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61. Two UCSB Engineering Faculty Win Nobel Prizes STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) A Russian and two USbased researchers won the nobel Prizein physics Tuesday for work that In physics, zhores I. alferov of the AF http://www.engineering.ucsb.edu/Announce/nobel.html | |
62. EDUCyT #137 - 2da. Seccíon [17 De Octubre De 2000.] Translate this page el premio nobel de Física por primera vez a quienes realizaron aportes fundamentalesal desarrollo de la informática. El bielorruso zhores I. alferov, y el http://web.fcen.uba.ar/prensa/educyt/2000/ed137b.htm | |
63. Zhores I. Alferov Translate this page de outubro de 2000, 12h44min O russo zhores alferov dirige desde alferov é doutorem física e matemática pelo Instituto Volte para o especial Prêmio nobel, http://www.terra.com.br/mundo/2000/10/11/064.htm |
64. FÍSICA - 100 Anos De Nobel - Prêmios De Física Translate this page 2000 - alferov zhores - Herbert Kroemer - Jack Kilby Os dois primeirospelo desenvolvimento de heteroestruturas semicondutoras. http://www.fisica.ufc.br/donafifi/nobel100/nobel8.htm | |
65. AIXTRON - The Nobel Prize Committee ... The nobel Prize in Physics 2000 has been awarded to Germanborn Herbert Kroemer,University of Santa Barbara, US, and zhores I. alferov, AF Ioffe Physico http://www.aixtron.com/press/1018e.htm | |
66. Colegio Particular "Nuestra Señora De La Merced" Huacho - Perú - Noticias Translate this page científico y académico ruso Dr. zhores alferov, premio nobel de física delaño 2000, visite nuestro país del 2 al 9 de Noviembre del año en curso. http://www.geocities.com/lamercedhuacho/investigacion.htm | |
67. Untitled nobel Prizes in Semiconductor Science and Technology Awarded by The RoyalSwedish Academy of Sciences Prof. zhores I. alferov and Prof. http://www.geocities.com/semnews/91/nobel.html | |
68. Un Nobel Para El Deporte Translate this page El premio nobel de Física en el 2000, zhores alferov, estuvo en el Perú y se fueal Cusco, dio charlas magistrales en la UNI y el último día de su estancia http://www.clubregatas.org.pe/revista/200212/nobel .htm |
69. Palestinian-Israeli Clashes »ý¸íÀÇ, »ý¸í¿¡ °üÇÑ; (to) ¸Å¿ì Áß´ëÇÑ Russian scientistand nobel Prize winner zhores alferov passes on his good news pass on http://myhome.naver.com/leghorn/worldnews1011.htm | |
70. ABCNEWS.com : Russian, Two Americans Win Nobel zhores I. alferov of the AF Ioffe PhysicoTechnical Petersburg, alferov said, Mycolleagues and I are now A week of nobel awards started Monday with the http://abcnews.go.com/sections/science/DailyNews/nobel_physics001010.html | |
71. Terra - Cultura Y Ciencia- Libros - Premios Nobel zhores I alferov. Fecha http://cultura.terra.es/cac/libros/nobel/portada.cfm?idpersona=411&idpremio=199 |
72. Announcement Of The 2000 Nobel Prizes: Fine Library, Princeton University diodes, and integrated circuits (chips). Source Press release on the nobel Prizein Physics 2000, Swedish Academy of Sciences zhores I. alferov AF Ioffe http://www.princeton.edu/~finelib/nobel00.html | |
73. Nobel E-Museum 2000 zhores I. alferov, Herbert Kroemer, Jack S. Kilby. Find a Laureate. Searchthis site. Marie Curie was the first to receive a nobel Prize twice. http://nobel.sdsc.edu/ | |
74. CompoundSemiNews.com - The Important Industry News, As It Happens Return to Page 1. Compound Semiconductor Pioneer Herbert Kroemer from the USAand zhores alferov from Russia Share the Year 2000 nobel Prize for Physics. http://www.compoundsemi.com/news/archives/csn1012pg2.html | |
75. FIZIKAI NOBEL-DIJ - 2000 évi Fizikai nobeldíjjal azokat a tudósokat és feltalálókat díjazza, akikmunkája a modern A díj felét megosztva zhores I. alferov (AF Ioffe Fizikai http://www.kfki.hu/fszemle/archivum/fsz0102/belez.html | |
76. Techweb > News > Nobel Prize > Nobel Committee Honors Fathers Of Digital Age > O Two of the fathers of the Internet, honored with nobel prizes this Sciences also conferreda physics prize on Russian scientist zhores I. alferov, who worked http://www.techweb.com/wire/story/TWB20001012S0014 | |
77. ECE Alumni News - Winter 2000-01 - Alumnus Kilby Receives Nobel Prize engineering alumnus Jack Kilby (BSEE 47) received the 2000 nobel Prize in Kilbyshared the prize with zhores alferov and Herbert Kroemer, who developed http://www.ece.uiuc.edu/alumni/w00_01/ | |
78. The Nobel Prize In Physics 2000 The nobel Prize in Physics 2000. For developing semiconductor heterostructuresused in highspeed and opto-electronics Herbert Kroemer, zhores I. alferov. http://www.aro.army.mil/accomplish/nobel/2000npphy.htm | |
79. AldeaEducativa.com | Contenidos Y Consultas Educativas Translate this page Mechnikov, Iliá. Rusia, Fisiología y Medicina. En reconocimiento a sus trabajospioneros en inmunidad. Premio nobel de 2000. alferov, zhores I. Rusia, Física. http://www.aldeaeducativa.com/aldea/Nobel1d.asp?Which=Rusia |
80. Institute Of Physics - Media Relations The Institute of Physics is delighted that Professor zhores Ivanovich alferov, aFellow one of three physicists awarded this year's nobel Prize for http://physics.iop.org/IOP/Press/PR5300.html | |
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