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61. Austria - Literature & Popular Fiction - Galleyslaves Books GS 2737. Ordering Information. elias canetti, winner of the 1981 nobel Prize forLiterature, is one of the major intellectual figures of the twentieth century. http://www.galleyslaves.com/auslit.htm | |
62. Elias Canetti Conference The nobel Prize winner elias canetti (19051994) witnessed and analyzed the elementsof the mass movements of the 20th centurymarches, rallies, and the http://www.uic.edu/depts/germ/canettiposter.htm |
63. Nobel Prize Winners For Literature nobel Prize Winners for Literature. Year, Author, Country*, Literary Area. 1981,canetti, elias, Bulgaria, novelist, essayist. 1980, Milosz, Czeslaw, US, poet. http://www.worksonline.org/awards/nobel.htm | |
64. Elias Canetti Der Ohrenzeuge Text canetti von dem der so mancher wesentlich weniger nobel, aber in http://www.literaturhaus.at/buch/hoerbuch/rez/ohrenzeuge/ |
65. ICARITO Translate this page Imre Kertesz, nobel de Literatura 2002. Los nobel de Literatura en la historia. AÑO,PREMIO nobel. 1980, Milosz, Czeslaw (EEUU). 1981, canetti, elias (Gran Bretaña). http://icarito.tercera.cl/enc_virtual/castella/nobel/pnobeles.htm | |
66. Philosophische Buecherei - Philosophen C canetti,elias (aeiou, Österreich-Lexikon); nobel Prize for Literature 1981 Überblick http://buecherei.philo.at/philc.htm |
67. Théâtre Universitaire Royal Liégeois - Elias Canetti Translate this page elias canetti. (1905-1994 ). BIOGRAPHIE SOMMAIRE. Prix nobel de littérature en 1981.Romancier, poète, dramaturge, essayiste, historien et critique littéraire. http://www.ulg.ac.be/turlg/auteurs/canetti.html | |
68. Nobel Prize For Literature/Nobelpreis Für Literatur/Nobelprijs 3. Where are the nobel laureates buried? Björnstjerne Björnson, Joseph Brodsky,Ivan Bunin, Heinrich Böll, Albert Camus, elias canetti, Giosué Carducci http://httpd.chello.nl/~s.gipman/ |
69. Elias Canetti elias canetti és el protagonista d'aquesta edició de l'Aleph. Pel conjunt de laseva obra literària va merèixer el premi nobel de Literatura l'any 1981. http://www.tvcatalunya.com/aleph/2001/canetti/ | |
70. Canetti, Elias canetti, elias. Bulgarianborn writer. He was exiled from Austria in 1937 and settledin England in 1939. He was awarded the nobel Prize for Literature in 1981. http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0003359.html |
71. TecaLibri Elias Canetti Opere Translate this page copertine TecaLibri. elias canetti opere. La lingua salvata. 1980 Die Fackelim Ohr Il frutto del fuoco. 1981 Riceve il premio nobel per la letteratura. http://web.infinito.it/utenti/t/tecalibri/C/CANETTI_OPE.htm |
72. Memorable Quotations: Nobel Prize Winners Memorable Quotations nobel Prize Winners. You will never be happy if you continueto search for what happiness consists of. elias canetti. Albert Einstein. http://www.memorablequotations.com/Nobel.htm | |
73. Poesía Y Literatura - Premios Nobel De Literatura Premios nobel de Literatura. Vea en orden alfabético. Año. Nombre. 1979, Elytis,Odysseus. 1980, Milosz, Czeslaw. 1981, canetti, elias. 1982, Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. http://www.angelfire.com/nj/poesia/prznbly.html | |
74. Encyclopædia Britannica The Web's Best Sites, elias canetti The nobel Foundation Information on thelife and works of this nobel laureate awarded the Literary Prize in 1981. http://search.britannica.com/search?query=elias boudinot&fuzzy=N&ct=igv&start=6& |
75. Elias Canetti Translate this page elias canetti nasce in Bulgaria, a Ruscuk, il 25 luglio in italiano, per volere dellostesso canetti, come Auto da Vince il premio nobel per la letteratura nel http://www.emsf.rai.it/biografie/anagrafico.asp?d=149 |
76. Nobel Prize Winners The nobel Prize for Literature Page. WELCOME! Enjoy browsing our selection of usedand collectable books. 1981 canetti, elias. 1982 Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. http://www.grian.demon.co.uk/lit.biog/nobel.html | |
77. Verbeelding Programmering Oktober archief, reageren? CV van elias canetti. elias canetti 1981 nobel Laureatein Literature. Die blendung elias canetti door Liesbeth Boeter. http://www.omroep.nl/human/radio/verbeeld/oktober.htm |
78. LA STORIA DEGLI SCACCHI- Letteratura Canetti, Articolo Di L. Translate this page Nel quadro della crisi dellintellettuale, ben rappresentata dal romanzo Autoda Fè del premio nobel per la letteratura elias canetti, trova il suo http://carmelo111.supereva.it/canetti.htm |
79. Elias Canetti Click here to visit our sponsor elias canetti. 1905 1994. Literature- nobel Prize 1981. Start your search on elias canetti. Other http://www.virtualology.com/virtualpubliclibrary/halloffamousauthors/EliasCanett |
80. The Memoirs Of Elias Canetti -- The Tongue Set Fee, The Torch In My Ear, The Pla by elias canetti. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, Inc. Due/Published April 2000, 992pages, paper. ISBN 0374527148. New in paper (S00). The memoirs of the late nobel http://www.semcoop.com/detail/0374527148 | |
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