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Cohen-tannoudji Claude: more books (31) | |||
42. H2 Nobel Laureate William D. Phillips /h2 The 1997 nobel Prize in Physics was shared by William D. Phillips, StevenChu and claude cohentannoudji. For a summary of the research http://wilkes.edu/~fdonahoe/phillips.html | |
43. CNN - 2 Americans, Frenchman Named Nobel Physics Winners - Oct. 15, 1997 CNN.comCategory News Online Archives CNN.com 1997 October World...... in Maryland and claude cohentannoudji of France were announced as this year'swinner. The new methods of investigation that the nobel laureates have http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9710/15/nobel.prize/ | |
44. Quantum Electrodynamics cohentannoudji, claude; Dupont-Roc, Jacques; and Grynberg, Gilbert. The Developmentof the Space-Time View of Quantum Electrodynamics (nobel lecture). http://www.ericweisstein.com/encyclopedias/books/QuantumElectrodynamics.html | |
45. Laser Cooling Yields Nobel In Physics lasers to cool atoms may seem paradoxical, but it works and works well enoughto earn a nobel prize. Steven Chu, claude cohentannoudji, and William D http://nasw.org/users/sperkins/phynobel.html |
46. NOBEL PRIZE WINNER VISITS SA One of the winners of the 1997 nobel prize in Physics, Prof claude cohentannoudji,visited South Africa during September and October 2002. http://www.physics.sun.ac.za/~adpless/nobel_prize_winner.htm | |
47. Briefly - Nobel Prize Awarded For "atom Traps" The 1997 nobel Prize in Physics was awarded jointly to Professor Steven Chu (StanfordUniversity; Stanford, CA), Professor claude cohentannoudji (Collège de http://www.spie.org/web/oer/december/dec97/briefly.html | |
48. Alma Mater, Zima 97/98 - Nobel Z Fizyki 1997 wczesniejszego noblisty Artura Schawlowa (nobel w 1981 r. za rozwój spektroskopiilaserowej). Podobnie claude cohentannoudji to wychowanek Jeana Brossela i http://www3.uj.edu.pl/alma/07/19.html | |
49. Stanford University Department Of Physics: Nobel Prize - Steven Chu The 1997 nobel Prize in Physics is shared by Steven Chu, the of Physics and AppliedPhysics of Stanford University, Professor claude cohentannoudji of the http://www.stanford.edu/dept/physics/people/nobel/chu.html | |
50. J'ai Honte ! Claude Cohen-Tannoudji Translate this page exclusion. claude cohen-tannoudji est professeur au Collège de Franceet Prix nobel de physique LE MONDE 04.01.03 Fermer la fenêtre http://www.desinfos.com/paris6/Cohen_Tannoudji2.html | |
51. The 1997 Nobel Prize For Physics THE 1997 nobel PRIZE FOR PHYSICS. This year 's Noble prize has been won by StevenChu of Stanford, claude cohentannoudji of the Ecole Normale Superieure in http://www.cat.ernet.in/lasernews/ln972/ln972a03.html | |
52. Academic Directories created by the nobel Foundation, this site provides an illustrated overview of thework of 1997 nobel winners Steven Chu, claude cohentannoudji, and William D http://www.allianceforlifelonglearning.org/er/tree.jsp?c=40931 |
53. Libération - Sciences Translate this page L'été dernier, Allègre voit son Conseil national de la science déserté partrois de ses membres, dont le nobel claude cohen-tannoudji, fatigués par ses http://www.liberation.com/sciences/actu/20000329.html | |
54. Premio Nobel De Física 2000 - Diario De Yucatán átomos con luz de láser . claude cohen-tannoudji. William D. Phillips. 1996. http://www.yucatan.com.mx/especiales/nobel2000/fisica.asp | |
55. Université De Liège Translate this page claude cohen-tannoudji Prix nobel de Physique en 1997. a reçu les insignesde Docteur honoris causa de l'Université de Liège le 20 septembre 2000. http://www.ulg.ac.be/presse/ra2000/nobel.html | |
56. SpringerLink: Applied Physics B Lasers And Optics - Nobel Prize 1997 SpringerVerlag Authors Win nobel Prize. The 1997 physics prizes were awarded toSteven Chu, William Phillips and claude cohen-tannoudji for developing ways of http://link.springer-ny.com/link/service/journals/00340/special/ | |
57. Ministère De L'éducation Nationale - Dossier De Presse La Translate this page Jeudi 5 juillet 2001 18h30 Manipulation et visualisation des ondes de matière.claude cohen-tannoudji Prix nobel de physique, Collège de France, Dimanche 15 http://www.education.gouv.fr/discours/2001/dputls.htm |
58. Colloque Translate this page et des techniques, Cité des sciences et de l'industrie, Paris claude cohen-tannoudji,prix nobel de physique, Ecole normale supérieure, Paris Hubert Curien http://musee.curie.fr/associationcjc/colloque.html | |
59. MIT Alumni Win Nobel Prizes In Physics, Economic Sciences The new methods of investigation that the nobel laureates have He shared the prizewith Steven Chu, of Stanford and claude cohentannoudji, of the cole http://www-tech.mit.edu/V117/N51/nobel.51n.html | |
60. News FlashReally 'Cool' Lasers Bag Nobel Prize For Chu - November, 1997 to trap atoms optically, physicist Steven Chu has won a nobel Prize for his For theirparts, claude cohentannoudji, a professor at the Collège de France and http://www.photonics.com/spectra/news/XQ/ASP/pbullid.70/QX/read.htm | |
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