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Bride Sean Mac: more detail |
61. Las Agencias De Noticias: Estrategia Para La Conformación De Una Cultura De Paz Translate this page de la UNESCO y formulado conceptualmente en el Informe mac bride. Recientemente,el Premio nobel de la Paz y beneficios para los ciudadanos, ya sean estos la http://www.uaca.ac.cr/acta/2000may/jvargas.htm | |
62. About Norway - Foreign Policy ·?(mac bride, sean),?,19041988? 1901?-1987»(The nobel Peace Prize and the http://www.norway.org.hk/chi/Norforeign_2.htm | |
63. Quelques évènements Journaliers De Janvier Translate this page 1988 Décès de sean mac bride, fondateur d'Amnesty International,prix nobel de la Paix en 1974 et prix Lénine en 1977. 1991 http://oferriere.free.fr/Jours/jours01/jours0115.htm | |
64. 20. Storocie - Ponuka Translate this page nobelove ceny nobel - Ekonomia, fyzika, fyziologia a medicina, chemia, literatura,mier USA (*1923) Le-duc-Tho VN (*1912) 1974 sean mac bride IRL (*1904 http://20century.webpark.sk/kultura/nobel.htm |
65. Lo Sterminio Per Fame E Sottosviluppo Nel Mondo Br Tre Anni Di Translate this page Jean Fabre e Giovanni Negri da un lato e militanti terzomondisti e nonviolenti, frai quali i Premi nobel Lord Philip Noel Baker, sean mac bride, Adolfo Perez http://servizi.radicalparty.org/documents/index.php?func=detail&par=74 |
66. L'extermination Par La Faim Et Le Sous-développement Dans Le Translate this page Giovanni Negri d'une part et des militants tiers-mondistes et nonviolents, parmilesquels les Prix nobel Lord Philip Noel Baker, sean mac bride, Adolfo Perez http://servizi.radicalparty.org/documents/index.php?func=detail&par=75 |
67. Publications mac bride PRINCIPLES. WHEREAS, TJX Companies, Inc. WHEREAS, Dr. sean macbride, founderof Amnesty International and nobel Peace laureate, has proposed http://www.iccr.org/products/proxy_book/accountability/macbride.htm | |
68. NOBEL PER LA PACE A ONU E ANNAN Translate this page la lista dei vincitori degli ultimi 30 anni del premio nobel per la il premio) 1974Il premio fu diviso in parti uguali tra sean mac bride, Irlanda Presidente http://www.comportamentidipace.it/informazione/notizie/2001/ottobre/121001_02.ht | |
69. Capitulo 2 Translate this page Londres Dos juristas británicos Peter Benenson y sean mac bride. PREMIOS nobel 10XII 1901 Saturno 15º14 Capricornio, Nodo 13º19 Escorpion, Jupiter 16º31 http://galaz.americas.tripod.com/galaz/id4.html | |
70. Amesty International Fête Ses 40 Années D'appel à La Liberté Translate this page Dès le premier jour, lIrlandais sean mac bride, juriste international, ancienmilitant de l le reçoive à son tour, lhomme reçoit le Prix nobel de la http://www.infos-dieppoises.fr/Archives2001/Anesty40ans.htm | |
71. Noviembre10 Translate this page de la ONU. 1974, sean mac bride, fundador de Amnistía Internacional,es galardonado con el premio nobel de la Paz. 1978, Se fija http://www.ciacvt.com.ar/noviembre10.htm | |
72. Seán MacBride - Curriculum Vitae By mac bride* AngloIrish Relationships The Overwhelming Majority ofpeople Want a United Ireland . From nobel Lectures, Peace 1971-1980. http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1974/macbride-cv.html | |
74. Gilbride The mac bride family name is traditionally associated with the old macbride comesfrom the Irish mac Giolla Bhride bearer of the surname was sean macbride (1904 http://www.tellurian.net/mcgrail/GILBRIDE.HTML | |
75. Amnesty.html Translate this page Prix nobel de la paix 1977. Avec quelques amis, dont l'irlandais sean mac Brideet un autre anglais Erik Baker, il fonde alors Amnesty sur une idée simple http://membres.lycos.fr/amnesty109/amnesty.html | |
76. EL COLOMBIANO Translate this page Susumu Tonegawa 1981 Química - Kenichi Fukui (con el norteamericano Roald Hoffmann)1974 Paz - Eisaku Sato (con el irlandés sean mac bride) 1973 Física http://www.elcolombiano.com/proyectos/premiosnobel/textos/l_quimica_japon.htm | |
77. Luminarium: Mythology of the 20th Century mac McGuire Irish Literature - Island by Kavanagh A few poemsBiography of sean O'Casey Bright Goddess of the Gael bride Brighid - Celtic http://www.luminarium.org/mythology/ | |
78. IRISH LITERATURE, MYTHOLOGY, FOLKLORE, AND DRAMA of the 20th Century mac McGuire Irish Literature - Island Biography of sean O'Casey- Encarta Juno and the Bright Goddess of the Gael bride Brighid - Celtic http://members.aol.com/irishtaylors/eirelinks.htm | |
79. WFUV 1999 Irish Moments If Fionn mac Cumhall could hear some of its tracks Thankfully, sean nós songs arestill being handed down today of enchantment was ended by a bride who wanted http://www.cnghm.com/moments99.html | |
80. October 03 In 1947, Lindsey Buckingham, rocker (Fleetwood macRumours, Tusk at 55 In 1971, LeahBaird, writer (Jungle bride), dies of anemia at 88 In 1971, sean O Riada http://www.dailyalmanacs.com/almanac2/october/1003.html | |
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