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Carlsson Arvid: more books (21) | ||
21. Nature Publishing Group three researchers to win the nobel Prize in Nervous nobels Kandel (left), Greengard(middle) and carlsson. arvid carlsson, of the University of Gothenburg in http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nature/journal/v407/n6805/full/ |
22. Carlsson, Arvid carlsson, arvid (1923). I grew up in an academic middle-class family.In Berlin. Warburg, but not Thunberg, was awarded the nobel Prize. http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/C/Carlsson/Carls | |
24. Aftonbladet Nyheter: Arvid Carlsson Får Nobelpriset som har hänt mig de här senaste 50 åren har jag arvid carlsson att tacka för,säger han. Foto ROGER LUNDSTEN nobelstiftelsens hemsida www.nobel.se. http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/0010/10/nobel.html | |
25. Nobel De Medicina Translate this page Medicina - As Descobertas Premiadas Estocolmo, 9 de Novembro de 2000 arvid carlsson,Paul Greengard e Eric Kandel ganharam o nobel de Medicina e Fisiologia por http://boasaude.uol.com.br/lib/ShowDoc.cfm?LibDocID=3908&ReturnCatID=1511 |
26. Biomedia - Destacamos Translate this page Los nobel de Medicina arvid carlsson, Paul Greengard y Eric Kandel.Maria Roura, 18/10/00. Biomedia (Barcelona). El más veterano http://www.biomeds.net/biomedia/R21/destacado02.htm | |
27. HUBIN - Human Brain Informatics Among other things, arvid carlsson is honored with the nobel Prize due to his researcharound the importance of the signal substance dopamine in the control of http://www.hubin.org/news/archive/2001/cn1/nobelprize_med_2000_en.html | |
28. Suicide & Parasuicide Web Site - The Suicidology Web - NEWS: The Nobel Assembly nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has today decided to award The nobel Prizein Physiology or Medicine for 2000 jointly to arvid carlsson, Paul Greengard http://www.suicide-parasuicide.rumos.com/en/news/20001009.htm | |
29. NIH GRANTEES AWARDED NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSIOLOGY OR MEDICINE FOR BRAIN RESEARCH 2000 nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discoveries in signal transductionin the nervous system. They shared the prize with Dr arvid carlsson and http://www.nimh.nih.gov/events/prKandelNobel.cfm | |
30. Premio Nobel 2000 - Diario De Yucatán Translate this page Los trabajos de arvid carlsson, Paul Greengard y Eric Kandel permiten comprendermejor los mecanismos de la memoria humana y abren mejores perspectivas para el http://www.yucatan.com.mx/especiales/nobel2000/10100001.asp | |
31. Premio Nobel 2000 - Diario De Yucatán Translate this page En el evento, los profesores arvid carlsson, Paul Greengard y Eric Kandell fueronlaureados con el Nóbel de Medicina, cuyas respectivas medallas y diplomas http://www.yucatan.com.mx/especiales/nobel2000/11120001.asp | |
32. NARSAD: Publications: Research Newsletter: Nobel Prize Winner in 2000 Not just one, but all three of this year's nobel Laureates in Medicineor Physiology have close links with NARSADarvid carlsson received NARSAD's http://www.narsad.org/pub/fall00nobel.html | |
33. Nobel 2000 nobel 2000. caly swiat dowiedzial sie, ze tegoroczna nagrode Nobla w dziedziniefizjologii i medycyny otrzymali arvid carlsson, Paul Greengard i Eric http://www.biologia.pl/nowosci/nobel_2000.phtml |
34. CBS News | 3 Share Nobel For Medicine | October 9, 2000 08:24:19 The nobel Prize in medicine is the first announced this week, in a series of awards.(AP) The discoveries of arvid carlsson have had great importance for the http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2000/10/09/tech/main239540.shtml | |
35. BBC Mundo - Premio Nobel Compartido - 09.10.2000 Translate this page y del sistema nervioso recibieron el Premio nobel de Medicina, según anunció elInstituto Karolinska de Estocolmo. Los Profesores arvid carlsson, de Suecia http://www.bbc.co.uk/spanish/news/news001009nobel.shtml | |
36. BBC News | HEALTH | Brain Pioneers Share Nobel Prize shed light on the workings of the brain and nervous system have been awarded theNobel Prize for Medicine. Professors arvid carlsson, Paul Greengard and Eric http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/health/newsid_963000/963516.stm | |
37. Nobel De Medicina Los Cerebros Que Estudian El Cerebro Translate this page El Premio nobel de Fisiología y Medicina 2000 fue otorgado a tres investigadores-arvid carlsson, Paul Greengard y Eric Kandel- que se han asomado a los http://www.buenasalud.com/lib/ShowDoc.cfm?LibDocID=3412&ReturnCatID=15 |
38. Cortex News & Events (AMEX COR), today announced that arvid carlsson, MD, Ph.D., corecipient of the2000 nobel Prize for Medicine, has become a consultant to the Companys http://www.cortexpharm.com/html/news/02/04-24-02.html | |
39. Arvid Carlsson Translate this page O sueco arvid carlsson, de 77 anos, foi premiado carlsson recebeu 30 prêmios e distinçõescientíficas durante carreira, sem contar o atual nobel de Medicina http://www.terra.com.br/mundo/2000/10/11/058.htm |
40. 3 Share Nobel Prize In Medicine - Tuesday October 10, 2000 - The Arizona Daily W Two Americans and a Swede won the nobel Prize in medicine yesterday for arvid carlsson,Paul Greengard and Eric Kandel will share the $915,000 prize for http://wildcat.arizona.edu/papers/94/36/01_97_m.html | |
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