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         Carrel Alexis:     more books (100)
  1. Man, the Unknown (Pelican Books. A 181.) by Alexis Carrel, 1948
  3. El Poder de La Plegaria (Spanish Edition) by Alexis Carrel, 1996-03
  4. La conducta en la vida by Alexis Carrel, 1952
  5. Gewebezuchtung. Handbuch der Biologie der Gewebezellen in Vitro by Albert; CARREL, Alexis (HISTOLOGY) FISCHER, 1930
  6. Man the Unknown by alexis carrel, 1935
  7. Man, the Unknown by Alexis Carrel, 1948-01-01
  8. The Treatment Of Infected Wounds (1917) by Alexis Carrel, Georges Dehelly, 2010-09-10
  9. The Treatment Of Infected Wounds (1917) by Alexis Carrel, Georges Dehelly, 2010-09-10
  10. Technic of the irrigation treatment of wounds by the Carrel method, by J Dumas, 1917
  11. The Immortalists - Charles Lindberg, Dr. Alexis Carrel and Their Daring Quest To Live Forever by David M. Friedman, 2007-01-01
  12. Uncommon Friends: Life With Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, Alexis Carrel, & Charles Lindbergh by James D. Newton, 1987
  13. La Incognita del Hombre (Man the Unknown) by Alexis Carrel, 1982
  14. Wilderness Wife/Asylum/Alone/Dry Guillotine/How to Live on 24 Hours a Day/RFD/Man, the Unknown/Reaching for the Stars/Wake Up & Live!/Singing in the Wilderness (Reader's Digest Nonfiction Bestsellers) by Kathrene Sutherland Gedney Pinkerton, William Seabrook, et all 1941

81. CARREL, ALEXIS Biografía
alexis carrel, 1873-1944, ALEXIS

82. III-Affaire Carrel
Translate this page des archives, que la technique de suture des vaisseaux qui fit la gloire d’AlexisCarrel en 1902 et fut couronnée ensuite par le Prix nobel, avait été
" (18 octobre 1938). " Ici, la campagne juive contre les Allemands prend des proportions immenses " (4 novembre 1938). " " (4 janvier 1940). " " (8 juin 1941). " Une inconnue des sciences sociales, la fondation Alexis-Carrel . " Rapport Comte, p. 33.
recommandait le maintien du nom de Carrel
L’Homme, cet inconnu Le choix des individus, les classes biologiques et sociales Carrel va pourtant plus loin. Il propose " le meilleur des mondes ". " ", affirme-t-il. " A. Drouard : " J.-P. Cambier : " A. Drouard : " Oui, mais pour qui, M. Cambier ? Pour qui, M. Cambier ? De qui s’agit-il ? S’agit-il des Juifs ? S’agit-il de ceux qui ont le nez crochu ? il faut replacer en 1936 . A. Drouard dit sans sourciller : " Carrel fait cette concession pour la promotion de son livre . " Atterrant.
Carrel avait Medical History un article " Dr Carrel’s immortal cells " (Les cellules immortelles False Prophets. Frauds and errors in Science and Medicine

AlexisCarrel, premio nobel en medicina, y entonces, agnóstico, en Lourdes.
FE Y RAZÓN "Omne verum, a quocumque dicatur, a Spiritu Sancto est" Toda verdad, dígala quien la diga, viene del Espíritu Santo
(Santo Tomás de Aquino)
MILAGRO EN LOURDES En estos "links" es posible recoger datos acerca del milagro presenciado por Alexis Carrel, premio Nobel en medicina, y entonces, agnóstico, en Lourdes. No hemos podido conseguir aún "links" en español sobre este tema. La figura de Carrell está siendo muy controvertida en estos días en Francia por sus relaciones con el gobierno pro - nazi de Vichy, y por sus proyectos eugenésicos de inspiración más o menos afín a los del nazismo. Después de presenciar la curación milagrosa de una paciente deshauciada de peritonitis, Carrel siguió por años tratando de explicarse lo que había visto, y sólo en su lecho de muerte se convirtió finalmente a la fe católica. En el interin, publicó su libro "Viaje a Lourdes", en el que narra, con la precisión de un cirujano positivista, la curación científicamente inexplicable de Marie Bailly.

