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61. Encyclopædia Britannica The nobel Prize in Physics 1903 The nobel Foundation Biographical sketchesof antoine henri becquerel, Pierre Curie, and Marie Curie of France. http://search.britannica.com/search?query=Pierre Rene Marie Vaugiraud |
62. Phys Nobel List Translate this page Selective List of nobel Prize Winners in Physics and Chemistry. Albert Abraham Michelson1906 Sir Joseph John Thomson 1903 antoine henri becquerel, Pierre Curie http://bengal.missouri.edu/~kosztini/courses/phys215-03/Phys_Nobel_List.html | |
63. Becqerel antoine henri becquerel ( 1852 1908) francia fizikus, 1896-ban az uránnal ésmás ban Pierre Curie és Marie Curie-vel megosztva fizikai nobel-díjat kapott http://ion.elte.hu/~pappboti/radioaktivitas/cimlap/tematika/radioakt/tortenelem/ | |
64. NRK - Schrödingers Katt nobel'S GREATEST HITS (4) Bak atomene. antoine henri becquerel, PIERRE CURIEOG MARIE CURIE nobelPRISEN I FYSIKK 1903. Om bakgrunnen for prisen. http://www.nrk.no/programmer/tv/schrodingers_katt/1309397.html | |
65. Marie Curie Translate this page la Academia de Ciencias de Estocolmo anunció que el Premio nobel de Física correspondientea aquel año se dividiría entre antoine henri becquerel y los http://www.terra.es/personal2/efr1966/curie.htm | |
66. Nicolas Rivière - Site Perso. nobel. Louis-Victor Pierre Raymond de Broglie 1926 Jean BaptistePerrin 1908 Gabriel Lippmann 1903 antoine henri becquerel, Pierre Curie http://www.nriv.free.fr/sciences/dossiers/nobel/nobelfr.htm | |
67. Becquerel, Antoine Henri (1852-1908) X1872 Translate this page henri becquerel (X1872) est né à Paris en 1852 Son grand-père antoine César becquerel(1788-1878 ce rayonnement progresse rapidement et becquerel montre que http://www.bibliotheque.polytechnique.fr/patrimoine/collectionhomme/Becquerel3.h | |
68. Biographies De Quelques Pionniers Translate this page En 1903, becquerel partage, avec Pierre et Marie Curie, le prix Nobelde physique. antoine-henri becquerel . CURIE Marie (1867-1934). http://musee.curie.fr/rayons/biographies.html | |
69. Antoine-Henri Becquerel (1852-1908) Translate this page http://nautilus.fis.uc.pt/st2.5/scenes-p/biog/b0007.html | |
70. New Catholic Dictionary: Becquerel, Antoine Henri becquerel, antoine henri. (18521908) Physicist, son of antoine César becquerel Hediscovered becquerel's Rays, ie, the invisible radiations from uranium, and http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/ncd01094.htm | |
71. Becquerel, Henri (1852-1908) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biogra not appreciated, however, until the work of Marie and Pierre Curie, with whom heshared the 1903 nobel Prize in physics. henri's son Jean becquerel also became http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/BecquerelHenri.html | |
72. Becquerel Translate this page 1820-1891), filho de antoine César, nada e de Berlim, em 1903 becquerel recebe, juntamentecom recebido homenagens e recompensas, henri becquerel conserva sua http://br.geocities.com/saladefisica9/biografias/becquerel.htm | |
73. Antoine Henri Becquerel Francouzsky vedec antoine henri becquerel se narodil se 15 fyziky Alexander Edmondbecquerel) i dedecek (clen Kralovske spolecnosti antoine Cesar) byli http://bures.webpark.cz/fyzici/becquerel.htm | |
74. Henri Becquerel Translate this page Jean becquerel Jean becquerel, fils de henri et de Lucie naît à Paris en 1878, l'annéede la mort de son arrière-grand-père antoine-César, fondateur http://web.ccr.jussieu.fr/radioactivite/biographie/BioBecquerel.html | |
75. Henri Becquerel henri Bequerel was married to Mlle. who was also a physicist the fourth generationof scientists in the becquerel Family.antoine henri becquerel died in http://home.clara.net/don.ainley/henri.htm | |
76. Antoine Henri Becquerel Translate this page antoine-henri becquerel Edmond becquerel (1820-1891) e pai de Jean antoine becquerel(1878-1953 porém, os raios gama foram conhecidos como raios de becquerel. http://www.sobiografias.hpg.ig.com.br/AntoinHB.html | |
77. SPACE TODAY ONLINE - Space Today Online - The Millennium - A Space And Astronomy Marie and Pierre will share a 1903 nobel Prize with antoine henri Becquerelfor fundamental research on radioactivity in nuclear physics. http://www.spacetoday.org/History/MillenniumTimeline/19thCentury.html | |
78. Encyclopædia Britannica His grandfather, antoineCésar (17881878), was one henri likewise studied phosphorescentmaterials as well as unit of radioactivity, the becquerel (Bq), is http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article?eu=382177 |
79. Antoine Henri Becquerel: Awards Won By Antoine Henri Becquerel Awards of antoine henri becquerel. http://www.123awards.com/artist/4173.asp | |
80. Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences :: Academics antoine henri becquerel. to light. For his pioneering work becquerel won the 1903Nobel Prize and a unit of radiation, equal to 1 decay per second, is named http://www-ners.engin.umich.edu/academics/ugrads/whatare.shtml | |
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