PeacePeople/leben.htm | |
25. Quotes 77 nobel Peace Prize award ceremony in which she also spoke about the Declarationof the Peace People to the speech. A letter from mairead corrigan Maguire http://www.dadalos.org/int/Vorbilder/Vorbilder/PeacePeople/zitate.htm | |
26. Corriere Della Sera - Proteste, Due Premi Nobel Per La Pace Arrestati Translate this page La nordirlandese mairead corrigan Maguire, nobel nel 1976, el'americana Jody Williams,premiata nel 1997, sono state ammanettate insieme a 35 leader religiosi http://www.corriere.it/Primo_Piano/Esteri/2003/03_Marzo/26/arresti_nobel.shtml | |
27. Le Moyne College | Student Life | International House Activities We are pleased to announce that mairead corrigan Maguire, recipient of the1976 nobel Peace Prize, will deliver the annual Berrigan Lecture. http://www.lemoyne.edu/international_house/berrigan.htm | |
28. Pagina Nueva 1 Dones Premi nobel. ADDAMS, Jane, 1931; BALCH, Emily Greene, 1946; BUCK, Pearl Sydenstricker,1938; CORI, Gerty Theresa Radnitz, 1947; corrigan, mairead, 1976; DELEDDA http://www.pangea.org/amcomas/biografies/biografies.htm |
29. Pagina Nueva 1 corrigan, mairead. Pacifista irlandesa (Belfast, 1944). Aquesta iniciativa els valguéa totes dues el Premi nobel de la Pau, l'any 1976. Tornar a biografies. http://www.pangea.org/amcomas/biografies/b5.htm |
30. Act To Save The Children Of Iraq, By Mairead Corrigan Maguire mairead corrigan Maguire, a member of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundations AdvisoryCouncil, is a nobel Peace Laureate from Northern Ireland and a founder of http://www.wagingpeace.org/articles/02.08/0808maguireiraq.htm |
31. Perspective Of A Nobel Peace Laureate And Co-founder Of Peace Perspective of mairead corrigan Maguire, nobel Peace Laureate,regarding the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. http://www.wagingpeace.org/articles/01.09/010912maireadcorriganmaguireperspectiv |
32. Nobel Prizes is nobel Prizes report in alphabetic order; if you click upon a name you will beconnected with relative page of nobel Prizes Archive. corrigan, mairead, 1976. http://web.tiscali.it/no-redirect-tiscali/LG_WebPace/nobel.htm |
33. Premi Nobel alle relative pagine dell'Archivio dei Premi nobel. corrigan, mairead, 1976. http://web.tiscali.it/no-redirect-tiscali/LG_WebPace/premi.htm |
34. International Committee For The Peace Council Budget Iraq . mairead corrigan Maguire, 1976 nobel Peace Prize winner, continuesdaily vigil outside White House; calls for a ceasefire. http://www.peacecouncil.org/maguirenews.html |
35. Nobel Laureates Speak Out Against Terrorism The eight laureates were 1976 nobel Prize winner mairead corrigan Maguire, 1976nobel Prize winner Betty Williams, 1980 nobel Prize winner Adolfo Perez http://www.tibet.ca/wtnarchive/2001/10/9_2.html |
36. Laureates Attending The 100th Anniversary Of Nobel Peace Prize to mark the 100th anniversary of the first nobel Prizes 2001 Perez Esquivel (Argentina)1977 Amnesty International 1976 mairead corrigan (Northern Ireland http://www.tibet.ca/wtnarchive/2001/12/5_1.html |
37. Jans ListPRESS RELEASE FROM NOBEL PEACE LAUREATE MRS MAIREAD Mrs. mairead corriganMAGUIRE nobel Peace Laureate (Peace People, Email Info@peacepeople.com mailtoInfo@peacepeople.com - URL www.peacepeople.com http http://www.pairlist.net/pipermail/jans_news_and_humor_list/2001q4/000052.html |
38. Mairead Corrigan And Betty Williams, Feminist Press Despite the lifethreatening risks involved, mairead corrigan and Betty Williams,joint winners of the 1976 nobel Peace Prize, united Catholics and Protestants http://www.feministpress.org/book/index.cfm/GCOI/55861100535560 | |
39. Using The Internet -- Brown Quarterly -- V. 5, No. 1 -- Winter 2002 Notable women). mairead corrigan Betty Williams Ireland www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/www.almaz.com/nobel/women.html. Other Sites http://brownvboard.org/brwnqurt/05-1/05-1d.htm | |
40. Women Nobel Prize Winners See nobel Prizes for Peace at Infoplease.com for the full list of winners. 1976,mairead corrigan and Betty Williams (both Northern Ireland). http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0801697.html |
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