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81. Illumining Talks - Kofi Annan kofi annan is SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations. In 2001 he was awardedthe nobel Peace Prize personally and jointly with the United Nations as an http://www.illuminingtalks.org/political/kofiannan | |
82. Nobel Translate this page Telepuerto de la Paz Protagonistas. ONU y kofi annan reciben PremioNobel de la Paz 2001 en día de los derechos humanos. El secretario http://www.upaz.edu.uy/octubre/nobel.htm | |
83. ELPAIS.es | Lo Más Relevante De 2001 | Los Protagonistas Translate this page 12/10/2001) El secretario general de Naciones Unidas, el ghanés kofi annan, aseguróen Oslo en el discurso pronunciado tras recibir el Premio nobel de la Paz http://www.5dias.com/especiales/especiales/2001/especial2001/html/annan.html | |
84. Nobel Fest For Annan nobel fest for annan Med et raskt slengkyss i retning kofi annan fikk sangerinnenBarbara Hendricks lagt inn en personlig gratulasjon til årets http://www.bt.no/utenriks/nobelprisen/article71324 | |
85. HS Ulkomaat 13.10.2001 - YK Ja Pääsihteeri Kofi Annan Saivat Nobelin Rauhanpal Norjan nobelkomitea on päättänyt 2001 jakavat, kahdessa yhtä isossa osassa,Yhdistyneet kansakunnat ja sen pääsihteeri kofi annan heidän panoksestaan http://www.helsinginsanomat.fi/arkisto/juttu.asp?id=20011013UL8 |
86. Colegio Don Bosco Altamira por el respeto a los DDHH. Premio nobel 2001. annan, kofi. http://www.aldeae.net/donbosco/aldea/Biograf2.asp?Which1=530 |
87. Nobel Prize: Portugal, East Timor Applaud Choice For Peace Award Dr Jose RamosHorta today conveyed his warmest congratulations to United Nationsand their Secretary General kofi annan for receiving the nobel Peace Prize of http://www.etan.org/et2001c/october/14-20/12nobel.htm | |
88. La Une De La FAO 127 Année 249: Monsieur Kofi Annan, Prix Nobel De La Paix 2001 Translate this page Monsieur kofi annan, Prix nobel de la paix 2001. Depuis lors et jusqu'àkofi annan, il n'ya plus eu de nobel de la paix lié à Genève. http://www.geneve.ch/fao/2001/20011102.asp | |
89. [devel-vn] U.N., Kofi Annan Receive Peace Prize The nobel Peace Prize for 2001 has been awarded jointly to the United Nations andits secretarygeneral, kofi annan. The Norwegian nobel Committee, based in http://www.undp.org.vn/mlist/develvn/102001/post26.htm | |
90. La Repubblica/cultura_scienze: Nobel Per La Pace A Onu E Kofi Annan Translate this page All'Onu e annan il nobel per la Pace Vent'anni di nobel per la pace kofi annan40 anni all'Onu DALL'ARCHIVIO DI Repubblica.it A Naipaul il nobel per la http://www.repubblica.it/online/cultura_scienze/nobel2001/pace/pace.html | |
91. UNIS Vienna - Special News Item - Nobel Peace Prize nobel Peace Prize 2001 awarded to the United Nations and to its SecretaryGeneral,kofi annan. Further reading IN FOCUS nobel Prize given to UN, kofi annan. http://www.unis.unvienna.org/en/news/2001/special/prize.htm | |
92. Red Cross Red Crescent - News Accepting the 2001 nobel Peace Prize, kofi annan referred to the United Nations asa universal, indispensable instrument of human progress. Commenting on the http://www.ifrc.org/docs/news/01/121101/ | |
93. News & Events: Kofi Annan 10United Nations SecretaryGeneral kofi annan today accepted the centennialNobel Peace Prize and set three key goals for the UN in the next century http://www.macalester.edu/collegerelations/kofi/ | |
94. World Bank Praises United Nations And Kofi Annan, Recipients Of 2001 Nobel Peace World Bank Praises United Nations and kofi annan, Recipients of 2001Nobel Peace Prize. Press Release No 2002/103/S. Contact Person http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/NEWS/0,,contentMDK:20015904~menuPK:3446 | |
95. BBC News | EUROPE | UN Wins Nobel Peace Prize The United Nations and its Secretary General kofi Annanare awarded the centenary nobel Peace Prize. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/europe/newsid_1595000/1595168.stm | |
96. L'Espace Citoyen - Annan (Kofi) http://www.espace-citoyen.net/article.php3?id_article=361 |
97. Oct. 18,1999---Kofi A. Annan, Trent Lott, Denny Hastert Dear Mr. kofi A. annan, Mr. Trent Lott, Mr. Denny Hastert,. Beijing interrupt NobelPeace Prize committee, because it was angry about the upcoming award may be http://taiwantt.tacocity.com.tw/fortaiwan/fortaiwan4/contents2/newpage81.htm | |
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