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61. (Biografía De Max Born) Translate this page temas que más concitaron la atención de max en sus born volvió a Alemania cuandose retiró en 1953 Le concedieron el premio nobel en 1954, por sus estudios http://www.astrocosmo.cl/biografi/b-m_born.htm | |
62. Max Born Translate this page 1914, Auf Veranlassung von max Planck wird er Um born versammeln sich hervorragendeSchüler und Mitarbeiter aus Is awarded the nobel Prize for Physics for his http://www.ethbib.ethz.ch/exhibit/pauli/born.html | |
63. Creative Quotations From Max Born (1882-1970) He won the nobel Prize for Physics,1954, for his statistical intepretation of Searchhere for max born photos, websites, books, posters more Click here for http://www.creativequotations.com/one/1486.htm | |
64. ClubCaminantes - Premios Nobel - Fisica, El Club De Los Caminantes Translate this page PREMIOS nobel, FISICA. 1901-1925 1926-1950 1951-1975 1976-2000.1951. Universidad de University. Holanda. 1954. born, max (Gran Bretaña). http://caminantes.metropoliglobal.com/web/nobel/fisica3.htm | |
65. Pictures Gallery Of The Nobel Prize Winners In Physics Translate this page The nobel Prize in Physics. 1998. Robert B. Laughlin Horst L. Störmer Daniel C.Tsui 1997. 1954. max born Walther Wilhelm Georg Bothe 1953. Frits Zernike 1952. http://www.th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/~jr/physpicnobel.html | |
66. Born, Max born, max. Germanborn British physicist. He was awarded the nobel Prize for Physicsin 1954 for fundamental work on the quantum theory, especially his 1926 http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0003229.html | |
67. PANS Nobelpreis - 1954 Max Born max born 1882 1970. max born was born on December 11 th 1882 in Breslau. Togetherwith Wather Bothe, born was awarded the nobel Prize in physics in http://www.hmi.de/bereiche/SF/SF7/PANS/english/nobel/nobel_last.html | |
68. PANS Nobelpreis - 1954 Max Born max born 1882 1970. max born was born on December 11 th 1882 in Breslau. Togetherwith Wather Bothe, born was awarded the nobel Prize in Physics in http://www.hmi.de/bereiche/SF/SF7/PANS/english/nobel/nobel_1954.html | |
69. VCU Library News My life recollections of a nobel laureate / max born. Author born, max, 18821970.Pub date 1978 Location CABELL Stacks Call number QC16.B643 A3213 1978. http://www.library.vcu.edu/whatsnew/news_result.cfm?ID=277 |
70. Untitled max born. Click here for full size picture. (b. Dec. 11, 1882, Breslau, Ger.d.Jan. 5, 1970, Göttingen), German physicist, winner of the nobel Prize for http://octopus.phy.bg.ac.yu/web_projects/giants/born.html | |
71. University Of Zurich - About The University max von Laue. 1914 nobel Prize for Physics For his discovery of the diffractionof Xrays by crystals. . born 9.10.1879 in Ehrenbreitstein/G Deceased 24.4.1960 http://www.unizh.ch/info/universitaet/nobel.en.html | |
72. Searches Fast As The Wind Results 1 20 of 61 Sorted By Score, Search Term Used max born, Show/HideSummaries, 1. max born Winner of the 1954 nobel Prize in Physics. http://www.blowsearch.com/search.php?Terms=max born |
73. Compare Prices And Save On New And Used Books, Textbooks, College Textbooks And My Life Recollections of a nobel Laureate by max born 0850661749 Hardcover , June1978 Book Review Customer Reviews Sales Ranking Table of Contents Compare http://www.aaabooksearch.com/Author/Max Born/0 | |
74. NOBEL Per La FISICA Translate this page nobel per la FISICA Solvay 1927 1901. Röentgen, Wilhelm C. (Germania). 1902. 1953.Zernike, Frits (Paesi Bassi). 1954. born, max (RFT). Bothe, Walter (RDT). 1955. http://digilander.libero.it/andreawentura/fisica/nobel.htm | |
75. Max Born - Wikipedia max born (December 11, 1882 January 5, 1970 Only child of Gustav born and MargareteKauffmann He was awarded the 1954 nobel Prize for Physics, the Stokes Medal http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Born | |
76. MAX BORN max born. *max born (b. Dec. 11, 1882, Breslau, now Wroclaw in Poland; d. Jan. bornshared (with Walter Bothe) the 1954 nobel Prize for physics. http://www.ift.uni.wroc.pl/~poff/symposia/max.html | |
77. NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS nobel PRIZE WINNERS IN PHYSICS 1954 max born (18821970) British WaltherBothe (1891-1957) German Contributions to quantum mechanics. http://members.tripod.com/unifier2/nobelprizesframes.html | |
78. Nobel Prizes In Physics nobel Prizes in Physics. 0830) Development of a novel precision method of nuclearmagnetism (NMR) 1953 F. Zernike (Netherlands) 1954 max born (United Kingdom http://userpage.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/bib/nobel_physik_e.html | |
79. Prémios Nobel Translate this page . Prémios nobel de Física. 1954 - max born e Walther BOTHE ( alemães ) Contribuiçõespara o estudo da mecânica quântica e para o estudo da emissão de http://luisperna.com.sapo.pt/nobel_fisica.htm | |
80. Max Born And J appointed as a professor to assist max Planck at of the World War II in 1919 Bornwas appointed wellknown experiments that received the nobel Prize originated http://ed.augie.edu/~rmjohnso/born_oppy.html | |
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