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41. I-mass.com : International Mass Spectrometry Web Resource francis william aston was born in September 1877 in Birmingham, England aston waselected Fellow of Trinity College in and was awarded the the nobel Prize in http://i-mass.com/aston.html | |
42. I-mass.com : International Mass Spectrometry Web Resource It was Thomson's student francis william aston who designed several Both Thomson andaston were honored for their achievements and received nobel Prizes in http://i-mass.com/history.html | |
43. Nobel Prize In Chemistry Since 1901 Translate this page nobel Prize in Chemistry since 1901 Year, Winners. 1901, Hoff, Jacobus HenricusVan't. 1921, Soddy, Frederick. 1922, aston, francis william. 1923, Pregl, Fritz. http://www.planet101.com/nobel_chemistry_hist.htm | |
44. Fq - Prémios Nobel Da Química francis william aston; 1921 Frederick http://atelier.uarte.mct.pt/fq/quem/nobelqui.htm | |
45. GK- National Network Of Education Haber, Fritz, 1918. Nernst, Walther Hermann, 1920. Soddy, Frederick, 1921.aston, francis william, 1922. Pregl, Fritz, 1923. Zsigmondy, Richard Adolf,1925. http://www.indiaeducation.info/infomine/nobel/nobelarchive.htm | |
46. Atomic Bomb Chronology, 1781-1929 1918, United Kingdom Mass spectroscopy developed by francis william aston,making it possible to detect all isotopes. (Received 1922 nobel prize.). http://www.ask.ne.jp/~hankaku/english/np1y.html | |
47. Premio Nobel De Química - Wikipedia Translate this page Adolf Zsigmondy 1923 Fritz Pregl 1922 francis william aston 1921 Frederick Soddy WilhelmAdolf von Baeyer 1904 Sir william Ramsay 1903 See also Premio nobel, http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premio_Nobel/Química | |
48. Nobel For Chemistry: All Laureates prize section 1923 Fritz Pregl 1922 francis william aston 1921 Frederick Adolf vonBaeyer 1904 Sir william Ramsay 1903 The nobel Prize A History of Genius http://www.popular-science.net/nobel/chem-list.html | |
49. 1700-1931 1918, England Mass spectroscopy developed by francis william aston, makingit possible to detect all isotopes. (Received 1922 nobel prize.). http://www.geocities.com/raize_som_hell/1700.htm | |
50. Francis William Aston (1877-1945) English Chemist And Physicist francis william aston (18771945 in many elements (of 281 naturally-occurring isotopes,aston discovered 212 He was awarded the nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1922 http://www.chem.uky.edu/courses/che105/biografy/aston.html | |
51. Science NetLinks: Isotopes Of Pennies aston, francis william 1922 nobel Biography, on the nobel eMuseum website,provides information about francis william aston, the British chemist and http://www.sciencenetlinks.com/lessons_printable.cfm?DocID=176 |
52. Bilimin öncüleri ARISTOTELE (Aristoteles, Aristo) aston, francis william - AVOGADRO, Lorenzo JosephLouis - PROUT, william R- RÖNTGEN nobel ÖDÜLÜ KAZANAN BILIM ADAMLARI. http://www.kimyaokulu.com/bilimin onculeri/bilimin onculeri.htm | |
53. Nobel Peace Prize 1922 francis william aston, physicist and inventor of the mass spectrograph, winsNobel Prize for chemistry for his discoveries about atomic isotopes in a http://din-timelines.com/1920s-npp.shtml | |
54. Les Briques De L'Univers (TM) - Biographies Translate this page En 1913, francis william aston montre que le néon atmosphérique est bien un mélangede de la relativité générale et obtient le prix nobel de Physique en http://www.ac-versailles.fr/etabliss/herblay/briques/fr/fr_galry.htm |
55. Kimyaokulu - Nobel ödülü Kazanan Bilim Adamlarý nobel ÖDÜLÜ KAZANAN BILIM ADAMLARI VE YAPTIGI ÇALISMALAR. 1922, aston,francis william Ingiltere, Cambridge Üniversitesi, d. 1877, ö. http://kimyaokulu.com/bilimin onculeri/nobel/nobel_odulu_kazananlar08.htm | |
56. Chemistry - Links For Chemists - Topics - Biographies Links to biographies of over 200 people who have advanced and refined the field of chemistry. A section Category Science Chemistry History...... Astbury, william T. @ Leeds UK; aston, francis william; Avogadro, Lorenzo RomanoAMADEO Carlo, comte de Quaregna et de Bragg, william Henry @ nobel SE; Brand http://www.liv.ac.uk/Chemistry/Links/refbiog.html | |
57. Nobel Prizes In Chemistry 3. PRIZE YEAR. nobel CHEMISTS. SUPERVISOR. Ph.D. UNIVERSITY. DATES. Age (years). 68.44. 1922. aston, francis william. PF Frankland, JH Poynting. 18981900,. 1903-8. http://www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED/NOBEL/CHEM/ | |
58. Géniesenherbe.org - Prix Nobel De Chimie Translate this page Le prix nobel de chimie est attribué par l'Académie royale des sciencesde Suède, à Stockholm. 1922, francis william aston (Grande-Bretagne). http://www.geniesenherbe.org/theorie/prix/nobchem.html | |
59. Prémios Nobel Translate this page . Prémios nobel de Química. 1922 - francis william aston (Grã-Bretanha), peladescoberta de um grande número de isótopos em elementos não radioactivos http://luisperna.com.sapo.pt/nobel_quimica.htm | |
60. Nobel Prize Winners: Chemistry nobel Prize Winners Chemistry. The descriptions in green are for work that isrelevant to high school chemistry Year. Article. 1922. aston, francis william. UK. http://www.emsb.qc.ca/laurenhill/science/nobelcm.html | |
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