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81. Great Mathematicians: Recommended Reading: Science And Technology Department: Ca buffalo.edu/mad/mad0.html This is a list of important african American mathematicianscompiled by the Math Department at the University of New York at Buffalo. http://www.clpgh.org/locations/scitech/reading/mathematicians.html | |
82. Links To Other Mathematics Pages mathematicians of the african Diaspora A site about african American mathematiciansmaintained by Dr. Scott W. Williams, University of Buffalo, USA. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/External/external_links.html | |
83. NCSU Libraries Logo Home Services Research Resources About Papers Project (Stanford University) mathematicians of the african Diaspora (Universityof Buffalo Real african American Heroes (Famous african Americans in http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/aarr/websites.html | |
84. 1995 Conference For African American Researchers In The Mathematical Sciences, J Announcements of related events; 1995 Conference for african American Researchersin the supplied for Conference; Personal stories by/about mathematicians on the http://www.wam.umd.edu/~rlj/aarms.html | |
85. Mathematicians african Americans in Mathematics. Important mathematicians. Research Projecton Famous mathematicians. mathematicians of the african Diaspora. http://www.bush.edu/library/Class pages/6th grade math.htm | |
86. Potamus Place: Mathematicians Pathfinder Profiled here are african American men and women who have contributed to the advancementof science and engineering, including mathematicians and computer http://www.potamusplace.net/mathpath.shtml | |
87. RensSearch: Minority Groups In Science And Technology mathematicians of the african Diaspora organizes current and historicalinformation about african and african American mathematicians. http://www.lib.rpi.edu/dept/library/html/resources/courses/minorsci.htm | |
88. Kids --- Biographies The Faces of Science african Americans in the Sciences engineers, entomologists,geneticists, geologists, inventors, mathematicians, medical, meteorologists http://oceancounty.lib.nj.us/Kids/biographies.htm | |
89. BCLS - Biographies OF THE 20TH CENTURY an alphabetical listing of 42 african Americans including OFBIOGRAPHIES -includes an alphabetical index of mathematicians, a chronlogical http://www.baycountylibrary.org/TeenPage/biographies.htm | |
90. AT-NET Bulletin 89 84, 2) January 2431, 2000, Fifth Pan african Congress of mathematicians (PACOM'2000)and Pan african Mathematics, University of Western Cape in South Africa. http://www.mi.uni-erlangen.de/at-net/BULL/bull89.html | |
91. Euclid's Elements, Leonardo Fibonacci, Chemistry, Black African Mathematicians, The african mathematician, Euclid, influenced my work more than any otherperson. The african mathematician Fibonnaci also influenced my work. http://emeagwali.com/interviews/Guardian/5.html | |
92. The Faces Of Science: African Americans In The Sciences. Biographies of african Americans working in the science fields, ranging from geologists and astronomers Category Kids and Teens People and Society africanAmerican...... african American chemists, biologists, inventors, engineers, and mathematicianshave contributed in both large and small ways that can be overlooked when http://www.princeton.edu/~mcbrown/display/faces.html | |
93. African And African-American Mathematics B l a c k M a t h e m a t i c i a n s A Celebration of african and africanAmerican Mathematical Achievements http://www.barzilai.org/bm |
94. African And African-American Mathematics http://barzilai.org/bm/ |
95. Ask Jeeves: Search Results For "African Americans In Mathematics" Popular Web Sites for african Americans In Mathematics . Search Sciences.The Faces of Science african Americans in the Sciences. http://webster.directhit.com/webster/search.aspx?qry=African Americans In Mathem |
96. Mathematician/Scientist Links mathematicians/Scientists. The names below are possible candidatesfor research for the second quarter interdisciplinary project http://www.rialto.k12.ca.us/frisbie/mathematicians.html | |
97. General Resources On The Web african and Multicultural Mathematics Books, Articles, Videos. Student Comments onGuest Lecture. african Mathematical Union. Articles Reproduced Online http://www.barzilai.org/bm/full-index.html | |
98. CAARMS DESCRIPTION The difficulty of doing this is compounded for many african American mathematiciansby the fact that they are frequently isolated in their home environments. http://www.math.umd.edu/~rlj/fineddrft.html | |
99. African American Studies Toolkit: Math & Science This site explores the song and it's relationship to astronomy. Mathematiciansof the african Diaspora http//www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/index.html. http://creativefolk.com/toolkit/mathscience.html | |
100. Department Of Mathematics - Careers interlibrary loan. It contains research papers of africanamerican mathematiciansas well as brief biographies in the back. After the http://math.colgate.edu/careers.html | |
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