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81. Prêmio Nobel De Física Hess, Carl David Anderson 1935 james chadwick 1934 The of this prize section 1930Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Jean Baptiste Perrin 1925 james Franck, Gustav http://www.ahistoriadafisica.hpg.ig.com.br/nobel.htm | |
82. The Nobel Prize For Physics (1901-1998) Foundation web site at http//www.nobel.se Wave nature of electrons 1930 1928 SirChandrasekhara Venkata 1934 No award 1935 1932 james chadwick The neutron http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/Administrivia/nobel.html | |
83. Chadwick sir james chadwick, Great Britain, was awarded the Nobelprize in 1935 for the discovery of the neutron . http://hands-on-cern.physto.se/hoc_v1en/stdmod/chadwick.htm | |
84. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print james chadwick by Andrew Brown Publisher Comments This is the first biography ofSir james chadwick (18911974), nobel Laureate and discoverer of the neutron. http://www.powells.com/subsection/BiographyGeneral.237.html | |
85. The Nobel Prize For Physics (1901-1996) is a complete listing of nobel Prize awards Broglie Wave nature of electrons 1930Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Dirac 1934 no award 1935 james chadwick The neutron http://physics.hallym.ac.kr/education/faq/nobel.html | |
86. [Ana Sayfa] [Öss Fizik] [e-mail] [Mp3] Nötronun belirleyici özelliklerini, nötronu bulusu için sir JamesChadwick e 1935 yilinda nobel Ödülü verilmistir. http://www.fizik.netfirms.com/fzkkonubilimadamlarinobel.htm | |
87. Chadwick chadwick prouva l'existence du neutronen 1932 au cours dexpériences de Il a reçu le prix nobel en 1935. http://hebergement.ac-poitiers.fr/l-jv-larochelle/site_eleves_2/Pages/francais/s | |
88. Fq - Prémios Nobel Da Física Não atribuído; 1933 Erwin Não atribuído; 1930 sir Chandrasekhara Venkata http://atelier.uarte.mct.pt/fq/quem/nobelfis.htm | |
89. Nobelovy Ceny Za Fyziku Vytvorení vlnové mechaniky. 1934, cena neudelena. 1935, sir JamesChadwick (Velká Británie) Objev neutronu. 1936, Carl David Anderson http://www.volny.cz/michal_bachman/fyzika.htm | |
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