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41. Untitled groundbreaking discoveries in the way the human brain works will share this year'sNobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Swede arvid carlsson and Americans http://www.uoguelph.ca/~dstevens/teach/320/nobel/nobel.htm | |
42. Arvid Carlsson The nobel Prize winner in Physiology or Medicine for 2000 is arvid carlsson fromthe University of Göteborg, together with Paul Greengard, Rockefeller http://www.goteborg.se/prod/sk/dalismediaservice.nsf/213cb8577cb8477f41256664005 |
43. INDEX Alferov, Zhores I. Alferov, Zhores I. Alfred Einstein. Alfred nobel. Andrea Ghez.Anton Zeilinger. Anzan. arvid carlsson. Atomic model. Atoms. BARC Training School. | |
44. Pesquisas Sobre Sistema Nervoso Levam O Nobel Translate this page sueco e dois norte-americanos receberam ontem o Prêmio nobel 2000 de arvid carlsson,da Suécia, Paul Greengard e Eric Kandel, dos Estados Unidos, vão http://www.jt.estadao.com.br/editorias/2000/10/10/ger068.html | |
45. La Repubblica/cultura_scienze: Il Nobel Per La Medicina A 3 Studiosi Del Cervell Translate this page ha annunciato di aver assegnato il primo nobel per la medicina del Terzo Millennioa tre pionieri degli studi sul cervello. arvid carlsson, dell'università di http://www.repubblica.it/online/cultura_scienze/nobel2000/medicina/medicina.html | |
46. Science News: Nobel 2000 10/00) Three neuroscientists will share this year's nobel Prize for The new laureatesare arvid carlsson, Department of Pharmacology, University of Gothenburg http://www.accessexcellence.org/WN/SUA14/nobel2k.html | |
47. ABCNEWS.com : Trio Share Medicine Nobel arvid carlsson, Paul Greengard and Eric Kandel won the nobel Prize in medicinefor their discoveries concerning how messages are transmitted in the nervous http://abcnews.go.com/sections/living/DailyNews/nobel001009.html | |
48. Three Scientists Share Nobel Prize In Medicine Excerpts from the nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute awarding the 2000 nobelPrize in Physiology or Medicine Monday to arvid carlsson, Paul Greengard http://www.bangla2000.com/News/Archive/International/10-10-2000/news_detail1.sht | |
49. Nobel Prize For Medicine 2000 nervous system. This year nobel prize for Medicine has been awardedto a trio, arvid carlsson. Paul Greengard. Eric Kandel. for their http://www.manbir-online.com/news/nobel-2000.htm | |
50. Nouvelle Page Translate this page physiologiste suédois Ulf von Euler, par lequel arvid carlsson n'a certainementpas manqué d'être influencé (von Euler aura d'ailleurs le prix nobel en 1970 http://www.hypsos.ch/articles/nobel.htm | |
51. Il Nobel 2000 Per La Medicina Translate this page nobel al Karolinka Institutet ha deciso di assegnare congiuntamente il premio nobel2000 per la Fisiologia o la Medicina a. arvid carlsson, Paul Greengard e http://www.med.unipi.it/neuroscienze/nobel.htm | |
52. Nobel Prize For Medicine In Mental Health Research The nobel Prize citation stated, The discoveries of arvid carlsson have hadgreat importance for the treatment of depression, which is one of our most http://www.namiscc.org/newsletters/November/Nobel.htm | |
53. Nobel 2000 - 1 - NOVEMBRE 2000 Translate this page Trois chercheurs en neurobiologie, le Suédois, arvid carlsson, et les Américains,Paul Greengard et Eric Kandel, se partagent le prix nobel de médecine 2000 http://www.cite-sciences.fr/actu/numeros/N84_nov00/kiosques/html/nobel1.html | |
54. Prix Nobel Translate this page Le 10 décembre, le roi de Suède Carl XVI Gustaf remettra officiellement le prixNobel de médecine au Suédois arvid carlsson et à deux Américains, Paul http://www.espacemultimedia.com/fr/actualite/palais_decouverte/actu/prix_nobel/ | |
55. CNN.com - Brain Disorder Pioneers Win Nobel Prize - October 9, 2000 The 50strong nobel Assembly, at Sweden's Karolinska Institute, which makes theaward, said arvid carlsson, Paul Greengard and Eric Kandel will share a prize http://www.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/europe/10/09/sweden.nobel/ | |
56. CNN.com - IT And Plastics Pioneers Win Nobel Prizes - October 10, 2000 The announcement follows the award of the nobel Prize for Physiology or arvid carlsson,Paul Greengard and Eric Kandel's research on how brain cells transmit http://www.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/europe/10/10/sweden.nobel/ | |
57. Gi arvid carlsson, 77 tu?i, nguyên giáo su Du?c lý Ð?i h?c Gothenburg,là ngu?i Th?y Ði?n d?u tiên du?c nh?n gi?i nobel k? http://www.cimsi.org.vn/tapchi/sottyd/nam2000/bai5-11-2000.htm | |
58. Zientzia Eta Teknologiaren Ataria arvid carlsson. 2000ko Medikuntza nobel saridunaren biografia. 1923ko urtarrilaren25ean jaio zen Uppsalan, Suedian, eta Lund Unibertsitatean http://www.zientzia.net/artikulua.asp?Artik_kod=33 |
59. Bibliographycv Initiated experiments in the lab of arvid carlsson (nobel Prize, 00)that were part of the discovery of serotoninselective antidepressants. http://www2.exlnt.com:8080/cv/ | |
60. Dr Arvid Carlsson Nobel Laureate In 2000 Dr arvid carlsson nobel Laureate in 2000. Dr arvid carlsson, aSwedish professor of pharmacology, received the nobel Prize in http://www.isa.se/advantage/innovative/pages/lifeandbio/Carlsson.htm | |
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