84. Nobel Laureates Affiliated With The Rockefeller University
Back to RU Home, nobel Laureates Affiliated with The Rockefeller University. AlexisCarrel (1912), Physiology or Medicine For his work in suturing blood vessels
Nobel Laureates Affiliated with The Rockefeller University
Alexis Carrel (1912) , Physiology or Medicine
For his work in suturing blood vessels and in the transplantation of organs.
Karl Landsteiner (1930) , Physiology or Medicine
For classification of blood groups.
Herbert S. Gasser (1944) , Physiology or Medicine
For his studies with Joseph Erlanger on the electrophysiology of nerves.
John H. Northrop and Wendell M. Stanley (1946) , Chemistry
For their work with James B. Sumner on the purification and crystallization of enzymes.
Fritz Lipmann (1953) , Physiology or Medicine
For his discovery of coenzyme A and his studies of intermediary metabolism, with Hans Krebs.
Edward L. Tatum (1958) , Physiology or Medicine
For discovery that genes act by regulating specific chemical processes, with George Beadle.
Joshua Lederberg (1958) , Physiology or Medicine
For his work on the organization of genetic material in bacteria.
Peyton Rous (1966) , Physiology or Medicine
For establishing a virus as the cause of chicken sarcoma, with Charles B. Huggins.
H. Keffer Hartline (1967)

85. Classic Reprints
This odd situation required answers to three questions (1) who was AlexisCarrel? (2) what did he do to deserve the 1912 nobel Prize?
Retrospectroscope Redux: Who Was Alexis Who?
In 1974, before beginning a talk to a group of cardiovascular scientists at their national meeting, I gave each a card that had this request at the top: "Without consulting anyone, please write after each man's name what you consider to be his main contribution to biomedical science." There followed four names, one of which was Alexis Carrel. When I tabulated their answers, I found that only 7 of all 111 who returned their cards knew of Carrel's great contributions to vascular surgery, 33 knew only of his later work on organ culture, and 71 wrote after Carrel's name "NHOH""never heard of him." Despite his unique achievements, the vast majority of American physicians and surgeons believe today that vascular surgery and organ transplantation sprang, like Athena from the skull of Zeus, full-grown from the skulls of imaginative, daring, and skillful surgeons of the 1940s and 1950s. This odd situation required answers to three questions: (1) who was Alexis Carrel? (2) what did he do to deserve the 1912 Nobel Prize? and (3) why was his work essentially lost for 35 or 40 years? The entire text of this article is available as a 149k PDF file. You must have

86. University Of Chicago News: Nobel Laureates
University of Chicago News Resources University of Chicago nobel Laureates. Elevenhave won the nobel Prize in the last decade alone.
Nobel Prize Centennial 1901-2001 University of Chicago News: Resources
University of Chicago Nobel Laureates Seventy-four Nobel Laureates have been faculty members, students or researchers at the University of Chicago at some point in their careers. Eleven have won the Nobel Prize in the last decade alone. Of the 74 Laureates, 25 have won in Physics , 22 in Economic Sciences , 14 in Chemistry , 11 in Physiology or Medicine and two in Literature Michelson was the first American to win the Nobel Prize in any of the sciences. Six Laureates are currently members of the faculty: James Heckman (Economic Sciences, 2000), Robert Lucas (Economic Sciences, 1995), Robert Fogel (Economic Sciences, 1993), Gary Becker (Economic Sciences, 1992), Ronald Coase (Economic Sciences, 1991) and James Cronin (Physics, 1980). James Heckman , a Professor in Economics and Public Policy, studies methodologies used to measure the impact of social programs, such as minimum-wage legislation and anti-discrimination law. He shared the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for work on analyzing selective samples. Robert Lucas Robert Fogel , a Professor in the Graduate School of Business, shared the award for applying economics and statistics to the study of history. In his work on slavery in the United States, Fogel has argued that the market would not have ended slavery, as it remained a profitable and efficient system for slave owners.

