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21. Antoine Henri Becquerel. Biografía Translate this page antoine henri becquerel. Hijo y nieto de eminentes físicos (su abuelo antoine CésarB radiactividad espontánea fue galardonado con el premio nobel de Física http://www.canalsocial.com/biografia/fisica/becquerel.htm | |
22. Becquerel henri becquerel 1903 nobel Laureate in Physics in recognition of Jean becquerel(18781953) Jean antoine becquerel and Heike Kamerlingh Onnes in a lab. http://www.geocities.com/bioelectrochemistry/becquerel.htm | |
23. Becquerel, (Antoine) Henri becquerel, (antoine) henri. French physicist. He was awarded the nobel Prize forPhysics in 1903 for his discovery of penetrating radiation coming from uranium http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0015933.html | |
24. BECQUEREL, ANTOINE HENRI Biografía Translate this page becquerel, antoine henri. Hijo y nieto de eminentes físicos (su abuelo antoine CésarB radiactividad espontánea fue galardonado con el premio nobel de Física http://canalsocial.net/biografia/biografiacontenido.asp?nom=BECQUEREL, ANTOINE H |
25. Antoine At ChemIndustry.com antoine henri becquerel was born in Paris on December 15, 1852, a member of a distinguishedfamily of scholars URL http//www.nobel.se80/physics/laureates http://www.chemindustry.com/chemnames/A/antoine.asp | |
26. Antoine Henri Becquerel It wasn't until 1971 that he was recognized for his important scientificwork; he received the nobel Prize in Physics for his contributions. http://stwi.weizmann.ac.il/g-junior/matmon/common_tools/scientists/gabor.htm | |
27. Antoine Henri Becquerel antoine henri becquerel (18521919) was a French physicist whose research led himto the He shared a nobel prize for his discovery with Pierre and Marie Curie http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Arts/scistamp/modphys1/04.html | |
28. Antoine Henri Becquerel becquerel, antoine henri Dictionary of Scientists R 925 B52 Who Did What R 920.02W622 Dictionary of Scientific Biography R 925 D56 nobel Prize Winners http://www.punahou.edu/libraries/cooke/becquerel.html | |
29. Iranian Journal Of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering antoinehenri becquerel French physicist who discovered radioactivity through hisinvestigations of uranium and other substances. In 1903 he shared the nobel | |
30. Antoine Henri Becquerel Discovery of radioactivity; Fellow of the Royal Society; nobel Prize.He shared the nobel Prize with Pierre and Marie Curie. He worked http://www.sambal.co.uk/scientists/becquerel.htm | |
31. Science In Poland - Nobel Prize Laureates ? ? ? ? Results from searching of The nobel Foundation's database. The prize wasdivided, one half being awarded to becquerel, antoine henri, France, École http://main.amu.edu.pl/~zbzw/ph/sci/pl-nobel.html | |
32. Nobel Peace Prize nobel Peace Prizes. 1903, antoine henri becquerel Fr Pierre Curie Fr Marie Curie,née Sklodowska Fr, Svante August Arrhenius Sw, Niels Ryberg Finsen Den http://din-timelines.com/1901s-npp.shtml | |
33. Chem 101, Spring 2000, Exam II, Turner This physicist discovered alpha rays and beta rays and received a nobel prize forhis efforts. antoine henri becquerel Marie Sklodowska Curie Albert Einstein http://colossus.chem.umass.edu/genchem/chem101/101_Exam_2_Turner_Sample_1.htm | |
34. SmartEngine - SmartGuide ( FAMOUSWOMEN : Marie Curie ) antoine henri becquerel (18521908) nobel for the discovery of radioactivityin 1896, shared with Pierre Curie and Marie Curie. http://famouswomen.smartengine.com/shell/smartpage/Marie_Curie | |
35. 'The Textbook Letter' For November-December 1999: 'Editor's File' and whose achievements are inseparable antoine henri becquerel (18521908 becquereland both Curies were honored for when they shared the nobel Prize in http://www.textbookleague.org/105eddi.htm | |
36. Encyclopædia Britannica antoinehenri becquerel French physicist who discovered radioactivity through hisinvestigations of uranium and other substances. In 1903 he shared the nobel http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=14239 |
37. EXplorations In Medicine from the nobel Prize to World War I. henri becquerel antoine henri becquerel (18521908 http://interzone.com/~cheung/SUM.dir/med95.html | |
38. Becquerel becquerel, (antoine)henri (szül. 1852. dec. 15. Párizs, Franciaország megh. 1903-banPierre és Marie Curie-vel megosztva fizikai nobel-díjat kapott. http://www.mezgazd-koszeg.sulinet.hu/kemia/DATA/Tudosok/data/bh2/becquer.html | |
39. Cronoloxía De Feitos Na Química Translate this page 1896. antoine-henri becquerel descobre a radioactividade. Jacobus henricus van't Hoffrecibe o primeiro premio nobel en Química polo descubrimento das leis da http://web.usc.es/~qimaneir/files/crono.htm | |
40. Sci-Philately - A Selective History Of Science On Stamps antoine henri becquerel (18521919) (Detail) was a French physicist whose researchled him to He shared a nobel prize for his discovery with Pierre and Marie http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/sel/exhibits/stamps/modphys1.html | |
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