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81. European Physical Society Directory: Member Organization: Society Of Mathematici european Physical Society Directory. Member Organization Society of mathematicians,Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia. WWW URL www.dnfa.si/. http://www.aps.org/eps/dir/europa/slovenia2.html | |
82. European Physical Society (EPS) Membership Form Society of mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia, Slovenia. SpanishRoyal Society of Physics, Spain. Europe. european Optical Society, France. http://www.eps.org/info/membership_societies.html | |
83. Famous Mathematicians Of Guildford Region - - Time - - Person or Topic - Ahmes, Ancient Egyptian Fractions Euclid, His Works and Influences http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/R.Knott/mathematicians.html | |
84. European Birthplaces Instead of the map below, you can see a map showing only coastlines, rivers, etc. Click on a country below to see the mathematicians born there. Index History Topics Index Famous curves index Chronologies mathematicians of the day Search Form Simple Search Form http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/SensitiveMap/Euro_Map.html | |
85. Muslim Scientists And Islamic Civilization Extensive information resource on Muslim contributions to science, mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy Category Society Religion and Spirituality Islam Science in Islam......MUSLIM SCIENTISTS AND ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION Scientific ContributionsBefore european Renaissance, 700 1500 CE. The material linked http://cyberistan.org/islamic/ | |
86. About "Muslim Scientists, Mathematicians And Astronomers Before European Renaiss Muslim Scientists, mathematicians and Astronomers before EuropeanRenaissance, 7001500 CE. Library Home Full Table of Contents http://mathforum.org/library/view/12096.html | |
87. Al-K exists that advances in algebra and number theory attributed to Renaissance Europeanmathematicians were discovered earlier by Islamic mathematicians.). http://members.fortunecity.com/jonhays/al-K.htm | |
88. Features_84_mezzetti roots of the EWM reside in discussions that took place among a small group of Europeanwomen during the 1986 International Congress of mathematicians at the http://www.ictp.trieste.it/~sci_info/News_from_ICTP/News_84/features_Mezzetti.ht | |
89. ECMI Information Industrial mathematicians to meet the growing demand for such experts WithinEuropean industry, there is a shortage of industrial mathematicians who are http://www.indmath.uni-linz.ac.at/ind/ecmi.html | |
90. ZDNN News Millennium Special ZDNN team. Stories of the Millennium. 1202, Base Numbers Base numbers wow Europeanmathematicians. 1455, Printing Press Gutenberg machine creates books. http://www.zdnet.co.uk/athome/feature/1999/xmas/news/ | |
91. History Of Mathematics @ SFU Research project by the students in the department of Mathematics. Includes region, timeline, people Category Reference Education Simon Fraser University Research...... Region -, - Time -, - Person or Topic -. Egypt. 1600s BC, Ahmes, Ancient EgyptianFractions. China, 200s BC, Remainder Problem. Master Sun. 100s BC, Jiuzhang Suanshu. http://www.math.sfu.ca/histmath/ | |
92. Optnet.itwm.fhg.de/opt-net/documents/v95w28n4 nominations. From the letter The prizes will be awarded to young Europeanmathematicians in recognition of an outstanding work. The http://optnet.itwm.fhg.de/opt-net/documents/v95w28n4 | |
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