87. Scientists: Life Sciences
Notable Scientists: Life Sciences Biologists, botanists, geneticists, medical scientists, microbiologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and zoologists Jump to a category: Biologists Botanists Geneticists Medical Scientists Microbiologists Psychiatrists and Psychologists Zoologists
RELATED LINKS Cloning: Facts and Fallacies
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Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine
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Medical Scientists Microbiologists Psychiatrists and Psychologists Zoologists

88. Le Sort De Médecins Ou Pseudo Médecins, Criminels Nazis Et De Quelques Complic
pages fin juin 0et0 Mais que sont devenus nos "chers confrères" ? Inscription gratuite sans pub
+ discussions
+ lettres
  • Lettre infos Discussions Forums Portique 1 ... portails Dominique Natanson a répertorié " 695 criminels nazis et quelques complices et autres " - Voici le cas de médecins et faisant fonction de médecins. Babor, Karl - Grossrosen - Carrel, Alexis - eugéniste - Clauberg, Carl - Auschwitz - Conti, Léonardo - secrétaire d'Etat à la Santé publique. SS - Ding , ? Dr - Buchenwald - Entress, Friedrich Karl-Hermann - Gross-Rosen - Auschwitz - Mauthausen - Fischer, Fritz Gross, Heinrich - Spiegelrund - Heyde, Werner - chef du programme T4 d'euthanasie - Hirt, August

89. Lourdes
Lourdes Lourdes, Francia, 1858 A mediados del siglo 19, en 1858, la Virgen se apareció en Lourdes a Bernadette Soubirous 18 veces, junto al Río Pau, a la entrada de los Montes Pirineos, en la Gruta de Massiabielle ("roca antigua"), a los 14 años de edad. Vino a agradecer el dogma de la Inmaculada Concepción, declarado 4 años antes por Pio IX; a derramar innumerables gracias de sanaciones físicas y espirituales, para que nos convirtamos a Cristo en su Iglesia... y como en todas apariciones nos pide nuestra colaboración activa: Oración, penitencia, conversión, confianza en Dios, y que seamos humildes y llevemos gozosos nuestra cruz, como Bernardita En la Primera aparición vino rezando el Rosario, y en todas vino son su Rosario grande, de cuentas blancas gruesas, muy separadas, y cadena dorada, ¡tenemos que rezar el Rosario!. En la tercera aparición, lo que le dijo a Bernardita nos lo dice a ti y a mi, "No le prometo hacerla feliz en este mundo, sino en el otro"... En la sexta pide "rezar por los pecadores". En la octava , "penitencia, penitencia, penitencia"...

90. SpringerLink: Gefässchirurgie - Abstract Volume 3 Issue 2 (1998) Pp 117-122
ISSN: 0948-7034 (printed version)
ISSN: 1434-3932 (electronic version) Table of Contents Abstract Volume 3 Issue 2 (1998) pp 117-122
die medizinhistorische seite
The significance of Alexis Carrel's work for vascular surgery today
M. Staudacher (1), F. Gabl (2)
Zusammenfassung Abstract Fifty-two years after Alexis Carrel's death, the results of his research continue to be valid in vascular surgery. The basic principles of Carrel's suture technique are still applied several thousand times a day all over the world. In addition to end-to-end anastomosis, patch grafts, side-to-side anastomosis, homologous and heterologous grafts and microvascular surgery offer evidence of Carrel's outstanding foresight and ingenuity. For his almost legendary work Alexis Carrel received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1912. His book "Man the Unknown" made him a public figure. Today vascular surgeons look upon Alexis Carrel with admiration and gratitude. Key words Article in PDF-Format Online publication: May 13, 1998
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