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21. Human Rights Watch Welcomes UN/Kofi Annan Nobel (Human Rights Watch Press Releas FREE Join the HRW Mailing List. Human Rights Watch Welcomes UN/KofiAnnan nobel. (New York, October 12, 2001) Human Rights Watch today http://www.hrw.org/press/2001/10/kannan1012.htm | |
22. Kofi Annan Nobel De La Paz Translate this page El centésimo Premio nobel de la Paz fue concedido a las Naciones Unidas yasu secretario general, kofi annan. kofi annan nobel de la Paz. Rob Kievit. http://www.rnw.nl/informarn/html/act011012_nobel.html | |
23. Kofi Annan Wins Peace Prize The 100th nobel Peace Prize has been awarded jointly to the UnitedNations and to its Secretary General, kofi annan. In Oslo, jury http://www.rnw.nl/hotspots/html/nobelpeace011012.html |
24. Kofi Annan Awarded 2001 Nobel Peace Prize kofi annan awarded 2001 nobel Peace Prize OSLO, OCT 12. IN THIS FILEPICTURE, UNITED NATIONS SECRETARY GENERAL kofi annan SIGNS A http://www.metimes.com/2K1/issue2001-41/reg/kofi_annan_awarded.htm | |
25. Kofi Annan And The Nobel Peace Prize By Stanley Meisler And the mood and power of the UN then and now contrast as much as the personalitiesof the two men kofi annan and the nobel Peace Prize. http://www.stanleymeisler.com/news-commentary/kofiannan-nobelpeaceprize.html | |
26. Telegraph | News | Kofi Annan And UN Win Nobel Peace Prize kofi annan and UN win nobel peace prize By Anton La Guardia (Filed13/10/2001). THE United Nations and its SecretaryGeneral, kofi http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2001/10/13/wnobel13.xml |
27. Kofi Annan Wins Nobel Peace Prize WarSucks.org War Sucks! kofi annan wins nobel Peace Prize Posted by stewartm. kofi annanwins nobel Peace Prize Login/Create an account 0 comments. http://warsucks.org/article.php?sid=22 |
28. Online NewsHour Update: U.N., Kofi Annan Receive Nobel Peace Prize -- Dec. 10, 2 UN Secretary General kofi annan accepted the 2001 nobel Peace Prize on behalf ofthe United Nations and himself today, marking the 100th anniversary of the http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/december01/nobel_12-10.html | |
29. Kofi Annan - Center Of The Storm. Printable Page | PBS The nobel Peace Prize 2001 http//www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/2001/ The UN andKofi annan were awarded the nobel Peace Prize in 2001 for their work for a http://www.pbs.org/wnet/un/print/resources_print.html | |
30. Kofi Annan Prix Nobel Paix Démocratie Mission Translate this page CONFLITS ET PROMOUVOIR LA DEMOCRATIE SONT LES TROIS PRIORITES DES NATIONS UNIES AUXXIe SIECLE DECLARE M. kofi annan LORS DE LA REMISE DU PRIX nobel DE LA PAIX. http://membres.lycos.fr/afnulorraine/onuprixnobrldelapaixkadiscours1201.htm | |
31. Résultats De La Recherche Par Auteur Translate this page Envoyez cette citation à un(e) ami(e) Secrétaire général de l'ONU(nobel de la Paix 2001) kofi annan Insérer dans mon Citabook. http://www.citationsdumonde.com/req_auteur.asp?Auteur=Kofi Annan |
32. Kofi Annan Awarded Nobel Peace Prize - Law And Order: Recent Statements And Even kofi annan awarded nobel Peace Prize Latest statements and events onLaw and Order in Britain. kofi annan awarded nobel Peace Prize. http://www.britain-info.org/law/xq/asp/SarticleType.1/Article_ID.1793/qx/article | |
33. Kofi ANNAN à Oslo: Le Prix Nobel, Le Message De Paix Translate this page kofi annan accepte le prix nobel de la Paix en affirmant que l'ONU placel'homme au coeur de ses activités. Nations Unies, New York, 10 déc. http://www.sangonet.com/Fich3ActuaInterAfric/Annanremiseprixpaix01.html | |
34. Prix Nobel De La Paix à Kofi Annan Translate this page Journal favorisant la pensée indépendante, l'éthique et la responsabilité. PrixNobel de la paix à kofi annan. La grande récompense pour un grand silence. http://www.horizons-et-debats.ch/9_10/manteau/Prix Nobel de la paix a Kofi Annan | |
35. Le Prix Nobel De La Paix à Kofi Annan Translate this page 10 DECEMBRE 2001, kofi annan REÇOIT LE PRIX nobel DE LA PAIX Eliminerla pauvreté, prévenir les conflits et promouvoir la démocratie http://www.droitshumains.org/Forum/annan_nobel.htm | |
36. NOBEL PEACE PRIZE AWARDED TO UNITED NATIONS AND KOFI ANNAN Monday October 15, 2001. Printer friendly version, Email to a friend.nobel PEACE PRIZE AWARDED TO UNITED NATIONS AND kofi annan UNITED http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2001/oct/01101502.html | |
37. [Alai-amlatina] Premios Nobel A Kofi Annan Translate this page Alai-amlatina Premios nobel a kofi annan. ALAI Casilla Principalinfo@alai.ecuanex.net.ec Wed, 10 Oct 2001 103402 -0500 Previous http://listas.ecuanex.net.ec/pipermail/alai-amlatina/2001q4/000426.html | |
38. La ONU Y Kofi Annan Ganan El Premio Nobel De La Paz Translate this page La ONU y kofi annan ganan el Premio nobel de la Paz. kofi annan. 12 deoctubre, 2001. OSLO En el inicio de un nuevo siglo caracterizado http://www.unadr.org/sp/Nobel_Sp.htm | |
39. Kofi Annan, Nobel Lecture - 10 December 2001 - Sierra Leone Web The nobel Lecture given by The 2001 nobel Peace Prize Laureate kofi AnnanOslo, December 10, 2001. Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses http://www.sierra-leone.org/nobellecture.html | |
40. L'ONU Et Kofi Annan Reçoivent Le Prix Nobel De La Paix Translate this page Mise à jour 1311(GMT+8), 11/12/2001. MONDE, L'ONU et kofi annan reçoiventle prix nobel de la paix. kofi annan, le secrétaire général http://fpfre.peopledaily.com.cn/french/200112/11/fra20011211_51143.html | |
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