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Carrel Alexis: more books (100) | ||||
61. RDS (Research Defence Society), Transplants of grafts, was also worked out using animals, by Peter Gorer and George Snell usinginbred strains of mice, in 1965 7 . Five nobel prizes (alexis carrel in 1912 http://www.rds-online.org.uk/milestones/transpl.html | |
62. GeneaNet - News carrel alexis, Médecin,physiologiste, Prix nobel de Médecine en 1912, philosophe http//www http://news.geneanet.org/fr/article.php?sid=2050 |
63. Evansville Heart Center - When You Need The Best 10, 1948 Charles Bailey successfully performs first mitral valve commissurotomy,in Philadelphia June 28, 1873 alexis carrel born. Awarded the nobel Prize in http://members.evansville.net/ict/calender.htm | |
64. Enchanted Mind - Creative Health - Part 2 nobel Laureate Dr. alexis carrel. A French scientist, Dr. alexis carrel, receivedthe nobel Prize for keeping the cells of a chicken heart alive for 34 years. http://enchantedmind.com/html/science/creative_health_part2.html | |
65. TIP NOBEL ÖDÜLLERÝ TIP nobel ÖDÜLLERI. 1901. VON BEHRING, EMIL ADOLF. 1912. carrel, alexis. Fransa,Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York, NY, d. 1873, ö. 1944 http://www.tubitak.gov.tr/nobel/fizyotip-nodul.html | |
66. 17 Janvier 2000 - Stupéfiante Apologie D'Alexis Carrel Translate this page l'hommage rendu par le professeur Jean-Michel Dubernard, dans sa conférence depresse, au chirurgien lyonnais alexis carrel, prix nobel de médecine en 1912 http://www.humanite.presse.fr/journal/2000/2000-01/2000-01-17/2000-01-17-064.htm | |
67. Colegio María Auxiliadora Translate this page Publicar archivos. Premios nobel de 1912. Dalén, Nils Gustaf. luces caseras.Swedish Gas-Accumulator Co. Estocolmo, Suecia. carrel, alexis. http://www.aldeae.net/mauxiliadora/aldea/Nobel1e.asp?Which=1912 |
68. Heart Surgery United States, alexis carrel , who was awarded the nobel Prize, and Charles http://home.t-online.de/home/Gruber-Gerardy/HEARTSUR.HTM | |
69. Biografie Autori: "Alexis Carrel" Translate this page alexis carrel, fisiologo e chirurgo francese Fu insignito del premio nobel per lamedicina nel 1912 e scrisse, oltre a numerose opere scientifiche, anche opere http://citazioni.altervista.org/vedibiografia.php?aut=316 |
70. Dilemmas Of A European Expatriate In The Brave New World Of Science: I propose to explore the case of alexis carrel (18731944 Physicians will remembercarrel for his pioneering work in fields earned him the 1912 nobel Prize for http://albinoni.brera.unimi.it/MilanWorkshop2003/Reggiani |
71. LICRA - Ligue Internationale Contre Le Racisme Et L'Antisémitisme Translate this page Si alexis carrel fut Prix nobel de Médecine en 1912, il convient de na pas oubliercomme le fait Monsieur Marini qualexis carrel publia en 1935 un ouvrage http://www.licra.org/actualite/actu_comm_comm.php?langue=1&id_communique=55 |
72. Contenido Home Translate this page Comentario editorial Historia de la Medicina El Premio nobel en Medicina y Fisiología(1911-1920). 1911 Allvar Gullstrand. 1912 alexis carrel. Francés. http://www.antioxidantes.com.ar/12/Art050.htm | |
73. Info-Psy 2/97 Translate this page de Lyon-I vient de débaptiser la faculté de médecine alexis-carrel. Ces décisionss'expliquent largement par l'engagement actif du prix nobel de médecine http://psydoc-fr.broca.inserm.fr/bibliothq/revues/InfoPsy/Infopsy297.html | |
75. Prix Nobel De Physiologie Ou Médecine - Wikipedia Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Les prix nobel de physiologie etmédecine. 1912 alexis carrel. 1913 Charles Robert Richet. 1914 Robert Bárány. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prix_Nobel_de_Physiologie_ou_Médecine | |
76. DICCIONARIO DE TERMINOLOGIA MEDICA Translate this page carrel, alexis (1873-1934), Premio nobel de Medicina en 1912. DALE,Sir Henry Hallett (1875-1968), Premio nobel de Medicina en 1936. http://www.iqb.es/Diccio/N/Lista.htm | |
77. Medicine 1912 b.1873 d.1944. The nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1912 Presentation SpeechAlexis carrel Biography nobel Lecture Swedish nobel Stamps. 1911, 1913. http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1912/ | |
78. Red Gold . Innovators & Pioneers . Alexis Carrel | PBS years, carrel was the first scientist working in the United States to receive theNobel Prize in His father, alexis carrel Billiard, was a textile manufacturer http://www.pbs.org/wnet/redgold/innovators/bio_carrel.html | |
79. Quand Le Négationnisme S'invite à L'université/5 - Alexis Carrel - Par Didier Translate this page CHAPITRE 4. CHAPITRE 5. CHAPITRE 6. L'affaire alexis carrel, un PrixNobel précurseur des chambres à gaz. Lundi 14 février 2000. En http://www.amnistia.net/news/enquetes/negauniv/carrel/carrel.htm | |
80. The Alexis Carrel Society The alexis carrel Society is a nonprofit, educational organization dedicatedto the scientific, social, and spiritual advancement of mankind. http://www.sacomm.com/alexiscarrelsociety.htm | |
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