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Belo Carlos Felipe Ximenes: more detail |
41. Keesing's Worldwide Online - Hot Topics: East Timor of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and at the official residenceof Bishop carlos felipe ximenes belo, the 1996 nobel Peace laureate. http://www.keesings.com/hot_topics/east_timor/ | |
42. ALFRED NOBEL AND THE NOBEL PRIZES The award ceremony always takes place on December 10, the anniversary of nobel'sdeath, and ceremonies are held on that date belo, carlos felipe ximenes 1996. http://www.mssc.edu/international/mccaleb/chapter3.htm | |
43. La Repubblica/fatti: Il Vescovo Belo Al Suo Popolo 'Prendi Le Armi E Difenditi' con un'apoteosi carlos felipe ximenes belo, il vescovo nobel per la pace http://www.repubblica.it/online/fatti/timor/belo/belo.html | |
44. Nobel Laureates' Appeal For A Decade Of Non-violence Signed by all the nobel Peace Prize Laureates carlos felipe ximenes belo, José RamosHorta,Norman Borlaug, Oscar Arias Sánchez, UNICEF, Frederik Willem de http://members.tripod.com/~lutheran_peace/whatnew.htm | |
45. NVA : La Décennie - Appel Des Nobels Translate this page Les Lauréats du Prix nobel de la Paix. Desmond Mpilo Tutu, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel,Yasser Arafat, Monseigneur carlos felipe ximenes belo, José Ramos-Horta http://www.nonviolence-actualite.org/decennie/dec.appelnobel.php3 | |
46. PREMIOS NOBEL DE LA PAZ Translate this page PREMIOS nobel DE LA PAZ Año, Ganador, País. 1986, Elie Wiesel, (EEUU. Conferenciade Pugwash. 1996, carlos felipe ximenes belo y José Ramos, Timor Oriental. http://www.yosoytucuman.com.ar/educacionycultura/prenobel.htm | |
47. Nobel Laureates Award by a foundation whose trustees are composed of former nobel Peace Prize Mandela ofSouth Africa, the Dalai Lama of Tibet, carlos felipe ximenes belo and Jose http://www.cadi.ph/Feature_Article_6_Nobel.htm | |
48. Dai Nobel Per La Pace Una Proposta Per Il Futuro Translate this page The nobel Peace Prize Laureates Signed by Mairead Maguire Corrigan Mpilo Tutu, AdolfoPerez Esquivel, Yasser Arafat, Mgr carlos felipe ximenes belo, Jose' Ramos http://www.peacelink.it/nobelpax.html | |
49. Nobel Peace Prizes 1996. carlos felipe ximenes belo and Jose RamosHorta, For their worktowards a just and peaceful solution to the conflict in East Timor. http://www.philately.com/philately/peace.htm | |
50. CWNews: BISHOP BELO'S NOBEL PRIZE ADDRESS For details, visit the Catholic World News web site. BISHOP belo'SNOBEL PRIZE ADDRESS by Bishop carlos felipe ximenes belo, SDB. http://www.cwnews.com/Browse/1996/12/3187.htm | |
51. Frades Franciscanos Da Imaculada nobel pela Paz 1996 , no dia 12 de Outubro. Os vencedoressão o bispo católico Dom carlos felipe ximenes belo eo leigo José http://www.cancaonova.org.br/frades/primpla.html |
52. Pour En Savoir Plus Translate this page Vous êtes invité à les rejoindre et à devenir Messager du Manifeste 2000.Prix nobel de la paix. Mgr carlos felipe ximenes belo. Oscar ARIAS SANCHEZ. http://www3.unesco.org/manifesto2000/fr/pour_en_savoir_plus.htm | |
53. Nobel Peace Prize Winners nobel PEACE PRIZE AWARDS, by year. carlos felipe ximenes belo and JOSE RAMOSHORTAfor their work towards a just and peaceful solution to the conflict in East http://www.smcc.qld.edu.au/subjectcourses/peace.htm | |
54. Candidatura De D. Baltasar Garzón Al Premio Nobel De La Paz Translate this page 1996, carlos felipe ximenes belo, Jose Ramos-Horta. 1997, Campaña InternacionalPara Abolir Las Minas, Jody Williams. 1998, John Hume, David Trimble. http://www.nobelgarzon.org/premiados9.htm | |
55. BALTASAR GARZÓN. Candidate For The Nobel Peace Prize 1996, carlos felipe ximenes belo, Jose RamosHorta. 1997, International Campaignto Ban Landmines. 1998, John Hume, David Trimble. 1999, Doctors Without Borders. http://www.nobelgarzon.org/en/premiados9.htm | |
56. Philippine Nobel Award, Social Threefolding And The Spiritual Tasks Of Nations given by a foundation whose trustees are composed of nobel Peace Prize Mandela ofSouth Africa, the Dalai Lama of Tibet, carlos felipe ximenes belo and Jose http://www.globenet3.org/Essays/Essay_Task.shtml | |
57. Warta Berita - Radio Nederland, 20 Desember 2002 Karena itu pemenang hadiah nobel perdamaian ini berpendapat bahwa Ikuti keterangannyakepada Radio Nederland carlos felipe ximenes belo CFXB Saya menolak http://iiasnt.leidenuniv.nl:8080/DR/2002/12/DR_2002_12_24/14 | |
58. Ranesi Oleh Joss Wibisono Uskup Dili Monsinyor carlos felipe ximenes belo dikabarkan mengundurkandiri. Pengunduran diri peraih Hadiah nobel Perdamaian ini tentu saja http://www.rnw.nl/ranesi/html/gw_20021127.html | |
59. Appeal Of Nobel Prize Laureates With deepest respect, The nobel Peace Prize Laureates Signed by Mpilo Tutu, AdolfoPérez Esquivel, Yasser Arafat, Mgr carlos felipe ximenes belo, José Ramos http://www.europrofem.org/02.info/22contri/2.04.en/4en.viol/22en_vio.htm | |
60. Géniesenherbe.org - Prix Nobel De La Paix Translate this page Le prix nobel de la paix est attribué par le Comité nobel Norvégien, situé 1996,monseigneur carlos felipe ximenes belo et José Ramos-Horta (Timor-Oriental http://www.geniesenherbe.org/theorie/prix/nobpaix.html | |
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