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Branting Karl Hjalmar: more detail |
41. Hijas De La Caridad. Prov.Barcelona. NOBEL DE LA PAZ Translate this page PREMIOS nobel DE LA PAZ. 1999, MÉDICOS SIN FRONTERAS. 1998, JOHN HUME DAVID TRIMBLE. 1924,1923, 1922, FRIDTJOF NANSEN. 1921, karl hjalmar branting CHRISTIAN LOUS LANGE. http://hijascaridad.org/barcelona/varis/e_nobelpau.htm | |
42. Norwegian Inventions, Discoveries And Awards The nobel Peace Prize awarded by The Norwegian nobel Committee. 1921 The prizewas divided equally between branting, karl hjalmar, Sweden, Prime Minister http://www.cyberclip.com/Katrine/NorwayInfo/NorgeInv.html | |
43. The Nobel Peace Price List of all the nobel Peace Prize winners from 1901 to 1995. nobelPeace Prize Winners. branting, karl hjalmar, Sweden, 1860 1925. http://www.cyberclip.com/Katrine/NorwayInfo/Articles/NobelPeace.html | |
44. Geneva Library UNOG: "the History Of The League Of Nations" branting, karl hjalmar (18601925), Prime Minister of Sweden, 1920, 1921-3 and1924-5 awarded the nobel Peace Prize in 1921 with the Norwegian pacifist and http://www.unog.ch/frames/library/archives/lon/library/Bios/branting.html | |
45. International Biography Year nobel PRIZE WINNERS International Red Cross Committee 1918 - - 1919 - WoodrowWilson 1920 - Leon Bourgeois 1921 - karl hjalmar branting Christian L http://www.palestinehistory.com/intbio14.htm | |
46. International Organization And Names WINNERS Year nobel PRIZE Bourgeois 1921 karl hjalmar branting Christian L http://www.palestinehistory.com/text/others.htm | |
47. PEACE PRIZE The prize money for 1918 was allocated to the nobel Institute's Special Fund. Theprize was divided equally between branting, karl hjalmar, Sweden, 18601925. http://www.efn.org/~peace/pfk/nobelpeace.html | |
48. Biography Of Karl Hjalmar Branting father» of socialism in Sweden, karl hjalmar branting (November 23 branting was a«constitutional pacifist KP Arnoldson, corecipient of the nobel Peace Prize http://sunsite.bilkent.edu.tr/oldnobel/laureates/peace-1921-1-bio.html | |
49. Peace 1921 The nobel Prize in Peace 1921. karl hjalmar branting Sweden Prime Minister SwedishDelegate Conseil de la Société des Nations 1860 1925 Biography, Christian http://sunsite.bilkent.edu.tr/oldnobel/laureates/peace-1921.html | |
50. PREMIOS NOBEL DE LA PAZ Translate this page PREMIOS nobel DE LA PAZ. 1901, JEAN HENRI DUNANT y FRÉDÉRIC PASSY. 1902, LÉONVICTOR AUGUSTE BOURGEOIS. 1921, karl hjalmar branting y CHRISTIAN LOUIS LANGE. 1922, http://es.geocities.com/historalia/premios_nobel_de_la_paz.htm | |
51. Behind The Name: Nobel Prize Winners By Category Behind the Name the etymology and history of first names. nobel Prize Winnersby Category. Christian Lous Lange, 1921, Peace, karl hjalmar branting, 1921, Peace, http://www.behindthename.com/namesakes/nobelchro.html | |
52. Harapan's Bookdhelf: Nobel Peace Prize nobel Peace Prize last updated on 02/02/25. Link Official Website ofnobel Foundation 1997. 1921. karl hjalmar branting Prime Minister. http://www.harapan.co.jp/english/e_books/E_B_nobel_peace_e.htm | |
53. Ëàóðåàòû Íîáåëåâñêèõ ïðåìèé ìèðà Alphabetical listing of nobel Peace prize laureates. Name. Year Awarded. Brandt,Willy, 1971. branting, karl hjalmar, 1921. BoydOrr Of Brechin, Lord John, 1949. http://orel.rsl.ru/archiv/nob_w.htm | |
54. Odin - The Nobel Peace Prize branting, karl hjalmar, Sweden, 1860 1925.Prime Minister, Swedish DelegateConseil de la Main Fund for 1942 and two thirds to the nobel Institutes http://odin.dep.no/odin/engelsk/norway/foreign/032091-120048/index-dok000-b-n-a. | |
55. Odinarkiv - Le Prix Nobel De La Paix Translate this page Lauréats du Prix nobel de la Paix. 1901 Le prix a été partagé entre 1921 Leprix a été partagé entre branting, karl hjalmar, Suède (1860-1925). http://odin.dep.no/odinarkiv/norsk/dep/ud/1999/publ/032005-990307/index-dok000-b | |
56. Chronology Of Sweden (1900-1929) 48.401; The nobel Prize in physics is awarded to Swede Gustaf 47.239 48.482;The first Social Democrat government is formed, lead by karl hjalmar branting. http://www.islandnet.com/~kpolsson/swedhis/swed1900.htm | |
57. International Kids Club World Peace World Love The following people or organizations are recipients of the nobel PEACE PRIZE 1921The prize was divided equally between karl hjalmar branting Prime Minister http://www.planetpals.com/IKC/peaceprize.html | |
58. José Ramos Horta: Prémios Nobel Translate this page Prémios nobel da Paz. 1920 Léon Victor Auguste Bourgeois (França). 1921 karl hjalmar branting (Suécia) / Christian Lous Lange (Noruega). http://www.citi.pt/cultura/politica/ramos_horta/lista.html | |
59. Poemas Y Relatos Translate this page Ganadores del Premio nobel de la Paz 1921 El premio fue dividido por igualentre branting, karl hjalmar, Suecia. 1860-1925. Primer Ministro. http://www.ciudadfutura.com/poemas/principales/literatura/02_origen_premio_nobel | |
60. New Document del Comité d'Ajut escandinau, era fill de karl hjalmar branting, un eminent políticque havia estat Primer ministre i havia rebut el Premi nobel de la Pau l http://www.ajualcoi.org/wbiblioteca/exposicion/sueco_noruego/hospital.asp | |
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