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1. Zhores I. Alferov Winner Of The 2000 Nobel Prize In Physics zhores I. alferov, the 2000 nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, at the nobelPrize Internet Archive. zhores I. alferov. 2000 nobel Laureate http://almaz.com/nobel/physics/2000a.html | |
2. Index Of Nobel Laureates In Physics ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF nobel PRIZE LAUREATES IN PHYSICS. Name, Year Awarded.alferov, zhores I. 2000. Alfven, Hannes, 1970. Alvarez, Luis W. 1968. http://almaz.com/nobel/physics/alpha.html | |
3. Physics 2000 The nobel Prize in Physics 2000. for basic work on information and communicationtechnology . zhores I. alferov, Herbert Kroemer, Jack S. Kilby. http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/2000/ | |
4. Zhores I. Alferov - Autobiography zhores I. alferov Autobiography. Life goes on surprisingly fast. But thehappiest day was that of Vanya alferov's birth. From Les Prix nobel 2000. http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/2000/alferov-autobio.html | |
5. Personalities Of Saint-Petersburg - Alferov, Zhores Ivanovich Welcome to SaintPetersburg. alferov, zhores Ivanovich Full Marriedwith daughter and son. Laureat of the year 2000 nobel Prize. go http://www.ceo.spb.ru/eng/science/alferov.z.i/index.shtml | |
6. Personalities Of Saint-Petersburg - Nobel-Prizers nobelPrizers alferov zhores nobel Prize for Physics, 2000. Brodsky Joseph nobelPrize for Literature, 1987. Bunin Ivan nobel Prize for Literature, 1933. http://www.ceo.spb.ru/eng/nobel-prizers/index.shtml | |
7. REGION 8 NEWS ELECTRONIC BULLETIN February 2001 CONTENTS. 1. PROFESSOR A BILAL. 2. PROFESSOR zhores alferov SHARES nobel PRIZEIN PHYSICS. 2. PROFESSOR zhores alferov SHARES nobel PRIZE IN PHYSICS. http://www.ewh.ieee.org/reg/8/documents/BulFeb2001.html | |
8. Russian Nobel Prize Winner Zhores Alferov Russian nobel Prize Winner zhores alferov. Thurs., March 27, 6 pm. Russiannobel Prize Winner zhores alferov. Thurs., March 27, 6 pm. http://residentassociates.org/rap/russia/zhores.asp | |
9. NASB Foreign Member Zhores I. ALFYOROV (Russia) Please visit next Web pages 1. The nobel Prize in Physics 2000. Located at TheOfficial Web Site of The nobel Foundation. 2. Director zhores I. alferov. http://www.ac.by/members/academicians/alferov0.html |
10. Zhores Alferov En La UNI Translate this page PREMIO nobel DE FISICA zhores alferov LLEGARA AL PERU. El AcademicoDr. zhores alferov ganador del Premio nobel de Física, visitara http://quipu.uni.edu.pe/novedades/honoris/alferov/ | |
11. Zhores I. Alferov En La UNI Translate this page zhores I. alferov nació en VITELESK BIELORUSIA el 15 de En reconocimiento a sus investigacionesel Académico ZH alferov ha recibido Premio nobel de Física http://quipu.uni.edu.pe/novedades/honoris/alferov/biografi.htm | |
12. BBC News | EUROPE | Nobel Winner Presses For Funds Tech Russian and Americans share hitech nobel 09 Oct 00 Health Brain pioneersshare nobel prize Internet links nobel Foundation zhores alferov Jack Kilby http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/europe/newsid_967000/967006.stm | |
13. BBC News | SCI/TECH | Russian And Americans Share Hi-tech Nobel See also 09 Oct 00 Health Brain pioneers share nobel prize Internet linksJack Kilby nobel Foundation Herbert Kroemer zhores alferov The BBC is not http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_965000/965528.stm | |
14. INDEX Albert Einstein. Albrecht Wagner. alferov, zhores I. alferov, zhores I. AlfredEinstein. Alfred nobel. Andrea Ghez. Anton Zeilinger. Anzan. Arvid Carlsson. |
15. Jewish Nobel Prize Laureates - Physics Year, nobel Laureate, Country of birth. 2000, alferov, zhores I. forbasic work on information and communication technology , Russia. http://www.science.co.il/Nobel-Physics.asp | |
16. Global Energy Mr. zhores alferov, nobel Prize Winner, VicePresident of the Russian Academy ofSciences, Mr. zhores alferov, nobel Prize Winner, Vice-President of the Russian http://www.ge-prize.com/ | |
17. PhysicsWeb - Nobel Prize Goes To Semiconductor Pioneers nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded for the invention of semiconductor lasers,integrated circuits and other highspeed electronic devices. zhores alferov http://physicsweb.org/article/news/4/10/5/1 | |
18. F&P Nobel Laureates FAX (812) 247 1017 Email zhores.alferov@pop.ioffe alferov's webpage at Ioffe Physico-TechnicalInstitute in the award from the official nobel Foundation site; http://www.naukanet.org/friends/naukanet/nobel/russia.html(opt,mozilla,unix,engl | |
19. Nobel Prize Winners' List (main) 1975, SAKHAROV Andrei Dmitrievich nobel Peace Prize. 1978, KAPITSA Piotr Leonidovich- in physics. 2000, alferov zhores Ivanovich - for the development of http://hp.iitp.ru/eng/nob_main.htm | |
20. Alferov Zh.I. alferov zhores Ivanovich. Awards nobel Prize for the development of semiconductorheterostructures for optoelectronics and high speed electronics (2000 http://hp.iitp.ru/eng/00/0052.htm | |
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