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41. The Science Bookstore - Chronology 190 AD, chinese mathematicians calculated pi to five decimal places.271 AD, chinese mathematicians invented the magnetic compass. Boethius http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?searchstring=Math |
42. The Science Bookstore - Chronology 190 AD, chinese mathematicians calculated pi to five decimal places.200 271 AD, chinese mathematicians invented the magnetic compass. 415 http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp | |
43. News Center Of Peking University ? News Center Academic Focus News Center of Peking University. ?. News Center Academic Focus.Related News Two chinese mathematicians Honored. 200211-05. Two http://www.pku.edu.cn/cgi-bin/bigate.cgi/b/g/g/http@pkunews.pku.edu.cn/enc/news/ | |
44. History Of Science And Technology : Timeline 190 chinese mathematicians calculated pi to five decimal places.271 - chinese mathematicians invented the magnetic compass. 415 http://www.crimsonbird.com/science/timeline.htm | |
45. Mathematicians Italian Mathematicians. chinese mathematicians. http://www.ramona.k12.ca.us/rhs/rhslmc/math/mathematicians.htm | |
46. TU-Berlin China Study Group Therefore, chinese mathematicians began to be familiar with the modern symbolicalgebra, calculus and some other branches of Western mathematics. http://station7.kgw.tu-berlin.de/english/abstracts/TianM.html | |
47. Morningside Asia | About Us | Philanthropy Center, located in Beijing and housed within the Chinese Academy of Science, promotesintellectual exchanges between young chinese mathematicians and acclaimed http://www.morningside.com/EN/philanthropy.html | |
48. CMPS: Recent Awards 2001 Morningside Silver Medal, International Congress of chinese mathematicians. Nau,Dana, CS/UMIACS. Chern Prize, International Congress of chinese mathematicians. http://www.cmps.umd.edu/recent_awards.htm | |
49. On Campus News If you were to count the expatriate chinese mathematicians working just in Canada,youd have a mathematics community comparable in research strength to http://www.usask.ca/communications/ocn/Sept17-99/research.html | |
50. BACK Posted 21.9.1999 By Kathryn Warden If you were to count the expatriate chinese mathematicians working just in Canada,you'd have a mathematics community comparable in research strength to what http://www.usask.ca/research/news/937895331.shtml | |
51. Workshop On Scientific Computing, 2001 Information http//www.comp.hkbu.edu.hk/~icwaa01/; The Second International Congressof chinese mathematicians. December 1722, 2001, The Grand Hotel, Taipei. http://www.math.cuhk.edu.hk/conference/dec2001/ | |
52. Untitled Since its beginning, famous chinese mathematicians Hua Lookeng, Wu Wen-tsun, WangYuan, Yang Lo, Chang Kung-ching and Chen Jing-run had been its chief editors http://cauchy.math.udel.edu/cmath/bb/bbs/4.html | |
53. English--People Siamese Twin Boys Separated. ·Poster Girl Grows Up. ·Two chinese mathematiciansHonored. ·The Story of China's FM Spokeswoman. ·'I'm Still a Silly Girl'. http://www.cnitv.com/mayavod/English/people/ | |
54. Www.calink.org/nr/English/1996/5013 of lines 1. Announcement from NSFC of The First Conference of Young chinese mathematiciansin North America .52 2. The http://www.calink.org/nr/English/1996/5013 | |
55. Recent Faculty Research Prizes At the Second International Congress of chinese mathematicians in Taipei inDecember, 2001, Sijue Wu was awarded the 2001 Morningside Silver Medal in http://www.math.umd.edu/research/maryland/prizes.shtml | |
56. Network Of Emerging Scientists, NESD #1060.J40 Imported chinese mathematicians may force American Ph.Ds to resort to teaching highschool, but workers nationwide may find their productivity and wages rising http://psyche.uthct.edu/nes/1996/oct/nesd1060j40.html | |
57. When Is A Triangle Not A Triangle chinese mathematicians used similar techniques to calculate terrestrial and celestialdistances, including the distance to the ends of the earth and the http://www.cityu.edu.hk/ccs/Newsletter/newsletter5/Triangle.htm | |
58. Differential Geometry Authors/titles Apr 2002 flow in higher codimension Authors MuTao Wang Comments To appear in the proceedingsof International Congress of chinese mathematicians 2001 Subj-class http://arxiv.org/list/math.DG/0204 | |
59. Chinese Problems and solutions are presented in the text, and since the answers can be difficultto understand, different chinese mathematicians over the years have http://www.deltacollege.org/dept/basicmath/Chinese.htm | |
60. News & Views - Two Mathematicians Awarded Fields Medal Prize (8/20/2002) More than 2,000 foreign mathematicians and over 1,000 chinese mathematiciansattended this academic gathering, which is held every four years. http://www.chinahouston.org/news/2002820120423.html | |
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