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Cherenkov Pavel Alekseyevich: more detail |
41. Harapan's Bookshelf: Nobel Prize In Physics Link Official Website of nobel Foundation Physics pavel alekseyevich cherenkov, IL'JA MIKHAILOVICH FRANK and IGOR YEVGENYEVICH TAMM for the discovery and http://www.harapan.co.jp/english/e_books/E_B_nobel_phy_e.htm | |
42. Nobelprize2 nobel prize in Physics 1958. The prize was awarded jointly to cherenkov, pavel alekseyevich,USSR, Physics Institute of USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, *1904 http://courses.physics.kth.se/5A1310/elementar/Nobelprize2.html | |
43. The Nobel Prize In Physics 1958 nobel Prize in Physics. pavel alekseyevich cherenkov (Russia), Ilya MikaylovichFrank(Russia) and Igor Evgenevich Tamm (Russia) for the discovery and the http://www.fi.uib.no/~ladi/Nobel95.html | |
44. Auto Racing Articles: Nobel Prize In Physics courtesy of http//RacingSecrets.com List of nobel Prize laureates in discoveriesregarding the elementary particles 1958 pavel alekseyevich cherenkov Il´ja http://speedarticles.com/auto_racing_article-22.html | |
45. Ëàóðåàòû Íîáåëåâñêèõ ïðåìèé ïî ôèçèêå Alphabetical listing of nobel prize laureates in Physics. Name. Year Awarded. Charpak,Georges, 1992. cherenkov, pavel alekseyevich, 1958. Chu, Steven, 1997. http://orel.rsl.ru/archiv/nob_ph.htm | |
46. Nicolas Rivière - Site Perso. PRIX nobel DE Hofstadter, Rudolf Ludwig Mössbauer 1960 Donald Arthur Glaser 1959Emilio Gino Segrè, Owen Chamberlain 1958 pavel alekseyevich cherenkov, Il´ja http://www.nriv.free.fr/sciences/dossiers/nobel/nobel.htm |
47. HTML REDIRECT nobel Lecture Autobiography (in English) Biography (in German) Obituary from the Theprize was awarded to cherenkov, pavel alekseyevich, USSR, b.1904, d. 1990 http://www.slac.stanford.edu/library/nobel.html | |
48. ü·»ÄÚÇÁ . pavel alekseyevich cherenkov. cherenkov? erenkov? ?. 1904. 7. 28( 7. 15) ? ~. http://preview.britannica.co.kr/spotlights/nobel/list/B20c2716a.html | |
49. Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Physics The nobel Prize Internet Archive 1997 pavel alekseyevich cherenkov , IL'JA MIKHAILOVICHFRANK and IGOR YEVGENYEVICH TAMM for the discovery and the http://www.isan.troitsk.ru/INC/Nobel/Winners.htm |
50. Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Physics BACK Winners of the nobel Prize in Physics 2000 pavel alekseyevich cherenkov , IL'JAMIKHAILOVICH FRANK and IGOR YEVGENYEVICH TAMM for the discovery and the http://snake76.by.ru/texts/NoblePrizePhysics.html | |
51. Selos Translate this page Walther Bothe, 118kb, Tycho Brahe, 60kb. pavel alekseyevich cherenkov,46kb, Charles Coulomb, 66kb. Isaac Newton, 56kb, Alfred nobel, 79kb. http://www.fisica.ufpb.br/~romero/port/selos.htm | |
52. CNN.com Chamberlain. 1958 pavel alekseyevich cherenkov, Il´ja MikhailovichFrank, Igor Yergenyevich Tamm. 1957 Chen Ning Yang, TsungDao Lee. http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/nobel.100/physics.html | |
53. Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Physics The nobel Prize Internet Archive. pavel alekseyevich cherenkov , IL'JA MIKHAILOVICHFRANK and IGOR YEVGENYEVICH TAMM for the discovery and the interpretation of http://www.fundp.ac.be/~lambertc/PaYsAger/physics.html | |
54. Digitale Bibliothek - JLU Giessen Charpak, Georges (1924 ) nobel Foundation WWW. cherenkov, pavel alekseyevich(1904-1990) nobel Foundation WWW. Chu, Steven (1948- ) nobel Foundation WWW. http://dbs.ub.uni-giessen.de/links/dbs_fachinfo.php?typ=E&fach=5 |
55. PREMIOS NOBEL DE FISICA Translate this page PREMIOS nobel DE FISICA. AÑO, PREMIADO. 1957, CHEN NING YANG - TSUNG-DAO LEE. 1958,pavel alekseyevich cherenkov - ILJA MIKHAILOVICH FRANK - IGOR YEVGENYEVICH TAMM. http://es.geocities.com/historalia/premios_nobel_fisica.htm | |
56. Nobel Laureates In Physics 1901 - 1996 more complex searches, use the search page of the nobel Foundation. The prize wasawarded to cherenkov, pavel alekseyevich, USSR, b.1904, d. 1990, Physics http://physics.hallym.ac.kr/reference/nobel/nobel-ph.html | |
57. High Energy Physics And Elementary Particles Discoveries Proposal for the neutrino 1934 First evidence for cherenkov radiation nobel prizeto pavel alekseyevich cherenkov (Russia), Ilya Mikhaylovich Frank (Russia http://physics.hallym.ac.kr/course/97/st97-1/20th/ptl/particle.html | |
58. Physics Resources From Grau-Hall Scientific Thermometers Weather Home Links Contact Us nobel Laureates in 1960); EmilioGino Segrè, Owen Chamberlain(1959); pavel alekseyevich cherenkov, Il´ja http://www.grauhall.com/physics.htm | |
59. Tandem.nipne.ro/dracula/nobel.txt Emillio Gino Segre (United States UC, Berkeley) for the discovery of the antiproton 1958 nobel Prize in Physics pavel alekseyevich cherenkov (Russia), Ilya http://tandem.nipne.ro/dracula/nobel.txt |
60. Nobelprijs Voor De Natuurkunde - Wikipedia NL De aangehaalde teksten zijn afkomstig van de webside www.nobel.se; geeftdat problemen met auteursrechten? 1958 pavel alekseyevich cherenkov? http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobelprijs_voor_de_Natuurkunde |
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