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41. Encyclopædia Britannica The two shared the 1989 nobel Prize for Chemistry. To cite this page MLA style altman, sidney. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia 2003 Encyclopædia http://search.britannica.com/ebc/article?eu=380413&query=pandit&ct=gen1 |
42. Britannica.com altman, sidney Britannica Concise Article. Working independently, altman and ThomasCech discovered that RNA The two shared the 1989 nobel Prize for Chemistry. http://search.britannica.com/ebc/print?eu=380413 |
43. Yale Bulletin & Calendar - News Stories Research that earned Yale biologist sidney altman the nobel Prize in Chemistryis being used in efforts to develop drugs for treating and preventing such http://www.yale.edu/opa/ybc/v26.n2.news.01.html | |
44. Altman altman, sidney (szül. 1939. máj. 7. Montreal, Québec, Kanada) kanadai?amerikaibiokémikus. 1989ben Thomas R. Cechcsel kémiai nobel-díjat kapott. http://www.kfki.hu/~cheminfo/hun/olvaso/bh/bh5/altman.html |
45. Nobel Prize Winners In Chemistry Since1901 Excluded Subjects for Fall 2000. ROBERT S. MULLIKEN. sidney altman. Ernest Rutherford. MarieCurie. Dorothy C. Hodgkin. nobel Prize Winners in Chemistry 19011999. http://iweb.tntech.edu/chem491-dc/prizewinners.htm | |
46. Sidney Altman sidney altman was born in Montreal, Canada in 1939. A Molecular Biologist, heshared a 1989 nobel Prize for Chemistry with Thomas Cech for simultaneously http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/biography/Altman.html | |
47. Jewish Nobel Prize Winners 1986 - Dudley R. Herschbach; 1988 - Robert Huber; 1989 - sidney altman; http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/Judaism/nobels.html | |
48. Articles On The Chemistry Nobel Prize - General Knowledge, Top Education, Top Ca A. Olah Chemistry Laureate George Olah gives a glimpse of the work that was awardedthe nobel Prize in 1994. The RNA World by sidney altman 1989 Chemistry http://www.top-education.com/gk/nobel/chemistry/articles.asp | |
49. Huglings Jackson Lectures 1994. Dr. sidney altman, Yale University (nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1989).1995. Dr. Leonhard Wolfe, Montreal Neurological Institute. 1996. http://www.mni.mcgill.ca/hughlings_lectures.html | |
50. Communiqué Acide Ribonucléique (ARN) Translate this page Le programme bien garni de la journée du 6 novembre prévoit 16 présentations scientifiques,dont celle du Prix nobel sidney altman, de Yale University. -30-. http://www.usherbrooke.ca/medias/communiques/2000/oct/arn.htm | |
51. ClubCaminantes - Premios Nobel - Quimica, El Club De Los Caminantes Translate this page PREMIOS nobel, QUÍMICA. 1901-1925 1926-1950 1951-1975 1976-2000. 1976. Martinsried,República Federal de Alemania. 1989. altman, sidney (Canadá). http://caminantes.metropoliglobal.com/web/nobel/quimica4.htm | |
52. AldeaEducativa.com | Contenidos Y Consultas Educativas Translate this page Venezolanos Ilustres. Premios nobel de 1989. Haavelmo, Trygve. Ellíder político y religioso del pueblo tibetano. altman, sidney. http://www.aldeaeducativa.com/aldea/Nobel1e.asp?Which=1989 |
53. 134-137 sidney altman jointly won the nobel Prize in 1989 for a fundamental biochemicaldiscovery that some RNA molecules could themselves act as catalysts of http://collections.ic.gc.ca/heirloom_series/volume5/134-137.htm | |
54. Ëàóðåàòû Íîáåëåâñêèõ ïðåìèé ïî õèìèè Alphabetical listing of nobel prize laureates in Chemistry. Name. Year Awarded.Alder, Kurt, 1950. altman, sidney, 1989. Anfinsen, Christian B. 1972. http://orel.rsl.ru/archiv/nob_ch.htm | |
55. People: 1939-Present Tunis, Harold, Viscount Governor-General 1946-1952 - at Camp Fortune NAC/ANC altman,sidney - Winner of the nobel Prize for Chemistry, 1989 National Research | |
56. Click Here Click Here. altman, sidney. altman, sidney american chemist and nobellaureate he received the 1989 nobel Prize for Chemistry. Back http://www.freegk.com/nobel/Altman.php | |
57. Altman CHAPEL HILL Dr. sidney altman, a molecular biologist who won the nobel Prizein chemistry in 1989 for his studies of RNA, will speak at the University of http://www.unc.edu/news/newsserv/univ/mar98/altman.html | |
58. Boston Globe Online / Table Of Contents Cech of the University of Colorado and Canadianborn sidney altman of Yale The Nobelannouncement prompted two separate champagne celebrations in Cambridge. http://www.boston.com/globe/search/stories/nobel/1989/1989i.html | |
59. Semaine Nationale De La Chimie - Articles - Autres Prix Nobel Canadiens En Chimi Translate this page 1989 - sidney altman est né à Montréal en 1939. Il a reçu son B.Sc. En 1989, leprofesseur altman obtient le Prix nobel de chimie pour sadécouverte des http://www.cheminst.ca/ncw/articles/1994_nobelwinners_f.html | |
60. Nobel Prizes In Chemistry nobel Prizes in Chemistry. This Year's nobel Prize in Chemistry Chemistry 1901. altman,sidney, USA and Canada, Yale University, New Haven, CT, * 1939; and. http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/cas/chem/acs-inorganic/Nobel.html | |
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