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Value Of Pi: more books (100) | ||||||||
61. Sci.math FAQ: Indiana Bill Sets Value Of Pi To 3 sci.math FAQ Indiana Bill sets value of pi to 3. 246, Indiana State Legislature,1897, reportedly set the value of pi to an incorrect rational approximation. http://www.uni-giessen.de/faq/archiv/sci-math-faq.indianabill/msg00000.html | |
62. DarkBASIC Professional :: Forums Program Announcements :: Coming Soon : Get The Program Announcements Coming Soon Get the value of pi, Yes get the valueof PI (3.14159265358979) into your programs Good news everyone! http://www.darkbasicpro.com/apollo/view.php?t=3711&b=5 |
63. Calculating Pi :: The Open Source Project For Calculating Pi. An open source endeavor for the calculation of this constant. Describes the project, the implemented Category Science Math Recreations Specific Numbers Pi...... The average when divided by the diameter of the circle gives the approximatevalue of pi. This program does NOT calculate the value of pi. http://projectpi.sourceforge.net/ | |
64. Buffon's Needle The remarkable result is that the probability is directly related to the valueof pi. This estimate is correct to within 2/1000 of the book value of pi. http://www.mste.uiuc.edu/reese/buffon/buffon.html | |
65. Lady Pi He took the value of pi expressed in binary, which begins 11.001001000011111101101010100010001000010110100011000010001101001100010011 http://users.aol.com/s6sj7gt/ladypi.htm | |
66. Value Of PI Here is the value of pi to its 150 digit precision 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862 http://freewebhosting.hostdepartment.com/h/hmikell/pi.html | |
67. ClipX - Turbo Pascal - PI Predefined value of pi pp 48 Define Pi is predefined as 3.1415926535 E+00.Purpose Standard mathematical expression. Notes Pi is Type Real. http://www.clipx.net/ng/pascal/ng2e565.php | |
68. E-Skeptic - 18 May, 98 - Legislating The Value Of Pi, Final Week Before The Skep Legislating The value of pi, Final Week Before The Skeptics Conference,More On Van Praagh. © 1998 Legislating The value of pi. Does http://www.e-skeptic.de/180598A.HTM | |
69. Www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3091.txt PIgen multicast clients build up a coherent value of pi by listeningto the multicast group over time. The randomly selected digit http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3091.txt |
70. Freshmeat.net: Project Details For Calculating Pi Archimedes Calculates the value of pi using Archimedes' Method. ArctanFormula Calculates the value of pi using arctan formulae. http://freshmeat.net/projects/projectpi/ | |
71. Pi In The Sky leading to an apex height of 146.71 metres, and thus a ratio of base to height of1.5701, which is within 99.96 per cent of the true value of pi/2. Some have http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/rajm/pinature.htm | |
72. Untitled in another posting in this thread, takes each mathematical statement in the billat face value and derives a value of pi by comparing it to the truth. http://www.math.byu.edu/~lfrancis/tim's-page/indiana-pi.html | |
73. Montshire Museum: 3.141592... WOOOOOOH! So far, computers have expressed the value of pi to billions of decimalplaces. Tuesday, But his method didn't express the value of pi exactly. http://www.montshire.net/minute/mm990301.html | |
74. InformIT - Show Comments FEB 11, 2002 090247 AM, value of pi Save by dbellis. The value for pi, forexample, is approximately 3.1459 Oops. It's really approximately 3.14159 http://www.informit.com/isapi/postid~{748ECD74-E246-4351-BB0E-D1232A922DDC}/st~{ | |
75. The Pi Trivia Game compass to construct a square equal in area to a given circle construct a squarethat perfectly circumscribes a circle determine the value of pi squared draw a http://eveander.com/~eveander/trivia/ | |
76. Pyxia IBasic SAQ 8 Calculate the value of pi Joey 06/02/02 This is the oldfashionedway to iteratively calculate the value of pi . joey code http://www.web-helper.net/PyxiaSAQ/ViewArticle.asp?8 |
77. How To Get Close To Exact Value Of Pi ? next up previous Next Exercises Up Discovering and computing PreviousCircumference and Area How to get close to exact value of pi ? http://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~daddel/Math_Hist/Projects/LESSONS/LESSONS_07/MATH_H |
78. The Most Useless Pi Algorithm I used the value of pi from Project Gutenberg, with N=1250000 digits.The way to tell if two numbers are coprime is by the Euler method. http://www.cacr.caltech.edu/~roy/upi/ | |
79. Pseudorandom Number Sequence Test Program Monte Carlo value for Pi is 3.169834647 (error 0.90 percent). Serial Thepercentage of hits can be used to calculate the value of pi. For http://www.fourmilab.ch/random/ | |
80. The Value Of Pi To 50,000 Decimal Places. The current record for the value of pi is Pi to approximately 5 billiondecimal places. Thats 5,000,000,000,000. And thats a lot of Zeros. http://members.tripod.com/~ACJT/pi.html | |
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