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Cherenkov Pavel Alekseyevich: more detail |
61. Namibia Enters The World Of High Energy Stereoscopic Systems In A Big Way pavel alekseyevich cherenkov was a Russian physicist who won the nobel Prize forPhysics for discovering and interpreting the cherenkov radiation effect which http://www.marekinc.com/ScienceNAM091901.html | |
62. ThinkQuest Library Of Entries nobel Prize for Physics Winner Chronicle in Text. 1958 The prize was awarded jointlyto pavel alekseyevich cherenkov , IL'JA MIKHAILOVICH FRANK and IGOR http://library.thinkquest.org/C006295/physics/phynobel_text.htm | |
63. Nobel Laureates In Physics 1901 - 2000 Papers in SPIRESHEP related to their nobel Prize; Press release from The prize wasawarded to cherenkov, pavel alekseyevich, USSR, b.1904, d. 1990, Physics http://mirror.nst.pku.edu.cn/www.slac.stanford.edu/library/nobel.html | |
64. Nobel Laureates - [Physics] nobel Laureates, 1958 The prize was awarded jointly to pavel alekseyevich cherenkov, IL'JA MIKHAILOVICH FRANK and IGOR YEVGENYEVICH TAMM for the discovery and http://www.nobel.1001designs.com/physics.html | |
65. Física Translate this page Glaser 1959 - Emilio Gino Segrè, Owen Chamberlain 1958 - pavel alekseyevich cherenkov,Il´ja foi alocado para o fundo principal da Fundação nobel e dois http://www.klickeducacao.com.br/Conteudo/Referencia/CDA/Item_View/1,1655,2378--- |
66. Premio Compartido / 1958 Translate this page Premio Nóbel de la Física 1958. pavel alekseyevich cherenkov (Compartidocon I. Frank y I. Tamm ). por descubrir la radiación Cherenko. http://rsta.pucmm.edu.do/ciencias/fisica/nobel/1958.htm | |
67. THE MICRO-COSMONAUTS 1958 The nobel prize was awarded jointly to pavel alekseyevich cherenkov , IL'JAMIKHAILOVICH FRANK and IGOR YEVGENYEVICH TAMM for the discovery and the http://hometown.aol.com/eilatlog/taxons/taxonsC.html |
68. Result Of Search cherenkov, pavel alekseyevich, USSR, Physics Institute of USSR Academy the interpretationof the cherenkov effect . home page of The nobel Foundation Copyright http://www.math.nus.edu.sg/~matsuny/nobelp.html |
69. Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Physics nobel Prize in Physics Winners 20001901. 2000. pavel alekseyevich cherenkov , IL'JAMIKHAILOVICH FRANK and IGOR YEVGENYEVICH TAMM for the discovery and the http://phyux2.ks.ac.kr/khs/index/b/project/chap. 4/ë ¸ë²¨ë°ë ¸ë² | |
70. Biography-center - Letter C 1937/chelwoodbio.html; cherenkov, pavel alekseyevich www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1958/cerenkov-bio.html;Chern, Shiing-shen www http://www.biography-center.com/c.html | |
71. Archives Winners 20001901 brought to you by The nobel Prize Internet Archive. 1958 The prizewas awarded jointly to pavel alekseyevich cherenkov , IL'JA MIKHAILOVICH http://www.k12.nf.ca/sptech/projects/SusanMarconi/NobelPrize/Page5nob.html | |
72. Nagroda Nobla Z Fizyki - 1958 osrodku . pavel alekseyevich cherenkov. Ilja Mikhailovich Frank. IgorYevgenyevich Tamm. 1/3 nagrody. 1/3 nagrody. 1/3 nagrody. ZSRR. ZSRR.ZSRR. http://fizykmania.w.interia.pl/nobel/nobel1958.htm | |
73. Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov: Awards Won By Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov Awards of pavel alekseyevich cherenkov. http://www.123awards.com/artist/6618.asp | |
75. PPE Biography Ch - Co cherenkov, pavel alekseyevich (190490) Physicist. pavel found the phenomena was actuallycaused by radiation (The form is now called cherenkov Radiation.) His http://hammer.prohosting.com/~penz/encycl/chpedia.htm | |
76. Nobel Prize In Physics Winners 1999- nobel Prize in Physics Winners 19991901. 1958, The prize was awarded jointly toPAVEL alekseyevich cherenkov , IL'JA MIKHAILOVICH FRANK and IGOR YEVGENYEVICH http://www.fizik.itu.edu.tr/eng/phy_nobel.html | |
77. Nobelprizes nobel Prize in Physics Winners 19991901. 1958 The prize was awarded jointly toPAVEL alekseyevich cherenkov , IL'JA MIKHAILOVICH FRANK and IGOR YEVGENYEVICH http://web.syr.edu/~bakarsu/Nobelprizes.htm | |
78. Nagroda Nobla Z Fizyki - Wikipedia 1959 Emilio Gino Segre Owen Chamberlain. 1958 pavel alekseyevich cherenkov Il´jaMikhailovich Frank Igor Yergenyevich Tamm. 1957 Chen Ning Yang TsungDao Lee. http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagroda_Nobla/Fizyka |
79. Biography Of PA Cerenkov pavel ALEKSOJEVIC CERENKOV. pavel Aleksojevic Cerenkov was born in VoronezhRegion on July 28, 1904. Copyright The nobel Foundation, http://physics.uplb.edu.ph/laureates/1958/cerenkov-bio.html |
80. Physics Nobel Laureates 1950 - 1974 The first nobel prize in physics was awarded to Wilhelm Röntgen in cherenkov, PAVELALEKSEYEVICH, USSR, Physics Institute of USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow http://www1.physik.tu-muenchen.de/~gammel/matpack/html/Chronics/physics_laureate | |
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